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Everything posted by sordomuda

  1. I wonder if that photo album includes any LP photos 🤡
  2. This so much. Literally the only famous artist that i can think of right now that albums dont leak somehow is for example Beyonce. But she has released her last 4 albums as a suprise so maybe thats why i dont know. But literally almost everybody’s albums leak before the premiere even if its just a day before. i would laugh hard if LP has written something like that xD also albums leak a lot a day before when they are already in stores. Also it happened few times with other artists that sometimes some stores start to sell the album one day too soon lol.
  3. Putting a legit mp3 leak aside they are fools to think nobody in the planet Earth would make a simple af rip from the stream the had around the world. Did they think people will just watch it and forget about it until June or what? THE DELUSION. It was obvious people would do multiple rips and nobody will care to buy the actual album in June beside collectors and hardcore stans so the stream and the delay of the premiere didnt make any sense to me from the beginning.
  4. Wow i am deeply in shock with all the mess connected with this release. I will try to just enjoy new music, Chester didnt deserve any of this at all.
  5. Legendary and iconic, we been knew
  6. Forum would probably Turn into flames and dust lol joke
  7. Wow thanks Man! That is a solid info and i had no idea about it. I like to get to know facts like that. you are also right about the worst scenario... we had a catastrophe like that in Poland where a president and the most important people from the government and army travelled in one plane that had an accident and 96 people died. So yeah theres that.
  8. Thats why i came up with the idea of these topics cause i know not everybody can or want to watch it.
  9. I didnt know they were staying in two different hotels. Now it makes sense why Mike is having a strong bound with Dave till this day from what i have observed. it really showed Chester was working out even twice a day cause his muscles were popping. I remember he has also said in one interview he like to wake up like at 5am or so to have a day only for himself for few hours and workout then.
  10. That is great news they are releasing it finally
  11. We are talking about the old drama aka them promoting album as a brand new, never released before, lost songs from Chester plus they have used his photos from LP to promote the album
  12. Tbh i dont think anyone was expecting LP vibes from Aoki song? At least i didnt
  13. This hits like a tons of bricks
  14. I like the idea of this lyrics video as well, very cool
  15. Ok thanks good to know
  16. Why is Good Goodbye in others? I thought it was the official single from OML?
  17. I wish he released it cause i am singing it on my head non stop lol
  18. I think he uploaded m4a version but i might be wrong
  19. Very similar
  20. I must say Sometimes was always one of my faves from GD so i really like this version. Sound great.
  21. Mike is sharing it through LPU newsletter so check your emails
  22. Ok I will be honest it is not the kind of pop/edm music i like to listen to on a daily basis. I don't like the beat. I like verses by Mike though. Song is enjoyable indeed but i am not seeing any rock music stans from here digging it lol. I listen to pop as well but this is not the type i am leaning to the most. I can see it being a single though. I am not a fan of Aoki in the first place so maybe this is why i am not the biggest fan of this new song.
  23. You are right with it. But sometimes when it is like a big premiere not from some random artist they set premiere to american time so everybody will get the album/song in the same time.
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