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Everything posted by diff

  1. diff

    Older DSP's?

    6/13/2008 Provinssirock, Finland which, I'm afraid, is not gonna happen since it was a festival show and I'm not sure if they even recorded it.
  2. You haven't listened to the DSP from Helsinki, right? Alright I don't wanna start arguing cause like I said, I'm probably biased.
  3. Having gone to both Stockholm and Helsinki shows, I really don't see why the Swedish crowd was so "insane". When I listen to the DSP's of those two shows, I can't hear pretty much any difference between them. I may be biased though, because I live in Finland myself and didn't get a great spot in the crowd in Stockholm due to the late timing of the m&g. Ok, that's enough of complaining, LP were amazing - as always - in both cities and I had a good time, especially at the m&g in Stockholm. Phoenix was awesome, I was so nervous (and who wouldn't be) and had to force myself to ask him one question about his Twitter updates and he seemed very willing to talk with fans, even about random things like that. Rob joined the "conversation" too and they both joked about the subject. It may sound weird to be so happy about saying a few words to the members of the band, but to me it meant a lot since I hadn't said anything at my first m&g at Provinssirock in 2008. In Helsinki Chester and Mike finally talked to their Finnish fans! Things like "You guys are the best f*cking crowd we've played to for a long time" (Chester). It was their 3rd show in Finland. Now I'm still hoping to see them play an arena show here so we'd get to see all the lights and stuff. Anyway, even though the setlists weren't so special, I bet all of us who went to one or more of these shows enjoyed LP's energy onstage. I miss them already! P.S. W&K needs to come back.
  4. What the heck. iTunes asks me to register to watch podcasts. Ok, I tried to register, but after typing my info in the boxes and clicking "Create Apple ID" the page loads and loads and then says "Your session has timed out". ...
  5. I guess I'll have to struggle with installing iTunes and sacrifice some precious hours of sleep tomorrow... It'll be on at 10pm in Finland and work starts at 7am Tuesday morning. Looovely. But I would never miss an LP surprise! - and no Jay-Z, thanks.
  6. 06/13/2008 Provinssirock Festival, Seinäjoki, Finland What an amazing show from LP. I got a m&g pass and even before seeing them onstage for the first time I got to meet them... After 5 more shows I don't really remember much of that one, except that it was hot in the crowd and the pressure was killing me! This was their first show in Finland and I had started listening to LP in July 2007, so I felt very lucky.
  7. My friend made a "Wretches and Kings!" sign but they still didn't play it, damn!
  8. The set was the same as it was in Stockholm, starting with The Requiem and Faint and ending with OSC. Just got home from my amazing 4-day LP trip.
  9. Yes, BITS was played. I had hell of a time!
  10. The setlist started like this.. Um I suppose! (yes I was there) 1. The Requiem 2. Faint 3. Lying From You? Anyways the setlist wasn't the same old The Requiem, Papercut etc. And I and my friend went to the m&g and it was aaaweesooome!
  11. Finns don't really visit LP Live I guess... Well at least I'm going to Kaisaniemi, right after Stockholm's show. It's gonna be great, I was getting tired of festival shows in Finland.
  12. Two years ago they were supposed to play in Sweden on the exact same day, 14th June. This time they better not cancel the show cause I'm coming!
  13. Everything I have is as basic as it can possibly get, but... Hybrid Theory Reanimation Meteora Minutes to Midnight Minutes to Midnight CD + DVD A Thousand Suns A Thousand Suns CD + DVD (Out of Ashes) Live in Texas CD + DVD Road to Revolution CD + DVD Frat Party at the Pankake Festival LPU 6.0 LPU 7.0 LPU 8.0 LPU 9.0 LPUX A tour shirt (European ATS tour 2010) another t-shirt London 11/10/10 & 11/11/10 DSP's Stockholm 6/14/11 DSP Helsinki 6/16/11 DSP + lots of self-recorded stuff on DVD's.
  14. There's so many great live videos of the shows in 2010 that it's impossible to pick a favorite, but I'd like to share my fav pic of the ones I took at the O2 in London on the 10th and 11th of November: That was just before they finished their second show in London. See enlarged pic here.
  15. They haven't played all of the songs on an album live before, even on a promo tour. And my comment was based on what I've seen and heard by this day, and _that_ has been disappointing.
  16. I don't like the idea. I don't know if I'm a bad fan for saying this, but I'm pretty sure I won't like all the songs on ATS, so I'm not looking forward to hearing them all live... at the two London shows I'm going to. They've already had to drop a lot of good old songs out, so why add so many new ones? So far the new album has been a bit of a disappointment.. Hope it gets better, cause there's no way I'm gonna stop listening to LP.
  17. Yesss I'm attending night 2 as well as night 1. Booked tickets two weeks after they had gone on sale and got seats in block 102, row N. Nice!
  18. I'm gonna be there too! Sitting in the upper tier.... Which is better than nothing!
  19. That actually makes sense. Unlike many other explanations.. I don't think they've hidden anything very complicated in the pic.
  20. I have no idea what that means, all I know is fans are really going insane. Elephants and Machine Shop, seriously?
  21. We did? I guess I'm unaware of a lot of things... Except for the announcement. Glad I didn't stay up all night to wait for it.
  22. I'd really like to have 3DG and Rise Against.
  23. Thanks! edit: GRR I can't download it.. after 1% it says the file can't be downloaded from MegaUpload.
  24. ?? What kind of m&g is THAT?
  25. I have some pics here http://irc-galleria.net/archive.php?nick=d...lbum_id=3297945. Plus my friend has some here http://irc-galleria.net/archive.php?nick=J...lbum_id=3298683 (they're better than mine ).
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