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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Don't change it yet. Yes the guitar is live, no he isn't using the sustainer guitar. Watch the Sydney Sidewave Tinfoil/Faint opening. You see Mike walk out stage with his Blue skull painted PRS. He does the intro and then goes straight into faint, no guitar change. Both Sydney Sidewave and Melbourne Sidewave are the only times I can remember him walking out on stage playing the intro, e usually waits until everyone else comes out normally. Don't change it yet. Yes the guitar is live, no he isn't using the sustainer guitar. Watch the Sydney Sidewave Tinfoil/Faint opening. You see Mike walk out stage with his Blue skull painted PRS. He does the intro and then goes straight into faint, no guitar change. Both Sydney Sidewave and Melbourne Sidewave are the only times I can remember him walking out on stage playing the intro, e usually waits until everyone else comes out normally.
  2. Nah man 2 twice is enough. The way I think of it, I was lucky enough to have a once in a lifetime experience... Twice. I'm not the greedy type haha. Not only that, see if you can find some tinfoil videos for Sydney, mike actually walks out on stage and plays that guitar part from almost the beginning of the song.
  3. What's the difference between this and the original? I haven't heard this version...
  4. I remember reading a massive read up on Phoenix's gear a while back. Ill see if I can hunt that down for you. I also have some pictures of his pedal board etc at home (Im currently in Perth right now). Check out these topics, majority of our gear talk happens here. You can find them here and here.
  5. Im just going to go through all the suburbs in AUS as requested. Ill also add some stuff you can add to the show list too (well notation worthy stuff). 2001: All correct 2003: Sydney = Moore Park, NSW Melbourne = Melbourne, VIC (thats actually technically the suburb it falls under) Brisbane = Bowen Hills, QLD 2007: All Correct. 2010: Newcastle = Broadmeadow, NSW Canberra = Bruce, ACT Rest are fine. 2013: Brisbane = Bowen Hills, QLD (Mike had keyboard issues before New Divide. He had to have his keys tech Dylan come out and fix it. Caused a good couple minutes break in the set) Sydney Soundwave = Homebush, NSW (Once again Mike had keyboard issues with New Divide, this time it was fixed within a minute or two. Also when they said they were gonna restart POA, they actually started the click track but Mike stopped it before it kicked in due to the injury was still going on. They then waited around for another couple of minutes (I think it ended up 5 minutes all together) before they moved on, due to the time elapsed they just moved on with the song.) Sydney Sidewave = All Correct (Couple of issues with POA. Brad missed his cue to come in, he created a muted pattern sort of thing to get the rhythm going before he joined mike on the intro. Also Joes turntables fuck out during the bridge/last chorus/part of the song. You can see Joe's tech come up and fix it just in time for the last bit of the outro. Both examples can be seen in . Also Ive seen pictures of a Setlist where New Divide was typo-ed, my friend actually got the one off the stage and it didnt have that typo. weird)Melbourne Sidewave = All Correct (Something was going on with Robs kick drum mid Castle of Glass. Robs tech came and replaced what I thought was the trigger. Both of them were messing around with it fo the entire song, Song wasnt effect as far as Im aware. Heres a vid where you can see his tech replace something on the kick drum. Melbourne Soundwave = Flemington, VIC Adelaide = All correct, (Brads guitar was muted for the start of With You, Nobody picked up on it until late in the intro, I cant find any vids ATM to give you guys an idea) Perth = Claremont, WA Fort Minor, AUS tour all correct. Ill also upload scans of tickets etc when Im back in sydney but this should clear things up alittle for now shoot me any questions too, I can kinda be your australian point of contact
  6. Another great show. No offense to Adelaide but some of the people they're are jerks. I'm planning to do a massive tour review when I finally get back to Sydney on Tuesday night. Typing from my iPhone is annoying haha. Also, Brads guitar was still muted for the beginning of with you, took a while for the pa to get sound. The song sounds cool without the guitar haha. And this this show and Melbourne haven't had the Numb/Encore lyrics over the outro.
  7. Wow rookie error haha. Maybe because I made the sig in 2012 I made that mistake
  8. I wouldnt say the guys Mics are completely turned off. They wouldnt go to the effort of soundchecking All 3 of the extra mics pre show (which Ive watched them do) if there just gonna mute them the entire show. I would say they are audiable but burried deep deep down in the mix of the songs
  9. Looks more like Chaz's to me. I might be wrong tho, its only my opinion.
  10. Im pretty pumped. I dont think theyre will be any switch ups tomorrow night compaired to last night. I Think Festival Set A will get a run.
  11. This The girl I was with during the show said it was because of the LPU. Phoenix actually noticed her from The Sydney show (we were dead front and centre on the barrier) so they have noticed people like me and the other guys are doing the full circle with them. Fingers crossed they keep throwing different stuff for us!
  12. No, they took away In The End and replaced it with APFMH. The drum solo was just an added bonus.
  13. No offense, but Melbournes crowd sucked... I was literly able to stand in the pit and move around. But anyway here's some show notes. Midway throught Castle Of Class, rob was having issues with his kick drum. I'm not sure if it was the actual pedal or a kick trigger but there was definitely something going on. Mike gave the crowd a vote between in the end and APFMH, it sounded like everyone wanted ITE more. Mike said it sounded like a 'tie' but the guys went with APFMH insteed haha. Mike also went down in the pit for end of the song. Also Mike carried his rap that he normally does in the bridge into the outro too. Bleed it out had an unexpected unrehereshed drum solo. Nobody knew when to come back in which mike accidentally did halfway through the solo haha.
  14. Sydney sideshow is actually my fav show of the tour so far. The boys ripped this to shreds. Couple of notes though... Brad missed his cue to come in during the points of authority intro. Joes turntables mustn't of been working for the outro of POA at one point, he had his tec on stage looking at them. Mike thanked everyone again for being down with the band for so long. He also mentioned how Warner Australia gave the guys awards in the form of Longboards haha. EDIT: One thing I completely forgot, Im not to sure if hes done it at other shows but Mike actually came out on stage for the entire Tinfoil song alone playing the guitar line in the intro. Is this the first time he has come out like this and not waited till Faint started. I know he didnt do it at the Brisbane Soundwave.
  15. Sorry for the lack of after show posts. Flying around the country is actually more time consuming then I thought. I'll do this and a Sydney Show Review tomorrow
  16. Yeah I'll help you with guys with that. I'm currently laying on the floor at the venue waiting to get in. When I get some free time ill go and down hopefully all the correct suburbs around AUS for you.
  17. No so much a correction but more consistory. All the Australian dates throughout the years (2001, 2003, 2007, 2010 and now 2013), some are using the city name compared to the suburb. For example. 2001, 2007, 2010 are using suburbs which is correct where 2003 and 2013 are using the main city name. And funny enough, the 2010 Sydney shows and the 2013 Soundwave were both held in the same suburb with the venues only being a 100 or so metres away from each other where 2007 shows and 2013 sidewave is in the same venue! haha
  18. A Phoenix and Chester remembered. Chester actually shook my hand saying "You were awesome, thanks for not fucking up" Mike looked at the picture then looked at me and recognized but didn't say anything haha.
  19. Heres a video from charv3z on here. This was recorded about halfway through the actual stopping.
  20. What drama filled day. Brisbane went like a breeze compared to this Sydney show. Well as I said in the shout box about 24 hours ago. Two of the sixty trucks carrying bands gear was caught in the floods. One truck Paramore's and the other Garbage's. This resulted in Garbage's set being canned (apparently they were offered a new set time but refused) and Paramore closing Stage 2 after Offspring (which worked out well cos I wanted to see them but they class with LP a little every show). Then there was two, maybe three flares lit during the show which one has caused injury to a girl. One was lit during the bring me the horizon set and other during Metallica. Its all over the news here atm. Last Linkin Park played one fucking killer show. And Im glad because this is the show Channel [V] has recorded for their Soundwave special so we WILL get proshot of this performance (not sure how much though). Also, after seeing these guys for the first time in 2007, the one song I was dying to hear was APFMH and BANG there she was! Mike had keyboard difficulties at the start of New Divide which caused a brief pause in the set. Then of course someone was injured in the pit which Chester noticed and stopped the rest of the band straight away. The guys got huge respect from the crowd. After about 5 minutes they got the go ahead and got on with the show bringing it home. Mike also gave Australia a big thank you for being down with the band since they first came out as well a Chester saying how great it was to be on tour with these great bands as well as being back on the road with Metallica. I also forgot the add I was one of about 13 in the meet and greet. It was pretty delayed because the boys were running late from a Channel V interview. And for everyone wondering, no I didnt ask to play again, and no I wont be asking haha. All in all it was a controversial but amazing gig. Next stop, Sydney Sidewave.
  21. Ill do a show recap tomorrow. I've had an beyond amazing day and are so fricken tired right now haha. Also there's was some technical difficulties this show too but nothing major like Brisbane. More tomorrow (well later today technically!)
  22. And here I come There was a few miss haps that happened all over the place. I remember Phoenix having bass problems earlier on in the set but hardly noticeable. During the break down of Lies Greed Misery brads sample pad fucked out. It basically died for the remainder of the song. Guys finished the song without the pad even though brad kept playing it even though there was no sound haha. Anyway couple songs later it was COG time. Obviously Brads pad was fucked so thu were trying to get brad on mikes keyboard to trigger it there. After messing around for a couple of minutes they have up and I think went to run brads samples on the backing track. As the song kicked off Joe missed his cue as well. Mike then started to sing and it seemed like the pro tools backing was fucking out the song so he basically stopped the rest of the guys and abandoned the song. Chester suggested APFMH but both brad and mike had swapped guitars for LITE so they basically moved on with the set. And yeah hit me with questions if you need to know anything. I'm a AV tech as a full time job so I do understand what's going on and what's fucking up haha.
  23. Any news on the set? LP just uploaded a pic on Facebook of the gig. Mike's playing his Spray painted LP PRS so which Is usually used in Eb so Im guessing its Somewhere I Belong
  24. Haha well in the end its 7 shows in 10 days. Would of been neat to make it 8 though hahaha.
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