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Everything posted by sordomuda

  1. Fortunately Mike didnt let her scream in the song 🀑🀑🀑
  2. I thought its more like EP not new solo album. Some casuals might have a meltdown when they listen to it and have no idea what Mike was doing for past 3 months and it was just for fun.
  3. Lmao on the poster it says Grey Days. Was it common to spell their name like that as well?
  4. exactly! Making DSPs from every show must have been tons of work but for example one from each leg would be much easier and fans would be satisfied with that. Or at least one from each tour like you said. Ehhh ..
  5. Tbh i dont care about all these collabs, i would be ok if it was just his solo song but ok that is what he wanted. On the other hand its cool he is helping other less-known talented artists. I dont get the hype about that russian girl, she is not that great imo.
  6. Yeah exactly i’ve Lost count how many of them i saw on my FB wall... there were even headlines about songs in plural like Linkin Park still has unreleased songs with Chester on the vocals etc
  7. Great q&a. I was sick of these clickbait Articles about friendly fire as well ...
  8. Where is the lie πŸ˜‚
  9. Imagine being that legendary to have your picture on Mike’s desktop hahahah
  10. In between is a bland filler meanwhile NRL is amazing. also let me not start at Across the line which was a hidden gem indeed, glad they released it after all
  11. Oh wow this is so good, i am so adding it to my playlist. Amazing. I also love the Rebellion one with the Joker video.
  12. I dont see it as a big problem him rapping other’s verses tbh
  13. Love the last part about Chester. the interview was kinda annoying at first to listen to but after 3 minutes it got better
  14. thanks for the link, i will read it
  15. I Think he has said the story about mixing and singing and how the words would stay forever with the song somewhere before. when he started talking about Brazilians and South America i was like Dude but you know Portugal is in Europe right and then he said he knows haha. i would like to hear nobody can save me now demo i wonder what kind of the β€žunfair part” he would like to talk later on
  16. A shade at Brian Howes basically. Great he answered about this song, he could totally skip it.
  17. I hope I wont die before Friendly Fire comes out finally, because i need to hear it badly.
  18. Pretty cool recording, i like this side view
  19. sure cause dedicated fans are rich delusionals who have free 50k to spend
  20. At work, sometimes, i cant go to the toilet even for like 4-5 hours when its busy. I am suprised they couldnt handle 90 minutes haha joke. But honestly you can go pee before the concert right? Fans who want to be frontline, dont use the toilet for the half of the day when you cant leave your lineπŸ˜‚
  21. I am weak πŸ˜‚
  22. He was great at imitating accents πŸ˜‚
  23. Cool story about BMA. It was a good performance considering these circumstances. A solid one i’d say.
  24. True! Its always a win or fail with experiments.
  25. Lmfaooooo screaming at the folder names πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ watch him checking out this topic haha
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