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Linkin Park Returning to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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This touring cycle really pissed me off. I may not have as much to complain about as the people in the UK, who got no shows, but the US didn't fair much better than the rest of Europe. The entire attitude towards this album's touring cycle was very negative, at least in my opinion. Only half of the new record was played, one of those songs being a single (sort of). Only one tour for the US and Europe has been unheard of from LP. The only upside that I have seen from this tour was that Mexico and Africa got some touring this time around. The amount of touring isn't the only problem. The sets for this cycle have been really bad. The only good one is Set B, and that hasn't been played in full in a while. Set A is just god awful, and Set C is decent, but we haven't seen that one since October. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and hoped that they would improve the sets in 2013, dropping some songs and adding in COG, IBG, and POWERLESS would have been amazing, but no. They dropped IMR, a good song, and replaced it with COG. Nothing new was done outside of that, with the exception of APFMH replacing ITE at one show. I defended this touring cycle for a while, but if we don't get at least I'LL BE GONE or POWERLESS in this upcoming tour, I would mark this down as the worst album touring cycle that I have seen in a long time.



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They dropped IMR, a good song, and replaced it with COG.

you should change your name to In My Remains then. :lol:




i think everybody can say what they want, but since this cycle not ended yet, it's all partial reference to partial information.

Posted (edited)

you should change your name to In My Remains then. :lol:




i think everybody can say what they want, but since this cycle not ended yet, it's all partial reference to partial information.

That's not what I meant, but that was a good catch. What I meant when I said that is imagine IN MY REMAINS and CASTLE OF GLASS on a setlist together. I love both songs, and would have much preferred them drop another LT song *cough*LIES GREED MISERY*cough*. It was also the only change done to the sets for 2013 so far after it was leaked that LP had rehearsed I'LL BE GONE and Chester had mentioned the inclusion of POWERLESS in the sets.

Edited by Castle of Glass

That's not what I meant, but that was a good catch. What I meant when I said that is imagine IN MY REMAINS and CASTLE OF GLASS on a setlist together.

i know, it was just for the joke.


I love both songs, and would have much preferred them drop another LT song *cough*LIES GREED MISERY*cough*..

everybody except 6 people agree with you.

I think the actual touring cycle is a complete joke (with the exception of South America, Mexico and South Africa getting shows, which is amazing for those areas of the world) but I do like the setlists. Especially compared to the 2010-2011 setlists, I feel like the 2012 ones were MUCH better and I told Shinoda that at the Alpharetta M&G. I said I really am a fan of A/B/C in 2012 much more than the ATS tour setlists and they encompass MUCH more of what the hardcore fans want to see, so they are a huge step in the right direction.


Sure, I was pissed that From The Inside, Blackout and Runaway were dropped last August, but we did get a badass VICTIMIZED/QWERTY mashup and they played more new songs for the people that like LIVING THINGS (which isn't me but I'm not bitching - of course they have to play the new album live). What's interesting is that they aren't playing a whole lot of the new record live, which is fine by me, but I seem to be in the vast MINORITY on that one. What's popular with the fans is cool with me though so if people want to hear the new stuff, play it for them! Just like how everyone wanted A Place For My Head and LP played it. Badass.


I am a huge fan of this stuff in particular:

- After long breaks, LP brought back songs we REALLY wanted to hear like With You, Runaway and A Place For My Head. Additionally, Somewhere I Belong and Points Of Authority came back and came back STRONG...huge crowd receptions for those two at all 6 shows I saw this touring cycle. And lastly with that, they surprised the hell out of me by playing Blackout and From The Inside last year when I thought both songs were done for sure, haha.

- New setlists. Faint, A Place For My Head and With You opening. I mean that's just as awesome as it gets for Linkin Park. And Set B has the best encore they've ever played in my opinion, with TINFOIL, Faint, Lying From You/Papercut, and One Step Closer. Just nasty. When They Come For Me stuck around, IN TWO SETS to start the tour. Wow! Loved that. And at the first two shows of the HCT, they had the LFY/Papercut/VICTIMIZED/QWERTY medley that was pretty much the best overall 5~ minutes of a Linkin Park show I've ever seen haha. Whoever decided to drop that from the setlist...you made a big mistake! The crowd exploding every time a new song dropped in that medley was priceless.

- And after chasing A Place For My Head for like 16~ shows or something from 2007-2012, I finally got it in Camden. That song has so much energy and the band loves playing it so much, it should be in way more setlists than it is right now. What a fucking awesome song.

- Lastly, LP nailed the new songs. I am not a big LIVING THINGS fan but I thought BURN IT DOWN, LOST IN THE ECHO, VICTIMIZED, and IN MY REMAINS all sounded great. LIES GREED MISERY not so much but 4 out of 5 sounding great is A+ in my book. Especially after the ATS tour when I thought Waiting For The End, Iridescent, and The Catalyst sounded rough inititally at my shows. And New Divide, which was on its first big USA tour at that point. That song was 100x better in 2009 when it was new but oh well.


Overall I am really satisfied. I just hope APFMH and WTCFM stick around for this year and next year. To me those are their two most high energy tracks AT THIS POINT in their career. Shinoda bouncing around like a fucking boss on WTCFM is priceless (plus the "SING THAT SHIT MOTHERFUCKER" - epic), and Chester and Mike both destroy the place on APFMH. Plus the crowds LOVE it. No WTCFM in Australia/New Zealand worried me....


I whole-heartedly agree that the setlists have improved dramatically since 2012, it's just a shame that the touring schedule has been reduced dramatically since 2012!


I cannot really comment on how the band's been sounding and the energy of the shows, but that's part of the problem - I've not had the opportunity to do so! :lol:

I'm sure I'm about to be told I should bite the bullet and travel to the European Continent if I'm that desperate to see the band on this cycle, but I can't afford to do so, and it's frankly ridiculous that the fans have to be the ones who go 'on tour'...


Them not coming to the UK doesn't really make sense at all, we're the biggest live music market in Europe alongside Germany and one of the biggest in the world. It's not like LP are overexposed over here either, they haven't toured in almost three years.


But hey, I'm happy for countries like Malaysia who've had to wait a lot longer.


yes, in all honesty, the Malaysian fans have been waiting 10 years for another appearance, so I'm happy to see them get a chance again.


I'm still sayin' the Antarctic fans need z chance. Who doesn't want to see a penguin moshpit?

Do you think that the penguins would be terrified of BURN IT DOWN?

Posted (edited)

Look at that new shirt. No other countries listed. And I know official tour shirts are wrong sometimes, like I think the 2009 one missed Portugal on it, but this might be the confirmation that the band isn't adding anything else to the tour.

they still can add another show/s in Japan.


Am I the only one that thinks that these shirts are incredibly stupid? They don't even look official

agree about the black one, but the white one looks cute in my opinion. Edited by Skipees

Several of the WBR contests to fly to see LP in Japan are for the Tokyo Summer Sonic show. I don't think they'll do a solo show there. It's almost too late to add one. What a disappointingly short tour.


What a disappointingly short tour.

we started this year with 2 shows, now we have almost 20. it's better than nothing.

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