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Here's some random tidbits of news for you coming straight to you on Friday, October 10th.


-As you all know by now, LP canceled Las Vegas and the Asian Tour. You might also know that this leaves the crew without work for the last month of the touring cycle, which can be a burden on the families as the crew tries to find new work, etc at such a sudden moment. "As I've stated before, no workie, no money, so I was especially freaked out", says Pooch. Guess what? While the band decided to still give Music For Relief the profits from the shows, they also decided to pay the entire crew for the Las Vegas and Asian Tour. How awesome is that? Classy!


-A few weeks ago when Pooch and Dylan returned to a studio in Dallas to work on a few "projects", it left us thinking "what in the world could they be doing?" Many of us thought about the LPU 8.0 CD, but now we learn that they were in there mixing audio for a 5.1 DVD - the Milton Keynes DVD.


-Chester's injury? Apparently he was playing with his kid(s) and got hurt in the process. It seems that he slipped two discs in his back, so be thinking about him this next week as he recovers. You know it's bad when you have to be taken from your house in a stretcher.....


-LPLive 4.0 is coming along nicely. I will have to say that I have two great people working on it with me - graveguard and Legend, and they have done wonders so far. We will be trying to integrate as much as possible into this next version so that you will be able to find whatever you'd like on the site. I won't ruin you with any surprises, but be ready for a very accurate, info-filled, always up to date, and excellent site.


-Check out this sample of a HD Madison Square Garden DVD! http://vimeo.com/1885570. Awesome, huh?


That's awesome that Pooch, Dylan and the rest of the crew are getting paid. That sucks about Chester, he always gets hurt. {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif Oh well. Can't wait for the MK DVD and 8.0


MSG video is Great! I want it to mix with NYCBitchCommittee bootleg.. {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif


-Chester's injury? Apparently he was playing with his kid(s) and got hurt in the process. It seems that he slipped two discs in his back

omg, must be hurts a lot {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif


That was really great of the band to pay for the crew, shows what a class act they are. Thanks for the update on Chester, man that sucks to get hurt while simply playing with your kids. Hopefully, he'll make a full recovery and be able to horse around with his kids without worries of slipping a disc again. Love the HD MSG and hope the full version will be available for download.


It's really nice of them still paying the salary to the crew............What a nice band.


For Chester's injure........Oh My God!! That sounds hurt.................

Hope he get well soon and go home to play with kids.



Thanks for the HD video. It looks really nice.......

WOW. Is there any place I can get the video???

Maybe there is a link somewhere in one of the forum and I just missed???



Tht sks Chester hurt his back, but it's great that Pooch, Dylan and the rest of the crew are still gettin paid!! After all of the hard work they've been doin these past two years they deserve it!! And they are still mixin and editin the MK DVD! Anyway so yea looks like the M2M tour is done, now we just g2 wait for next 4 albums.


Milton Keynes CD/DVD Combo Pack

Dead By Sunrise or Chester Bennington


4th LP Studio Album.


So ev tho the M2M touring cycle is over we still got plenty to look foward to this year.

  "chazmike" said:

It's really nice of them still paying the salary to the crew............What a nice band.


For Chester's injure........Oh My God!! That sounds hurt.................

Hope he get well soon and go home to play with kids.



Thanks for the HD video. It looks really nice.......

WOW. Is there any place I can get the video???

Maybe there is a link somewhere in one of the forum and I just missed???



we try to get in contact with the taper...

but there was no DL link for now

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