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Posts posted by anjum

  1. I have a feeling this voting is a bit rigged...but whatever. We're voting for the least favorite song, right? How on earth do In Between and Valentine's Day not have more votes? I always thought 90% of people on Lplive hated In Between. Well, whatever. I vote for Valentine's Day.

    You are so.........!!!!


    VD was eliminated a long time ago...........


    My votes is In Peices.

    Little things FOREVA!!!

  2. Best LP year FTW!!!!!! And all this when untill some months ago when we thought that LP wouldnt even release their new album this year.


    And i want demos of never heard before songs. And if PTB is an indication of what's about to come. THEN YEAH!!!!! BRING IT ON MUTHAFUCKERS!!!!! Lol sorry!! Haha!! I would totally want that full song from Making of meteroa: "Thoughts that take away my pride"!!!

  3. Omg :o 60 $ x 12 --------- 720 $ x 50 [ INR] ---------- 36 , 000 rs IM dead !!!!!!!!!!!! bang!!!!!! bang!!!!!!!!!!!Posted Image


    my parents will kill me and lp cd's :(

    Why did you multiply it with 12?? $60 is for a year and not a month. So precisely it comes out to be 60x46.6= Rs. 2800

  4. I dunno if this has been asked yet but is there any ruff dates when the A Decade Underground is out and then when the LPUX Cd is out?

    ADU is already out now. You get it when you order LPUX. There won't be a physical CD for it. IMO.

    And as of now, there is no word on the release date for the ACTUAL LPUX CD. LPU changes in october, so i guess it would release then or later.




    Weird it may sound, but I'm a lil bit more stoked for LPUX than for ATS. LOL.

  5. And obviously, the reason I'm here is because I want to hear your thoughts on stuff. We really do want to make your experiences better. I'm not asking everyone to agree with this move. If you don't agree with it, I understand. I'll still be here to listen to YOU because you guys deserve that and I promise I do bring up YOUR opinions and views on everything we do. Thanks for the support throughout the years, and I really hope this is the start of the best version of LPU yet.

    Weird. Reading this somehow made me feel that this was written by Mike & not Adam. I don't know why, but i just felt that.


    This $60 - is this per person, and do we have to complain to get it? :P


  6. Singles generally are the worst(shallowest) songs on albums because they have to cater to the general population.

    Agreed with your point on singles. I mostly tend to dislike/hate singles after some time.


    Now with all the Mike singing, Chester (kinda) rapping, I wouldn't be surpised if Mike is screaming his ass off in this album :P

    That is the only swapping now that mike n chaz have left. Let's see. I seriously wish to hear a scream from mike.


    The screams kind of dissappointed me somehow, it just sounds like an angry person screaming, as if anyone could do it.

    Give it a try & upload it's mp3 here.


    omg that was SICK. I think Phoenix should burp at the end of blackout. seriously.



    Oh my god that sounded amazing!!

    My jaw literally dropped. There are people staring at me in the mall right now! :)

    Mine too. Even after 5 mins, i was like FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!! OMG!!!!!!

  7. Anything close to how great lpu 9 was would be awesome. Hopefully unreleased tracks from the meteora time period.

    Its so refreshing to see you write something positive.

    Oh Man!! I can't believe i read whole 12 pages. Whoa!! I am free. Thnks Jay. The song is awesome!!! I love it. I am on my 10th listen. Thnks to the one who posted the lyrics also. And yes....I don't have 60 bucks. So all of you....FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! LOL!!


    First of all, relax. You're really overreacting in this thread.

    I know that stuff you shared didn't cost 60$ but still. Other people also paid for it and maybe they wanted it to stay exclusive just like you do right now.

    Anyway, do you REALLY believe that it won't leak?

    Oh, and btw - I CAN afford it. I just don't think it's worth of 60$.

    She Couldn't anyone?? Hell! THAT was exclusive. And it was shared here only.


    Hide the song anywhere you want.

    Never share it with anyone. dont even listen it out loud. any one wight hear it.


    But there are more exclusive things you are getting with the membership. like Exclusive videos and countless things. which the non LPU members dont wana have because they have the dignity to be happy in what the can afford but. if you guys dont even wana share a mp3. its totally cool.


    i am sorry, but i wanted to share my views about this.

    you can ban me if you want.

    Dude! You said nothing which could get you banned.

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