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  1. Here is some "icons" used by the band on CDs, DVDs, singles, Merch etc..
  2. It would be awesome to have a page on LinkInpedia for all these exclusive posters, including the ones from previous years. They are so cool and rare.
  3. The "FREE" stream is here: https://globoplay.globo.com/linkin-park-from-zero-world-tour/ao-vivo/11019225/
  4. for me it sounds something like "fine". I liked it.
  5. Thanks for the summary, the video is a bit long xD
  6. Meteora 2 is finally coming, loving it 🤩
  7. IDK who is running the "official" CB store, but I took some logos there
  8. ***Looking for the leaked logo from WB files, if someone can send me or post it here, I'll be happy*** Enth E ND Frgt10 promo (better quality) LP from Live in texas era (u can see it here ) To celebrate Reanimation's 20th anniversary, the merchandise related to REANIMATION was using 2 new logos. They are still available on store.linkinpark.com Linkin Park 2024 New Linkin Park Underground 3 Linkin Park Underground 24 - 25 LPU logo below is bad quality, looking for a better Mike Shinoda
  9. imgur website is really great, all my uploads are still up since 8 years ago lol Well LP is back, so i'll try to update this topic... for now I'll not update the main post, a link called OML logo v2 is broken there, first I want to know which one is missing, I can't find my backup 😑 Linkin Park Underground 17 Linkin Park Underground 20 Linkin Park Underground 20-21 Linkin Park Underground 22 Linkin Park Underground 23 Mike Shinoda Linkin Park 2024 Logo
  10. Someone posted this on VK, IDK if it's a fakenews or something, but looks real
  11. I'll always support LP, I know that nobody is replacing Chester, he will be always there. I'm really excited for everything, New Music, new tour, new LPU, new merch... I love Linkin Park and I know that the other band members are just trying to move forward. They deserve it, especially Mike.
  12. Blackbear: https://twitter.com/iamblackbear/status/888155200644567040 https://twitter.com/iamblackbear/status/888202599102427136 Nickelback: https://twitter.com/Nickelback/status/888131791554523140 Bring Me The Horizon: https://twitter.com/bmthofficial/status/888364666753343488 Jacoby Shaddix (Papa Roach): https://twitter.com/JacobyShaddix/status/888228213637488641 Michael Einziger (Incubus): https://twitter.com/MichaelEinziger/status/888531588727717888 Robert DeLeo (STP): https://twitter.com/STPRobertDeLeo/status/888198031119597568 https://twitter.com/STPRobertDeLeo/status/888498779061600257 Stone Temple Pilots: http://stonetemplepilots.com/chester/ Travis Barker (Blink 182): https://twitter.com/travisbarker/status/888179449312759809 Simple Plan: https://www.instagram.com/p/BWyHt9ED5jT/ Garbage: https://twitter.com/garbage/status/888127010907848704 Evidence: https://twitter.com/Evidence/status/888117819652530181 Chance the Rapper: https://twitter.com/chancetherapper/status/888103270706819073 The Glitch Mob: https://twitter.com/theglitchmob/status/888102030912364546 Duff McKagan: https://twitter.com/DuffMcKagan/status/888116301452820485 el-p (Run The Jewels): https://twitter.com/therealelp/status/888110886988128257 Run The Jewels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAbYepsqHPw Aaron Carter (Backstreet Boys): https://twitter.com/aaroncarter/status/888103601112928258 David Coverdale (Deep Purple / Whitesnake): https://twitter.com/davidcoverdale/status/888110411798556673 Ryan Adams: https://twitter.com/TheRyanAdams/status/888126369422389249 Nick Jonas: https://twitter.com/nickjonas/status/888124192029159428 Jeff Blue: https://www.instagram.com/p/BWx7lbRAlKl/?taken-by=jeffbluemusic Nile Rodgers (guitar player): https://twitter.com/nilerodgers/status/888116640314871812 Randy Armstrong (RED): https://twitter.com/LOWBROWBASS/status/888115464831852547 https://twitter.com/LOWBROWBASS/status/889682025841557504 Dwayne Johnson (Actor): https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/888121379265978368 Jimmy Kimmel: https://twitter.com/jimmykimmel/status/888100651217047552 Joss Whedon (Director / producer): https://twitter.com/joss/status/888117570263425024 Ryan Seacrest (presenter): https://twitter.com/RyanSeacrest/status/888110945196621824 Gabby Sidibe (actress): https://twitter.com/GabbySidibe/status/888108066041769986 Just to be here: Intel: https://twitter.com/intel/status/888490032759054336 Deezer: https://twitter.com/Deezer/status/888117461811306497 Spotify: https://twitter.com/Spotify/status/888447156750823425 Youtube: https://twitter.com/YouTube/status/888468627531456512 Tumblr: https://twitter.com/tumblr/status/888120734471438342
  13. A part of the music stream is moved by video games/MMOs players... OML is very boring to hear when you are playing video games/MMOs, no energy...
  14. Afrojack is playing a new 'Heavy remix' in his performances... Maybe an official release soon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8Do50Rrhn0
  15. A new remix? https://vimeo.com/221335196
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