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Everything posted by linkindaniel

  1. i'm still waiting for HIT THE FLOOR. XD
  2. pretty sweet . i hope they come to baltimore and i'll totally buy that DSP
  3. Continuing with the lyrics Everyday reminded how much I hate it Weighted against the consequences
  4. XD lol that is funny! it aint metal but ATS is a good album IMO
  5. mike's studio owns my fl studio 9 !
  6. LP 2008 FTW and LP 2010 looks sweet!
  7. mikes voice on the radiance O_O great performance by LP in brazil! joes hair new divide was awesome . best ND performance ever!
  8. here's a youtube link of the vid if any u guys want see it: REMOVED p.s its 360 p Mod Note - The video has a download link to the video in the description, which is a violation of the LPL terms
  9. that setlist was the shit! i miss POA though
  10. if i post more comments will i stop being rick rubin? XD i wanna be mike shinoda!
  11. yeah it sure was XD lol JK
  12. do you really hate numb? if you dont mind me asking?
  13. is there a twitter site i can go to ?
  14. the concert seems cool but i thnk they played BIO too fast
  15. anybody know the next song in the setlist
  16. lol why does my status say rick rubin
  17. i wish i was in argentina LOL
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