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Everything posted by Somebodyangry

  1. Love the fact that he talk about Primo and I could listen to him speaking about Chester for days
  2. I remember the "co-hosted" shows. But with STP I remember the interviews of the LP band members talking about Chaz joining STP but there wasn't interaction or like specific talking about High Rise by Mike or Brad or the other guys, IIRC
  3. I agree on Mike not giving relevance to the project, it’s not necessary. THB as a LP fan, i see this as something distinct from LP, different, and it’s not necessary to have Mike’s approval to enjoy it. He gave a shoutout to Mark Morton because there was nothing conflictual about that, but with GD his silence is exactly what I expected and I think it’s the best thing he could do
  4. Milking or not, the songs on Amends are fucking awesome and TBH I don’t need Mike’s opinion or permission to think that the album is great. No disrespect at all to Mike, obviously
  5. TBH I’m happy about the album hitting Top 3 Us iTunes and and #6 WW. It’s a great release with Chester on it, so... The scream is fucking amazing, super heavy. Also, love the instrumentals, reminds me a bit of QOTSA. Other standout tracks to me are The Syndrome and She Shines, incredible songs, then obviously In time and Soul Song. Overall, incredible album. http://www.itunescharts.net/us/charts/albums/rock/
  6. Incredible album, cashgrab or genuine, it's too good to ignore it. Most of the songs are way better than the originals and I love the bittersweet vibe of the tracks. It definitely contains some of my favorite Chester-related material (love LP, not comparing). It's emotional, heartfelt, I'd have loved it even if he was still here enjoying it with us and laughing at his skinny dreadlocked young self.
  7. Yeah absolutely, I can't tell you WHERE exactly but there are different vocal takes and it's a nice addition
  8. Sean told me that on JLH it's just Chester, just a different vocal take not included in the original version. Amazing
  9. Yeah exactly, Mike or the other band members never expressed specific opinions about High Rise or OOA (except for Mike saying the album was more “rock” oriented than LP). LP is LP, GD is GD, Julien K are involved in the project and directly supported the album, but they have nothing to do with LP. It’s not that the hate each other or stuff like that, there are friends of my friends that I wouldn’t hang out with and I don’t even have their phone numbers
  10. I knew about Tobi, but I didn’t know Chester’s mom was “bad”, I remember a picture of him hugging her back in early 2017. Anyway, is Mike’s opinion about GD that relevant? I mean, it’s two different things, he never spoke specifically about High Rise except for saying Chester was happy about being with STP.
  11. Sean said he has nothing against LP, they are not buddies but nothing against them. About Mike not answering about GD, it’s two different worlds and yeah he might not care about the project because of Samantha’s involvement but who cares TBH. Mike is Mike and GD is GD.
  12. TBH I don’t get why every GD thread has to include harsh/ironic comments about the band. I mean, if you don’t care about something just ignore it as I tent to do with things I don’t care about 😊
  13. Can’t wait for my copy of the album to come! 😊😍 Haven’t been hyped in a comparable way since OML. I mean, for Oml the hype was higher obviously, but this is the closest thing
  14. “What are you worth”, Primo, Across the Line, NRL, Figure 09 demo, Untitled ITE demo... I don’t believe you Mike 😂😂
  15. Yeah the thing is that Chester shines on the song, instrumentally it’s pretty generic, not bad but yeah, generic is the right word
  16. Great song, Mark Morton has always been humble and classy with this song, and respectful to Chester and his family/friends/fans 😊
  17. I always loved the short story about Chester's audition, sweet
  18. https://www.google.it/amp/s/theprogmind.com/2020/06/19/grey-daze-amends/amp/ Reviews are enthusiastic, even from magazines that never cared about LP
  19. I think growing up I started to realize that some kind of Chester's screams really upset me, like the one on KTTK or HTF, or his voice on AFN and Nobody's Listening. Those songs are the ones where my fav singer of all time proved that even great singers can give bad performances
  20. I'm still jamming the hell out of WAYW, the chorus is GREAT for a pop song, after repeated listen I can say I definitely like it more than nearly every Mike's solo song, but I see why they didn't include it in OML, it's more LT-esque and "happy", strong Coldplay and BID vibes The more I listen to the song, the more I like it, super LP-ish, I hear UIG, BID, Invisible and Heavy
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