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Head on over to one of my favorite all-time Linkin Park fansites, LPTimes, to check out their brand new design. Besides this fancy, sophisticated new layout Jas is sporting for her beloved site, they have a cool new feature that I like...the "LPTimes Newsire" on the bottom left. It's a newswire that combines the RSS feeds from Music For Relief, LP.com, Mike's blog, a few fansites (LPIBR, LPBR), and coming soon....LPLive! Awesome. If you want news, then LPTimes is definitely the place to get it.


Anyway, here's some LPU 8 info I got in an email from the almighty LPU HQ. Well, you all know you can preorder the Road To Revolution DVD over at LP's Bandmerch store. It comes with a fancy pancy shirt, too! Haha. The DVD trailer can be found

if you haven't seen it yet. Is it just me or did you find it odd Jay-Z wasn't in the trailer?




The release of LPU 8 is sneaking up on us! LPU 8 packages will be available for purchase beginning December 4th, 2008. In addition to all current membership tiers, we will be adding a new package level, the LPU 8 Premier Pass. This membership package will come with all of the LPU 8 Pass package items (LPU8 CD, t-shirt and other exclusive items to be announced) PLUS a custom designed 8x10 LPU 8 Plaque, and a t-shirt and CD from previous LPU membership years all for $80 plus S/H (over $100 value!). The online membership benefits will be the same for all membership tiers, but this package offers additional merchandise for those who want to add more of LPU to their Linkin Park collection!


Also- the first 500 people to purchase this membership level will receive a FREE LPU7 Tour Pack in addition to all the other package items! This is great gift for a friend if you already have one! More details to come!"


They also say, "Take this quick poll and let us know if you plan on buying the Premier Pass!".




We are pleased to announce that the annual newsletter has gone eco-friendly! This means that for the first time, the newsletter will be made available for you via www.lpunderground.com where you can download and print out your copy on demand! The LPU 7 newsletter is packed with more exclusive content, pictures, and trivia then ever and will be released SOON through the site so be sure to check back often.


The newsletter will give you a sneak peak at LPU 8 packages, details regarding the release of a new LPU CD, and the opportunity to win a LPU Plaque!


For those collectors out there interested in receiving a professional print-out version of the newsletter booklet, have no fear! We will ship you the newsletter in the mail in addition to your free download for just $2.95/U.S., or $3.95/international, which includes shipping cost."


Thoughts from everyone? Let's hear what you think! Excited for the LPU 8 CD!?


wtf? they've started to charge us for anything!! a fuckin letter?! 3.95?!! but i will definently try to be among those first 500 ;) well you'll at least get something for a lovely girl ;) but 100 bucks?! WTFF?! damn i gotta get myself a job :s


Interesting if they're gonna make S/H for Premier Pass cost more than normal version.


Because it'll be near $95 for International members...

That's a lot of fucking money.


And newsletter for $4..... WTF?


Charging for the newsletter isn't very cool. I probably won't end up buying one, even though I'd like a physical copy. I always loved knowing a newsletter was on its way to me, now I don't have that same feeling of anticipation...


shouldnt LPU8 cost money for the annual newsletter, we subscribed to 7 expecting to receive a newsletter. not buy one

Posted (edited)

First of all, I'm not happy with the fact that they're trying to cost fans more money than ever. I don't think the LPU 7 newletter should be shipped with extra money even if it's small like that. It was included already in the LPU 7 package as everybody knows. I don't understand why they try to make us download that. Printing it isn't easy for all.


And, I guess LPU 8 costs A LOT of money. (And I'm not a USA resident, either.) I'm not sure I understood it well, but it sounds like I'll have to spend over 80 dollars on buying LPU 8....It's more than twice expensive than the previous one. I really want to get that plaque, but well I'm not sure I'll buy that instead of normal one.

The funny thing is that they're giving away LPU7 Tour Pack for some people. Are they a lot in the stock? (My LPU 1 CD hasn't arrived yet due to the damn stock)


I wonder how many is going to buy that special package.

Edited by lpthegiant

I think we as a fanbase need to remind HQ that the newsletter was paid for already in lpu7 package, so they need to get off their lazy asses and send it to us. Then you can start charging for a physical copy with lpu8. Fucking assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is a rip-off! First the premier pass and now you have to pay for a physical newsletter? That's so stupid. I'm just getting the regular package and apparently, have to buy thew newsletter.


pbizkit33 made a good point. Didn't we (as in people who bought 7.0) already pay for the fucking newsletter? If they are insisting on making us pay then they should wait until 8.0 at least. The LPU has become such a rip-off, nothing like 4.0 or 5.0. I joined during 4.0 and that was by far my most pleasant experience in the LPU.


lpu needs offer more things per this price

is too expensive only for 2 cds, 2 shirts and a stupid plaque :angry:

we already have the dvd in the end of november

what they think they fans are? money trees? or they pee money?

this will kill the band soon, i bet

Posted (edited)

it's just a rip off.... they go commercial, like they kinda did with their music >.<

Edited by NiKmaN

I wonder what the band will do in the long run. Do you think they'll stick with Warner for the rest of their career or go elsewhere? Personally, I'd like to see them leave Warner and give the fans what they've wanted all along, unreleased stuff that Warner wouldn't let us have!


holy shit! breaking the habit live milton keynes available for download on itunes! effin sweet! i laugh at all you non ituners hahahaha. jk. lpu starting to piss me off as well. bth video is available though. $1.99


No Newsletter printed :angry:

Also LPU 8 PREMIER pass is stupid, plaque is not collector for me, I don't want an another t-shirt and I own all LPU CDs...


I want real stuff, I really can't wait for the track list and the brand design of the new package (t-shirt, pins whatever)

Posted (edited)

holy shit! breaking the habit live milton keynes available for download on itunes! effin sweet! i laugh at all you non ituners hahahaha. jk. lpu starting to piss me off as well. bth video is available though. $1.99



Edited by lilIverson09

lol, thats what i do, not for official stuff though lolz. only for demos and such, and the joe hahn thing scratching with choe or whatever that drummer dude he was with's name is.


i will never be part of the LPU thats a rip off... i was really close to pay that money but thank god now i wont


fuck lpu


Does enyone nows if the new DVD will be relased in PAl and NTSC at the same time (because i want to now if i can buy it on LP band merch store).


i think it'll just be in ntsc... my LIT i bought in germany is in NTSC too ad has no region code... i've never had problems playing it... ^^

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