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Everything posted by sordomuda

  1. I prefer the full band version over the acoustic one as Well.
  2. Galery will be epic. Cant wait for Bennoda ones.
  3. Urban legends probably 😂
  4. I know its because people name their videos with the most random titles you can think of
  5. Grey Daze has released their statement as well. Will the album be released on iTunes etc? I hope so. Or it will be more like underground irrelevant project. I think that because of the circumstances album will blow up pretty much because not many people know about Grey Daze and it will contain Chesters vocals. I cant already picture randoms thinking the songs are new 😂😂😂😂😂😂 they will be SHOCKED baby Chester was singing it. I hope they will not kill the grunge vibe though because this is the reason why i like these albums.
  6. Yes exactly i have meant collabs outside the albums lol like Busta Rhymes etc (who would have picked we made it anyway 🤣)
  7. I was always dreaming about them doing MTV Unplugged concert back when MTV was still doing it or at least somewhere perform few songs with live orchestra or so it would be EPIC.
  8. Yes Samantha is his first wife. He has a son with her. I was always hating the fact somebody could tell Mike was bullying Chester. WTF????? We’ve seen so many videos, from backstage, interviews, live on concerts that they are more than friends, they were like brothers. And somebody wants us to believe it was fake? I HAVE TO LAUGH. Also I believe he might have had some hard times with Talinda in 2017 which is nothing usual when you are for such a long time with each other. Even in the best relationship you have ups and downs. Well we wont know the truth but i trully believe they loved each other very much. I hate this family drama with all my heart. It sucks and because of that there is so much stuff that we might never get because people want f***** money.
  9. I think it is crap so they wont spend a penny on it lol
  10. For using samples i think you need to have rights from the owner of the song. They have probably included the same beat or some parts of it and didnt ask for rights since it was not intended to be released. For using samples you can get sued when you Release it.
  11. Might be true. Its still great they havent been that much of money makers. If they wanted they could have already released like platinum editions and all the shit.
  12. There is a new statement by Chester’s mother as well on GD instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B59a7APgwlp/?igshid=1vdhztla3ybhz
  13. Hybrid Party Of A Thousand Suns is the most „illegal” thing that has ever leaked since it was not even on any promo cd. I thought Rhinestone was used for the soundtrack so that means it was somehow „released”. I didnt know there was a problem with DBS demos. But they were found after 2017 right? The only reason they could be mad for me that makes sense is that they wanted to release Rhinestone, What Are You Worth, She Couldnt and DBS demos once on LPU cd (not everything at once but seperately)
  14. The only thing i dont understand is why would LP dont want to release it now since its already has been released official 234543553 years ago on a cd. Its not a leak like What Are You Worth totally out of nowhere. But ok we will wait. It doesnt have Chester vocals but I am curious to hear it anyway. .
  15. Wow thanks for the update! And also that performance is so lit to watch it after so many years. I hope we will be able to hear someday this Rhinestone version. I respect that you cant share it right now.
  16. Didnt want to say that but now that you have said it i have to agree lol. It doesnt make any sense. I could only understand that maybe his son from his first marriage could say something but other than that... Sam would be irrelevant in Here lol. tbh i cant wait for the cd because i really like grey daze. The only thing i dont like is that for example when you listen to the album as a whole you feel (at least i do) like you are listening to one song for the long time. Some songs stand out but some are just flowing into the others and i cant hear any difference because the production sucks obviously and they seem very bland. But i enjoy it anyway. I’ve always liked grunge type of music since HT times. I just hope it wont be postponed until forever just like when their second record was rerecorded.
  17. Wow i had no idea that an ex-wife can have anything to say about releasing his stuff now. I thought she basically has no rights now since they are not family anymore. That’s very interesting and i am also glad that Talinda is supporting everything so far.
  18. @Garret i am actually super suprised with your albums ranking. Never would have thought you will choose LT over HT and ATS over Meteora. But as you said you didnt want to be blind by „everything suck after MTM” so i guess that is why.
  19. Sorry i havent precised it maybe. I had in mind only songs not albums and tour but I dont mind you can write anything you want even favourite album cover 😂😂😂 this topic was meant to make some fun Here.
  20. Oh wow you snapped. Thanks for your posts everyone. I thought this topic would flop. I was thinking about Favourite Albums topic as well though but I thought it would be too hard for me 😂
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