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Everything posted by Stranger

  1. i think youtuber’s Nik Nocturnal, always compliment band like LP & BMTH for mastering of creating banger chorus, bridge, hook, etc. songs that people can sing-a-long, enjoy.
  2. nothing silly about rer-elease an album as deluxe version. they did it all the way back in Hybrid Theory days with the same artwork, slaps "Special Edition" and add 2 new songs + live tracks. that's how label works. buying power is in your hand.
  3. Zine version is one of the best purchase i've ever made! 💯 i'm glad im not the only one who not a vinyl fan. 😂 i love vinyl, looks great as collection but it doesnt catch my attention. but yeah, gonna pre-order the cd soon! hope you manage to get yours too!
  4. no worries! i'm sure it will be available in stores for long period (just look at the FROM ZERO ZINE EDITION 😂), it still available till now.
  5. there's 2 version for CDs. the Standard version will be available everywhere. the expanded version only from LinkinPark.com Standard: From Zero (Deluxe Edition) 2CD is a limited pressing. It features a 4-panel softpak packaging with 16-page booklet and two compact discs.* Expanded: From Zero (Deluxe Edition) Expanded 2CD is a limited pressing exclusive to the official Linkin Park music stores. It features a custom printed O-card housing a 4-panel softpak CD with an expanded 24-page booklet and two compact discs in printed inner sleeves.*
  6. not sure if it's glitch or not but both CD version (Standard & Expanded) is the same price $19.98. Standard: https://linkinpark.warnerrecords.com/en/linkin-park/music/from-zero-deluxe-edition-2cd/093624834908.html Expanded (Store Exclusive): https://linkinpark.warnerrecords.com/en/linkin-park/music/from-zero-deluxe-edition-expanded-2cd/093624833468.html
  7. From Mike's tweet: "Up From The Bottom is here. In between tours, the band got together at my studio. As we listened to demos, everyone kinda agreed we didn’t have the song we needed. As we talked, I scribbled notes. When everyone went home, I started piecing things together at the piano. For days, I obsessively pulled at threads of unclear ideas, until a special one began to reveal itself. One of the most satisfying things I get to experience is the moment when I play a new song for my band—knowing it’s unfinished, but confident it’s going to be special. A huge thank you to my bandmates for their ideas, inspiration, and stellar performances on this one—and to @joehahnLP for yet another insane video." https://x.com/mikeshinoda/status/1905401927078404164
  8. finally, official reveal of the (possible) cover art! (from linkinpark.com)
  9. hahaha, never ending tour. it’s true tho. But if im not mistaken, Moon Music originally the part 2 of MOTS. But they changed the album name. Hence, that’s why they still touring under MOTS tour.
  10. interesting take. if this gonna be BIG single, having a music video is the logical thing to do. maybe they did a MV shoot during their recent shows. ps: this song really sounds like "Asbestos" from LPU12, the fast paced song.
  11. reminds me of System of A Down's Hypnotize/Mesmerize and Metallica's Load/ReLoad. not sure if this is true but on Genius it someone state the release will be on March 28th. "“Up From the Bottom” song is a single, which is scheduled for release on March 28th."
  12. typical mindset when female lead vocal will always be compared to Paramore. hell, even Paramore doesnt sound Paramore (like they used to), they're even better now. agree with you, their recent album is one of their best work yet.
  13. "Crawling" in the setlist is like a "tribute to Chester moment", so the band let the crowd sing most of the song, just like how they did "Numb" during Chester tribute shows back in 2017. this thing started when the FROM ZERO Livestream and Mike clearly said to the crowd, "in the role of Chester Bennington is each of you" and they carry it on since then.
  14. found the full version of Reddit.
  15. Sorry to break it to you, but it's totally the opposite. OMS was disaster. people listen back to LP because of From Zero releases.
  16. it works fine for me. maybe the site is blocked on your side/end. it's okay, here's another link. https://www.mediafire.com/file/fj7pbu5qcp9x6eq/Mike+Shinoda+-+Live+at+Amoeba+Records+EP.zip/file
  17. no worries man! forgot that i'm the one who ripped it few years back. 😅 this intimate show really special.
  18. sorry, i wasnt noticed this posting earlier. here's the new link for you: https://dbree.org/v/156679
  19. it's the opposite for me. MTM was bashed heavily because the lacks of rapping. that's what fans noticed at the first place. it's huge contrast between Meteora & MTM. yes, rock loud music still there in MTM but rap verse it's like the missing ingredients. "the lack of Mike rapping what makes MTM boring, try to make solid rock record but failed attempt", i remember i read somewhere bout the music blogger back in the days commenting bout it.
  20. totally agree. just like this track. the scratch on the outro. damn.
  21. idk man, but i fkin love Ethan mixes. "HT Live at Download 2014 "is sick! i mean, why should i listen to crowd cheering/singing louder than the song itself? i only accept that crowd cheer if i'm watching the video performances.
  22. hoping for 2026 tour. if they're still active touring unless they're back in the studio working for new materials.
  23. they just made a correction for the pre-sale dates https://x.com/linkinpark/status/1861319287849525457
  24. anyone have problems with LPU site? tried to renew but the button/link under "Update Billing Address" is stuck/loading. it's pretty sucks that i've tried it many times before and still bugging. now my membership has expired, not sure if i still got my "Legacy" status. pretty bump
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