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Posts posted by anjum

  1. Hmmm...thanks.....waiting for Astat's reply.


    It is an emergency because I have been sorting out my LP folder since the last few days as i have to make a backup of my harddrive ASAP. ;)


    @ Hawk: Yeah it's papercut but it isn't the album version and doesnt seem like a live version also. That's why i am confused........

  2. I found this mp3 on my hardrive today in HT demos folder. But as far as i know, papercut has no demo. And this also doesnt seem like a live song. Can anyone help me & tellwhat is this. I need to know ASAP.


    Link : REMOVED


    Edit: Thanks leftshoe for reminding me that its official stuff.

  3. I know what the best song will be...


    15. "The Messenger

    14. "The Catalyst"

    13. "Fallout"

    12. "Iridescent"

    11. "Wisdom, Justice, and Love"

    10. "Wretches and Kings"

    9. "Blackout"

    8. "Waiting for the End"

    7. "Jornada Del Muerto"

    6. "Robot Boy"

    5. "When They Come for Me"

    4. "Empty Spaces"

    3. "Burning in the Skies"

    2. "The Radiance"

    1. "The Requiem"

    Ladies & Gentlemen....Soon we will have a Legend(ary) post telling us how much he loves DeepestBlue. :D

  4. lyrically it is the same thing they did 3 time before this. making something soun electric does not mean you are adding deep to it. i listen to music for emotional connect but linkinp ark struggle wtih this. music should mean something and mean you are trying to say something and using music as a means to make it, linkin park lately have no statement to make


    here this is better wording of what ia trying tos ay. linkin park have not expand ot try and makes more difficult melodies or lyrics they may go in different direction btu teyh push heavy sound thick layread and can't do it live. iw ant real music iwth soul and meaning not this computierized stuff you know? they can do it but htey arent


    OH GOD!! Please read your posts 10 times before posting them. The spelling mistakes in them are making me suffer through a headache. And BTW "Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?" is a very deep line.....

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