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"The Raid: Redemption" Soundtrack Available Now!

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Posted (edited)

Digital downloads for pre-orders of "The Raid: Redemption" soundtrack are going out now!



1. "Prayers" - 1:44

2. "Gear Up" - 3:58

3. "The Arrival" - 1:55

4. "We Have Company" - 4:51

5. "We're Alone Here" - 1:45

6. "Quaking Old F**k" - 00:47

7. "Hole Drop" - 04:22

8. "Moving Up, Part 1" - 06:19

9. "Moving Up, Part 2" - 03:09

10. "Trapped" - 02:27

11. "Close Shave" - 02:32

12. "One Way Out" - 01:49

13. "Machete Standoff" - 04:37

14. "Rama's Family Dream" - 01:15

15. "Chair Slam" - 01:17

16. "Dirty Cop" - 01:02

17. "Jaka Caught" - 00:32

18. "Dog Fight" - 02:56

19. "Uncle Andi" - 02:28

20. "Dead Already" - 01:01

21. "Drug Lab" - 03:45

22. "Andi Strung Up" - 02:34

23. "Putting a Mad Dog Down" - 07:05

24. "Misfire" - 02:20

25. "RAZORS.OUT" (Chino Morino) - 04:34

26. "SUICIDE MUSIC" (Get Busy Committee) - 3:44

Edited by Hahninator

If that's the final tracklisting, it's completely different from what was listed on the preorder:


- Prayers

- The Arrival

- Gear Up

- We're Alone Here

- Quaking Old F**k

- We Have Company

- Hole Drop

- Moving Up, Part 1

- Trapped

- Moving Up, Part 2

- One Way Out

- Close Shave

- Chair Slam

- Rama's Family Dream

- Jaka Caught

- Dirty Cop

- Uncle Andi

- Dog Fight

- Dead Already

- Machete Standoff

- Andi Strung Up

- Misfire

- Drug Lab

- Putting A Mad Dog Down




Song order changed around all over the place, and the track "Andi Strung Up" was apparently dropped...hmm.


Andi Strung Up is there.

Yeah, it's track 22, after "Drug Lab." OP just missed it.


Soundtrack's pretty good. The GBC track is growing on me. My favorite score track might be Hole Drop right now, followed by Putting a Mad Dog Down.


Holy crap! Thats a lot of music! Great job to Mike and Joe

I was about to comment "what the fuck are you talking about Joe had nothing to do-"


then I was like "oh wait, not that one, the other one."


Your avatar didn't help.


I didn't expect this many tracks, really. A pleasant surprise.


I was about to comment "what the fuck are you talking about Joe had nothing to do-"


then I was like "oh wait, not that one, the other one."


Your avatar didn't help.

XD Yeah, I knew someone would probably reply like this, lol. I forgot the other Joe's last name...its something that starts with T...and I don't feel like looking it up...

If you haven't heard the soundtrack yet, all the tracks are on Mike's account on youtube. Go check them out!


Anyway, I really enjoyed the soundtrack. Verry industrial-ish. I can feel the NIN influence


Great score, but personally I don't think it has a lot of replay value for me, it probably works a lot better inside the movie.

The 2 songs are badass, really cool that this is not only the score.


I hope to catch the movie in a theatre sometime but yet there's still no release date for Germany.


I'm listening to all the tracks right now. This is amazing! It shows how talented and diverse Mike really is.


There's so many cool little sounds that are reminiscent of parts from Session and Reanimation that have a slight taste of LP's style in them. Which in my opinion is a very good thing since they're advertising this with Mike's name on it.


Great score, but personally I don't think it has a lot of replay value for me, it probably works a lot better inside the movie.

The 2 songs are badass, really cool that this is not only the score.

My thoughts exactly...

1 h and 14 min great music in this soundtrack!!!!!


Gear Up, We Have Company, Hole Drop, Machete Standoff, Drug Lab and Razors.out are really good songs! love them :)


i learned that the director asked mike to do the store in order the get a familiar person associated with the movie. The original score was made by some unknown from Indonesia and from what i heard it fit the movie a lot better than MS score. I havent seen the movie yet but i really want to see it since it's getting rave reviews and i would like to see it twice: with both scores

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