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  1. as the full band So will Joe and Rob be also part of the new form? Rumors said earlier that they won't take part.
  2. I agree that a straighforward announcement with this little fun would have been better, to know what's going on. I really lost my interest also, waiting days to hear what's up, then instead of any news, got a punch in the face. Now we wait till 5th Sept, then on 5th Sept they will say that big surprise on 20th Nov, the on 20th Nov they will say that more coming on 31th of Feb, and... checkmate, they will never come back. I'll be reading the announcement in the news later instead.
  3. It should reach 100:00:00 again 😂
  4. I hope Mark joined to the group again (unlikely) than having a female singer. Or 5 of them forms the band again, and release a new song at the same time. I don't wanna see AI driven Robo-Chester either, that'll be sad (not that sad if they'd got a female singer, that's the creapiest option).
  5. I hope it'll not be named as 'Linkin Park', but something else. ☹️ I can imagine the same shit as before, a female vocalist sings, Mike raps, etc, it would be awesome.
  6. I really like the new song, it's absolutely perfect for the OML album. I hope it'll fit for the broader mainstream music scene, people liked Lost also.
  7. It'll be Friendly Fire then, a snippet has been uploaded. Sounds good, will be curious to the final song. And ofc, in 2027 the M2M20, bur that's still very far away. 😄
  8. How I always forgot about lp-bits? Thx! Thx!
  9. Can someone upload the post video again? It's private now on YT.
  10. I think the word 'tomorrow' is a pretty straightforward word, as well as 'this vidi'. 🤔
  11. OMG, looks cool, can't wait to see this vidi tomorrow 🥰
  12. I'm not worrying, tbh. The M2M anniversary is sooo far away. 😄 The tram could run over me twice till the release date.
  13. I like both. Didn't know about the 2002 mix before, just have heard it today, but I really like the more agressive guitar sound.
  14. I'm really happy with what that guy does to us, records all the gems he can. 👏
  15. I'd be happy if they rename themselves back to Xero or Hybrid Theory and continue as a brand new band. Ask Mark whether he wants to rejoin, and crush the stage.
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