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  • LP Shows Attended
    10-6-00 STL Mississippi Nights 10-11-00 Springfield Juke Joint 10-12-00 Tulsa Cains 10-13-00 Dallas Deep Ellum 11-20-00 tulsa cains 11-22-00 KC Beaumont 11-24-00 STL Mississippi Nights 2-09-01 KS Liberty Hall 2-10-01 STL The Pageant 2001 Ozzfest x2 STL+KC

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  1. Hard to say and also hard to compare. Music bidnezz a lot harder than it used to be. They made so much money in early '00s, and don't forget that the only 21st century album that's sold a lot more copies than Hybrid Theory is Adele's most successful album! Anyway, everything's more expensive now, and anyone you interface with in the industry wants larger cuts now, including the venues wanting more of the band merch cut etc...
  2. I got my newsletter code in an email this morning around 5am EST so you should've already received it. They are unique just like the LPU codes
  3. Yes it's good and H265 mp4 so you can direct stream it to compatible devices without transcoding which is nice I would buy a bluray of this for sure!
  4. Scored front row in the LPU seated section at the Tulsa show! Taking gf and our 11 year old and he's pumped. First time I saw them was in 2000 when I was 15, but at a much smaller venue haha!
  5. https://www.mediafire.com/file/xacrloh66clvucb/Linkin_Park_From_Zero_World_Tour_Live_in_Sa%CC%83o_Paulo_-__Allianz_Park_%2815-11-2024%29_H265_Chapters.mp4/file
  6. Sure thing! The file is done, 3.12GB, i left the audio untouched at 320kpbs, although I think the highest it goes is 296kbps. I'll upload it after I secure my From Zero LPU tickets here in 38min
  7. I'm running @LukeHB's mov file through handbrake doing an h265 encode with named chapters for myself, and I'll share the file here too when It's done if anyone else wants it.
  8. @LukeHB THANK YOU!!! Going to watch this tonight
  9. IMO if they are going through the trouble of putting it into theaters, the quality is going to be amazing. I bet they'd do at least a Bluray physical release because they've always been fans of physical media. Release it and either offer to buy in the store or bundle it with some other live/premium package item or something.
  10. Will be going to the Tulsa show! Maybe KC too...
  11. Got a beanie and zipper world tour hoodie for myself, gasman OG long sleeve for gf, and the the little LPU set, gonna give the lanyard to my son to put his school ID on like a playa do.
  12. Yep song is undeniably great. Video is meh (sorry never been a LoL fan), would much rather just have a legit video of their own, but I get the whole cross promotional thing - LoL is huge with a massive audience, so I can't blame them. It's like being upset at NIN/Eminem for doing edited Fortnite stuff. It's like, this is how it happens now. Having said that, it's not that out of place for them. It reminds me of when early internet ppl would take their favorite clips of anime and use LP songs as the soundtrack. I remember LP being one of the first artists ppl all over the planet were doing this with in the early 2000's even before youtube.
  13. I love love love the new music, Emily, and EVERYTHING. After giving myself many days to digest all of this, I am OBSESSED and so happy. Before this, I couldn't imagine LP without Chester. I know it's because of our past - I can still see them behind the club venue unloading their own gear in my head. I admit I was not familiar with Dead Sara or Emily before this, and I have to say I'm blown away. I PERSONALLY am in early-to-mid-2000's heaven listening to her singing with the boys. She is an extremely capable singer, and we need to keep in mind one of the things she is doing is the hardest thing ever: Singing LP songs without sounding like Karaoke. She's making it her own, adding another layer to the old and helping Mike open the door to the new. I'M READY. Anyway, just wanted to stop in and sing their praises.
  14. Really want to make it to the Dallas show, as it will be almost a quarter of a century since I saw them in Dallas last hahaha
  15. Hell yeah, thanks for letting us know! Need to pick this up.
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