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Everything posted by LinkInThePark

  1. Agree! I want Figure 09. Not an outstanding song, but it is badass and has a great groove in the verse. Also By Myself. I can understand that they don't play it anymore, but, like you said, it would not hurt to play at least one or two rare songs each night.
  2. I still think that NMS would be a great opener. The ext. Intro really builds it all up and then it explodes.
  3. I agree, even If I like the song (I'm glad I saw the song live). I can see NMS + ext. Intro as an opener. And they might play a song that have a lot of energy and power as their last one.
  4. The camera perspective from 1:43 (on the stage) is the same camera man you see at 1:42, who comes up the left stairs.
  5. How are the prices for Berlin, any informations?
  6. Wouldn't suprise if they pick something like Lower Than Atlantis, someone who is not so popular. LP don't really need a supporting act in Germany.
  7. The last major Brazil tour was 2012 I think. I don't know why they are playing less shows when they know that there are so many fans across the country. Especially in the case of Brazil. That's why U.K. Fans are pissed too. Either they don't play any shows or just in London and Manchester. When fans in Scotland sitting there an be like ,,Guys the UK is here in the north too and not just London and Manchester,, Somehow they understood it for Germany (lucky for me) and play like 9 shows in 2 weeks.
  8. No, just different priorities even if one of your favourite bands is about to release a new album. If System Of A Down would announce a new record next week, I would be more hyped and exicited than about the new LP record to be honest with you.
  9. The way how they worked and wrote the lyrics sounded very complicated and I'm like "Sometimes the easy way is the better way" You can argue and say that they wanted to try something by changing the way they write music, but I don't really see this in Heavy and now Battly Symphony. You can clearly see how they approached MTM back in 2007 and you felt it that they changed something in the way they wrote the music. The same with ATS, you could see that they worked differently.
  10. It was only a matter of time when LP is going into this Genre, wasn't it? The song feels more powerful than Heavy.
  11. What about CircusHalliGalli? Something like Metallica did for them.
  12. The AMG is there for like 6 seconds so I don't think it is too bad. If they use the car to drive around with it for the majority of the video it would concern me more.
  13. They should play the piano version of Pushing Me Away
  14. "Beautiful drums, those drums" "highly anticipated new album" - James Corden. Either they arranged that or he was drunk I like how people hate the electric drums and that LP never used them before and still call themselves "old LP fans". Right, it is not that LP used these drums for Faint and Figure 09 in both intros....People today..
  15. Overall a really great performance ! Powerful vocals by Chester. But did they autotune the very beginning?
  16. Please, don't take that comment at the end serious. You can see that they are clearly joking about the massive hate about Heavy. It is just another Troll-action by LP to make fun about the hate.
  17. So Kiiara will be with them for their promo shows
  18. That quote is from the LPA interview with Mike and they asked him about Sorry For Nów and it is most likely confirmed.
  19. Those songs had nothing to do with LP. Those songs were features for other artist on their record but not on LP's. Guys should not put these songs and this record together in one bag
  20. I completely agree with you. It will be a tough year for LP, but it will not stop them from playing the best shows ever !
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