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Everything posted by Megnus

  1. This was my first Meet and Greet with the band. Do you have a recording of the show? Remember Chester talked to me from stage when In The End was about to start.
  2. did anybody record it? cant find it anywhere anymore
  3. what are you guys talking about. OML is one of my favorite albums of all time!
  4. Me too! I feel just like you guys. Linkin Park is basically a HUGE part of my life. And it's so nice too see that there are more people like me out there. Cause here in my town I was that guy. . The linkin park guy. haha.
  5. If I were them, I wouldn't even start thinking about this issue until maybe next year. It's all too soon, and it's no point in starting to speculate what the future is.
  6. This is surreal. I Can't believe it. My hero is gone
  7. Yes it was Btw. The feeling when Chester Bennington grabs your hand while looking into your eyes and screams "shut up when I'm talking to you" and the distance between you and him is just his microphone... That feeling! Can't wait for the youtube videos to pop up! Heading to HK for the LPU summit tomorrow . Good times
  8. Depends. If I don't get to the very front, I can do it! If im at the front, Im gonna rock out, and stay away from the phone!
  9. Depends. If I don't get to the very front, I can do it!
  10. The typhoon just missed the city. So lucky! Cant wait for tonight. Just moved to manila, and then Linkin Park comes! Nice welcoming gift for sure.
  11. This setlist absolutely rocked! And the band is in great shape. Awesome performance!!
  12. I highly doubt anything would pop up in Norway, but if there is, I am here to help
  13. Anybody got a ticket for sale? Really want to go to RaR!
  14. wow. Really wan't that breaking the habit thingy!
  15. this is the 5th show I'm attending, and I've never got a M&G Is there someone I can contact to explain and maybe get a spot? The show is in Arendal, Norway tomorrow.
  16. I'm happy about this
  17. it's sooo hard to choose songs. Ended up with Papercut, Easier to Run and Breaking the Habit.
  18. Cool video
  19. Looking forward to finally see them play in Norway! Hoping for A Place For My Head!
  20. would love more old tracks! But the new is great too. But a place for mye head is something else. It need to be played more!
  21. You guys are the best! Congrats
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