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Posts posted by Stranger

  1. Chat summary from MikeShinodaClan.com


    Brad just chatted with LPUers about, we have the chat summary below:

    – They’re still working on setlists for the upcoming tour.
    – Brad had blonde hair in high school, and straight hair.
    – Favourite Metallica song: he has lots, …And Justice For All, and Master of Puppets are his favourite albums and a little Kill ‘em All.
    – If he had to take one thing from Africa he’d chose friendship.
    – Little baby was his first nickname.
    – Most difficult to play from Hybrid Theory, he said that they had to refresh on Forgotten, By Myself, Pushing Me Away for Download Festival. He said it was a fun show, and more challenging, after a while the on tour he doenst have to think about what he’s playing, it flows.
    – On Steve Aoki: Steve is super talented and creative and they’ve been really lucky to work with him, he’s a super nice guy and super smart.
    – With Jacob Dylan he played: a Sam Cooke cover, and “I Think It’s Gonna Rain”
    – He used to work at the Roxy and Whiskey
    – He’s looking forward to playing with a lot of different groups at festivals, he’s looking forward to going to China and Mexico.Says it’s gonna be a fun summer.
    – Tour with System Of A Down? They like the band and are friends with them, if the opportunity came they’d like to tour with them.
    – He used to love Nintendo, he loves Mario, Legend of Zelda and Mike Tyson Punch Out
    – He doesn’t have any tattoos but he is a fan of tattoos.
    – Favourite Music For Relief event – they’ve just announced a partnership with Wildcoast, who do wildlife restoration work. He hopes the fans will get involved with MFR projects.
    – Favourite song from The Hunting Party: Mark The Graves, the words and the music. He says THP was fun to make and is fun to play live. They had amazing collaborations on the album.
    – He mentioned pre-Hybrid Theory songs include Reading My Eyes, Fuse, Spark Marker(? might be a joke)
    – What inspired Brad to do music as a career: he didn’t think over it as a career, he just loves playing music, he got his first guitar at 12, and has played ever since.
    – Favourite movie: comedy – Coming To America.
    – They’re lucky to have big shows all around the world .
    – Favourite book: War and Peace, he read it when he was younger.
    – Best thing about playing shows: being able to share our music with people directly, with just them and their fans who give them so much energy and sing back. They’re grateful for people who support the band over the years.


    Source: http://mikeshinodaclan.com/2015/04/chat-summary-brad-delson-lpu-chat-20042015/


    You can get a usual DAP software, arange some samples and record some autotuned vocals. Not a big thing. Sadly, I don't have a big name so no one would care...

    And just to make it clear: I can't create a Meteora or LT or HT but a generic dance track like this should not be too challenging. Waste of time.

    Well, if you think you can do better than that, why not? Doesnt matter if you don't have big name or not. Prove it, dont just talk.

  3. It's so fucking frustrating to have been a fan of Linkin Park for such a long time and read these comments. Not just in this thread about this particular song, but in almost every thread with new music in it.


    Linkin Park tried so hard to break out of the nu-metal stigma in 2007 and they did. But somehow, they've still managed to keep these fans who only accept the first few albums and consider everything else to be shit. 8 years later and you still read these comments.


    I personally get extremely offended when I go on a website that is supposed to be a ''fan-site'' and have to read comments by the creator of the site that this is ''downright garbage'' just because he doesn't like it. Music is fucking subjective. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that someone as doesn't.


    I happen to really enjoy this song. Mike and Chester did a great job and I enjoy both of the collaborations they have done with Steve Aoki. I wish they would do more with Steve, to be honest.


    Linkin Park is a band that isn't afraid to take chances and expand themselves and I love that about them. I just don't love the fact that there are still these type of people that are fans of the band. If you don't like it, that's fine. But you don't need to say that it's ''downright garbage'' just because it's not something that you personally enjoy. It just seems weird to see someone who is the creator of a fan-site for Linkin Park saying that.

    i'm with you Geki. 👍🏼

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