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Posts posted by Stranger

  1. He's addressing it as an "archive" so I don't think these are new (though I may be wrong), but I don't think we've ever seen these before (probably still wrong). Nice find nonetheless!


    Oh yaa, sorry not to type on the main post as "Archive". I think that's the earlier concept cover for FM.

  2. Hey guys. I was searching for a Fort Minor archive on Google and I found this artwork. He has alternate artwork for Fort Minor and Linkin Park.

    Note: All of this artwork is in his "Archive" link.






    Also, there's various LP art for Minutes to Midnight.






    Source: http://frankmaddocks.com/


    Thanks to lpliveusername for the links.



    Artwork (Minutes To Midnight)

    Linkin Park Archive (HT, HT promotion, Meteora Tour, LIT, Collision Course, RTR, PR 08, SFTU, LPU 9.0)


    Fort Minor

    Minutes To Midnight

    A Thousand Suns

    LP Underground 11

    LP Underground 12


  3. Not sure if this was the case for anybody else, but my download of Jeff Makes Observations had a very noticeable glitch at about the 57 second mark - the track essentially skips backwards by almost exactly a second. I've managed to correct this glitch, if it's something on iTunes' end and doesn't end up being fixed, I'd gladly share the corrected version with anyone who needs it. Obviously a "wait and see" type thing at this point though, I'm not about to post an official track without it being approved first, but if it ends up being an issue that doesn't get fixed, I think it'd be worth making an exception for. Anybody else's copy of this song have the same problem?


    Yeah, i noticed that too. i thought they did it on purpose. must wait the iTunes version.

  4. COFFEE probably the demo name for "Keys to the Kingdom". The multitrack inside the folder is the intro sound of the KTTK.


    Edit: My fav. will be SUSHI and Brazil. Someone should create a song based on that multitrack.

  5. As I recall, there were claims that the album was supposedly due for release via Warner in the FALL as well.

    I'm gonna take this with a grain of salt and view it as nothing more than a rumor until its officially announced.


    Not rumor, Joe said it to one of the LPU member during M&G. Well, you should just wait for the official announcement than asking right here.

  6. Really unrespectful what some writing here. I don't know any band who gives some of their demos to the fans. You even haven't be in the lpu to hear these demos and then there is such a complaning about the missing of vocals. I don't get it.


    Agree with this.

  7. Honestly, what good live tracks could they even put on the CD unless it's something really old and rare? The only live track I'd want would be My Own Summer live from PR 2002, and that's actually something realistic.


    Me too! I love "My Own Summer". The only rip we've got only on YouTube (extracted from live footage i assume)

  8. One of the user from VK.com posted the tracklist for LPU XIV.


    1. Wires [2014 DEMO]
    2. Charges Around [2002 DEMO]
    3. Through The Desert [2006 DEMO]
    4. All For Nothing [2013 DEMO]
    5. Promises [iN BETWEEN DEMO]
    6. Tears From The Past [2011 DEMO]
    7. Long Song [2003 DEMO]
    8. Decomposition [2013 DEMO]
    9. Carousel [1999 DEMO]
    10.The Eternal Path [2010 DEMO]

    Not sure if it's legit or not but Linkin Park France just posted an updates (on their Facebook page) which is they played a song during M&G at Vienna and managed to "grab" the song. You can check the original post here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=834106619974951&id=115304495188504

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