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About TheInterframe

  • Birthday December 4

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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. Excited to hear what the band has in store for us, I can't believe we're getting 11 tracks!
  2. Looks like Brad is still in, he's on the Billboard Magazine cover
  3. Ahhhhh, I really wanna try and sign up for the LPU tickets, but plane tickets prices out of Toronto to LA aren’t cheap 😭 I hope there are other similar chances soon, maybe a tour or something I’m so happy to see him back! Adam has been amazing to the fans
  4. lmfaooooo 10/10 no notes tbh
  5. I kinda love how this. I love all the hype around LP again, and all the forums bumping again (LPL and LPA). It's so much fun to see No matter what gets announced, just seeing this again has been fun~
  6. WOAH. I'm both super excited and nervous! Its been so long since I've felt a hype train like this, LP my beloved
  7. This looks exciting!! Can't wait to hear what the community has come up with, I've always loved how creative the LP Community is. It's always a treat to see people here do awesome things.
  8. Not that it's a huge deal compared to the other stuff we got in M20, but...I remember "Attached" coming out in 2016 as a part of LPU 15. It was right around my last year of high school & I have a lot of feelings attached to this demo for some reason. I'm so glad it's on streaming now 🤍. 100% - Also, maybe a controversial take, but while the 2003 mix is great for nostalgic purposes (it matches the Meteora mixing more)...I think the new mix was definitely a part of the reason the song popped off so much recently airplay and streaming wise. Both mixes sound great, but it's not like the new mix was something the label did unilaterally. Mike, Brad and much of the rest of the band were likely involved in the new mix and it really helps breathe new life into the song.
  9. 100% Agreed - I think it might be one of the best interviews we've got of them ever. I love Zane's interviewing style and how respectful he is. I'm very glad we got this interview.
  10. Ahhh yeah, that makes sense! Really cool letter though, heartwarming. Haven’t had a chance to go through everything yet, but going in blind and realizing that Cumulus had a demo with vocals was absolutely insane. Still need to go through the rest - and watch the DVDs The HQ versions of Live in Texas being uploaded to YouTube was such a surprise. Such a major upgrade. LP really put in their all during the M20 rollout, I have a lot of casual listeners of LP on my Instagram posting stuff about M20, it’s a awesome to see
  11. Quick question, where is this note that LPA posted on Twitter from? I don’t seem to see it in my Box 🥲
  12. This was actually pretty dope. I loved the song. It's wild that they sat on a demo like this for so long, though i get why they didn't put it onto Meteora. I def can see this - still so happy we got this.
  13. I love how much hype we're getting around this rollout. T-1 Hour, can't wait!
  14. I’m a little disappointed about the AI generated music video stuff, mostly cause of the ethical issues surrounding how AI art is created. It would have been cooler if they ended up actually using a studio for the anime-inspired bits. The video still looks cool though. The roll out for this almost feels like a proper single roll out, rather than what we got for She Couldn’t for example, which is exciting! I’m happy we’re getting such a massive rollout.
  15. Make sure to disable adblockers. They seem to mess with the games scripts.
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