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Everything posted by GC377

  1. Also Mike Elizondo's name is there, the guy who Mike Shinoda said was their top candidate as a bass player when Phoenix left. But Phoenix is on there too. Really interesting that Colin and Emily aren't there, either.
  2. The key is changed, in other words the pitch of the songs is different. Emily's vocal range sits higher than Chester's, so she can't hit the lower notes that he can. Some songs have a drastic change, like Somewhere I Belong, which was originally their lowest tuned song at Drop A# (I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong) and is now being played in Drop D or Drop C#, about 2 1/2 or 3 full steps higher than original. Some are less drastic, like Faint, being played a half step higher than original. That being said, some songs are played in the original key, like Lying From You. The benefit is that Emily can sing the songs easier, as the vocal melodies fit more comfortably within her range and she doesn't have to strain to hit the lower notes that are out of her comfortable range. A lot of bands do this, however they usually lower the key of their songs so they don't have to strain to hit higher notes. LP did this at the tribute show when Oli Sykes did Crawling. This is a rare instance of a band raising the key of the songs, hence why people are so thrown off by the changes.
  3. No way. The rumor is that it's Healing Foot ft Twenty One Pilots. The full screenshot shows how fake it is.
  4. Per this post on Jeff's Instagram 6 weeks ago: Someone commented asking "Sooo how come nothing ever came of this? Legal issues?" and he responded "no just time and family stuff just when I was starting the LP stuff. But I’ll get to it soon. Thx !" Still not hoping for much, but at least there's an update.
  5. There are tons of ways to make actual tributes, people have been doing so for years. Throwing a song into a website and making someone else sing it is lazy and morally questionable at best. Like Wilderness said, is deepfake porn okay if you call it a "fan tribute"?
  6. Lost was released in 2023 and is the newest single on it minus Friendly Fire. That's where the 2023 comes from.
  7. That green art is the single cover for Friendly Fire, the album art is seemingly the white one that everyone hates that's on the FF snippet.
  8. No, they're referring to what was recorded during the Hybrid Theory sessions, which they're correct about, according to Jeff those three had at least live drums recorded. High Voltage didn't have live drums and as far as demos having live drums, the only demos that did have live drums to my knowledge were the Xero songs Esaul, Rhinestone, and Pictureboard (which Chester recorded over as well), Fiends, one version of the In The End demo that was excluded from HT20, and "Part of Me", "Carousel", and "And One" off of the Hybrid Theory EP.
  9. I'll take anything at this point from a band that's only released anniversary boxsets over the last 7 years. Plus it's almost gotta come with some news about LP's future and I think that's what people are most looking forward to.
  10. In case you aren't aware, there is a short clip of a Xero live show with Mark here.
  11. He removed the tidbit on his website where he said his One Step Closer book would be made into a movie.
  12. They were recorded, but were they ever bounced is the question. The Wizard Song likely wasn't, we know that because of the version of it we got on M20. Thoughts That Take Away My Pride definitely wasn't, they were recording the album and there's zero chance they would have kept a version of a song with lyrics they didn't like when they were into recording. Same with the "Much Too Easy" version of By Myself. It doesn't exist, they recorded over the line and scrapped it. And again, those three songs are only confirmed to have tracked DRUMS. It's unknown if they ever actually got any other instruments recorded on them, and even if they did, they definitely never made it to the mixing stage. AND EVEN IF THEY DID OR JEFF HAS THE MULTIS AND MIXES THEM HIMSELF, Warner funded the record, they own the masters, and Jeff would be turbo fucked if he released them.
  13. You don't need anything. Mike doesn't owe you anything. You want them and that's fine, but stop acting like they're slighting you by not releasing them. Be lucky you're even getting what you're getting from them. The Slip, And One, and Pictureboard 2000 versions probably never made it past drum tracking and definitely never made it to the mixing stage, Wizard Song likely was never bounced, the Somewhere I Belong, Lying From You, and Easier to Run demos are ALL on M20, and Thoughts That Take Away My Pride doesn't exist anymore. What is "Uncut hybrid theory season 2000"? And yes, there are legal issues for anything recorded under their contract with Warner.
  14. Just saw this on his website: "In 2022, Jeff partnered with Mark Wahlberg’s production company to create two music docuseries and his best-selling book “One Step Closer”, (Simon & Schuster) is being made into a major motion picture."
  15. As I mentioned above, Jeff has a degree in entertainment law. He'd know what he can get away with legally in this regard better than I would. If he hasn't thought about the legality of it, he's probably the biggest buffoon in the music industry. The moral implications I could see, it definitely seems like he's doing it as a "fuck you" to the band and Mark or as a way to gain clout. But we'll see what happens, he hasn't released anything yet.
  16. Yeah, plus even if there was no conversation between the band/Warner and Jeff, the bridge between Jeff and LP was burnt decades ago, they don't want anything to do with him and haven't since Hybrid Theory. Some of their statements about him in interviews indicate as such. It's not like he'd really be losing anything by releasing it. Plus Jeff already confirmed that demos will be a part of the vault. Legality on some things are definitely questionable, but Jeff has a degree in entertainment law so he'd know better than I would. And Two is another one that Jeff confirmed in an interview around the HT20 time as an outro to And One, otherwise I think it'll mostly be variants of tracks we already have: Mark versions of HT EP songs and Slip, pre-HT EP And One, Xero Instrumentals, and maybe the songs they did at NRG for Hybrid Theory that weren't on the album if they weren't scrapped early on. There's probably other demos we don't know about as well.
  17. Someone asked in the comments of his IG announcement post: "Will we get the demos you mentioned in your book? 😮" Jeff responded: "yes" Pretty clear cut to me.
  18. That makes sense because wasn't Mike hesitant to sing lead on tracks on Minutes to Midnight? That being said the verses feel so tailor made for Mike's range so it'd feel strange to hear Chester on them, the chorus does feel like a big Chester chorus tho.
  19. Hopefully someone asked about the Figure.09/Plaster II discrepancy in the Q&A today. They're not different enough demos to have brought both into the studio with them.
  20. Lmao how tf is what I said gatekeeping?
  21. Jesus Christ, for the last time, let people like things without shitting on them for being "StUcK iN tHe pAsT" regarding a song that was never released until 2023 regardless of the mix. That's childish as fuck.
  22. People shouldn't be lumped into the "oNlY hYbriD thEoRy AnD mETeOrA fOr mE!" group because they have a preference to one mix over another of the exact same song that was recorded during Meteora anyways. It's just a different flavor of the same song, just like any of their other songs with different mix variants, such as the Talking To Myself radio mix.
  23. I'm not pissed about it, but it felt unnecessary to release it. It's nearly identical to the LPU9 version. The only differences were the slightly different riff and the extended outro, which isn't very good.
  24. What do you mean? We had the Wizard Song clip, the Thoughts That Take Away My Pride clip, several instances of Lost's instrumental appearing in LPTV videos, isolated instrumentals from those appearances, even fan instrumentals of both and no one came to that conclusion. The only new thing we have at the moment is the final studio version of Lost, which doesn't really provide any new info in this context.
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