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Similar to my "Unlisted Grey Daze Shows / Notes" and "Unlisted Linkin Park Shows / Notes" threads, here's the thread to collect info on Chester's guest appearances that are not in the guide either because there's not enough information on a date/place or it's unclear if a specific appearance has actually happened:

Things we need to look into:

  • Chester possibly joining Staind to perform "Outside" during one of the first few shows of Family Values 2001
    ShoutWeb's news post from October 17, 2001 reported: "The first few dates of the Family Values Tour 2001 has featured several on stage collaborations. Stone Temple Pilots have welcomed special guests Filter and Kid Rock on stage to sing, Wayne Static has added his vocal talents to Staind's set for "Crawl" and Chester from Linkin Park has been singing with Staind on "Outside"".
    To this day, it's the only mention of Chester joining Staind for the song to ever be spotted by us, so the exact show is unknown.
  • Chester possibly joining Adema to perform "Giving In" during Projekt Revolution 2002
    Chester joining Adema for "Giving In" during Projekt Revolution 2002 has been regarded as common knowledge around that time and was mentioned in a lot of "Fake Linkin Park Songs" type of threads/pages, because his appearance has sparked the rumor that he is also featured on the album version, but I never saw any other confirmations or info on the exact date.
  • Chester possibly joining hed (pe) to perform "Bartender" on multiple unknown occasions
    Linkin Park and (hed) pe did three tours together and we have a show with Chester joining them to sing the song during each one of them and every show is in the middle of a tour, so there were likely much more.
  • Chester possibly joining Disturbed to perform "Walk" on multiple unknown occasions during Ozzfest/OFFEST 2001
    There's an mp3 of Disturbed performing this song with Chester during the show in Wantagh, but it's likely wasn't the only time Chester joined them during that not-so-well documented tour.
  • Chester possibly joining Deftones to perform "My Own Summer" on several unknown occasions
    There are two known instances of Chester performing the song with Deftones in 2003 both of which were first discovered in 2014, so there were probably at least a few more.
  • Chester possibly performing "20 Eyes" with Camp Freddy
    Chester talking about "20 Eyes" for The Aquarian: "I actually started playing that song when I was in a cover band called Bucket of Weenies for a little while. I play it with Bucket of Weenies and Camp Freddy sometimes, it’s just fun to go play with a bunch of guys and play cover songs".
    Chances are it's a mistake, since Chester's appearances with Camp Freddy over the years are rather well-documented and we've never heard of Chester performing the song with the band, but we can't be 100% sure.
  • Chester performing "Attitude" with Alien Ant Farm
    During Alien Ant Farm's 2017 summer tour, the band's singer Dryden Mitchell usually dedicated their song "Attitude" to Chester saying that he joined the band in the past to do the song at least once.
    Link: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12501&do=findComment&comment=280252

Things we don't have to look into anymore:

  • Chester performing "Wonderful" with Stone Temple Pilots during Family Values 2001
    Despite the track being released on a live compilation and both Scott Weiland and Dean Deleo saying it was recorded during a pre-show acoustic performance for radio contest winners, it was confirmed by a reliable source the track is actually a studio recording with added crowd noise.

Added shows (from this thread):
- 2001.04.27 Miami, FL, Bayfront Park Amphitheatre, Zeta's Bonzai Show (Guesting for Hed Pe)
- 2001.08.06 Portland, ME, Cumberland County Civic Center (Guesting for Disturbed)
- 2001.09.27 West Hollywood, CA, Whisky a Go Go (Guesting for Hed Pe)

Posted (edited)

I still think the "Wonderful" thing is kind of strange because even after Chester joined Stone Temple Pilots as their lead singer the band talked about doing radio shows with him in the past. Sure, it's confirmed that the song was recorded in a studio and the crowd noise was added in later, but aren't radio performances usually recorded in studios anyway?

As an example, we have Linkin Park's BBC performance from 2001 that was released with the Hybrid Theory singles.

You could question why they needed to add the crowd noise later if there was an audience, but we have Julien-K's SDS Sessions Vol. 1 EP as an example of a live in-studio performance that was recorded in front of an audience but has no crowd noise.

Is there any way to contact the band's crew from that time to find out when and where they were in studio with Chester?

Edited by lpliveusername

I still think the "Wonderful" thing is kind of strange because even after Chester joined Stone Temple Pilots as their lead singer the band talked about doing radio shows with him in the past.


Imho, the way they were talking about it seem nothing else than them repeating the old explanation, because they had probably thought that Chester joining the band will somehow bring up that question again among fans (it did not, however). And there are also other, less obvious, reasons for me to question their story. I'll just quote myself from several years ago:

The song "Wonderful" by Stone Temple Pilots and Chester from the Family Values CD (released in 2002) is not a live track. It was completely recorded in the studio AFTER the Family Values tour and the crowd noise was added. It was confirmed by highly reliable source. I was hoping to get some more details on the subject, but no luck. During the interview with the Baltimore radiostation in 2002 Scott said that the track was recorded during a pre-show acoustic set for radio contest winners. There were at least 3 acoustic radio sets in between Family Values shows, but none of them featured Chester. Interesting that during the Sacramento show Scott said that "Linkin Park and STP are putting a song together and it should be out fairly soon". It certainly doesn't sound like he was talking about releasing a live recording at that point. Also, there are not many recordings to confirm this as solid fact, but it looks like Scott first started to sing "Aaaahhh-Ahhh" over the solo somewhere in 2002 and it kinda confirms the fact that they came up with this version long after the Family Values tour. They planned to release the track as the lead single from the FV 2001 CD with some kind of music video, but the plans were scrapped.

This is a cool thread. I hope someday we can obtain recordings of a few of these songs. Chester singing Outside with Staind interests me a lot because I love that song. My Own Summer with Deftones in 2003 is also pretty cool sounding.

Posted (edited)

Imho, the way they were talking about it seem nothing else than them repeating the old explanation, because they had probably thought that Chester joining the band will somehow bring up that question again among fans (it did not, however). And there are also other, less obvious, reasons for me to question their story. I'll just quote myself from several years ago:

Makes sense. It would still be cool to know where and when it was recorded since the CD doesn't mention it. According to Discogs, the promo CD is from March 2002, so it would have been recorded before that.

You mentioned 3 radio shows in between Family Values shows. How many did they play in the time after the tour ended and before March 2002?

By the way, is this the Sacramento show you were talking about? Is there a recording of it? Or is that quote from some review?

If this is the show, I think it would be nice to add that to the show notes.

Edited by lpliveusername



I'm still scratching my head as to why Chester's name isn't mentioned anywhere on the cover or insert. I was thinking maybe it's the recording before Chester's vocals were added to the mix, but I was told it's actually the same version with Chester as the one that on the final CD. Can't be totally sure until I'll hear the actual promo CD, of course.

I'm not aware of any post-Family Values pre-show acoustic shows.

Yes, it's that show. It comes from a show review. I'll try to find it, I think I saved the link somewhere.




I'm still scratching my head as to why Chester's name isn't mentioned anywhere on the cover or insert. I was thinking maybe it's the recording before Chester's vocals were added to the mix, but I was told it's actually the same version with Chester as the one that on the final CD. Can't be totally sure until I'll hear the actual promo CD, of course.


I can confirm it is the same version


Thanks a lot!


Recorded live on the Family Values Tour, fall of 2001.
Recorded by Le Mobil
Engineer: Guy Charbonneau


I actually asked Guy Charbonneau about the song via email back in 2012.
I directly asked him if he's able to either confirm or deny the rumor. His reply was:

I will really like to help you but I can recall the details of the recording, I just remember to be recording multiple bands.

I am sorry I can't help you.

Guy Charbonneau


I then asked him if it's somehow possible to figure out the exact dates the tracks were recorded and he said:

I wishes I can help you but I dis not keep any material of the music I record during the family Values 2001. I returned all the masters and info to my client.

Guy Charbonneau


Someone posted about seeing Chester and David Williams of Drowning Pool joining Disturbed for Pantera's "Walk" during an OFFEST date here: http://disq.us/p/1a90noo

I saw them and a bunch of other bands from the tour do an Ozzfest off-date and people seemed into it? They were fast on their way to becoming the next big thing at that point. I remember Chester and Dude Whose Body Hit The Floor from Drowning Pool came out and did a cover of "Walk" (of course) with Disturbed. Also, Mudvayne played and were still wearing make-up (aka still made good music).


I asked him:

Hey, can you, please, tell me what was that Off Fest show that you saw Chester and David joining Disturbed for the song? Thanks in advance.


He replied:

It was in Portland, ME. Pretty sure they did that for the whole Ozzfest tour, as I recall downloading a recording of it from another show off of Morpheus.

Membah Morpheus?


So, a new show for Chester's section:
2001.08.06 Portland, ME, Cumberland County Civic Center, Offest / Big Day Off

xx. Walk (Pantera cover; w/ Chester Bennington & David Williams)


Came across this photo:



Contacted the photographer to ask if it's Chester joining Adema on stage during their set or Marky joining Linkin Park ("One Step Closer"), but, unfortunately, she doesn't remember.


Judging by Chester's hair and the presence of Marky, it looks like PR2002. She wasn't able to figure out the exact date as well.


Judging by Chester's hair and the presence of Marky, it looks like PR2002. She wasn't able to figure out the exact date as well.


With your magic powers maybe you can contact some Adema members and ask them about it, pretty sure you can do it.


What's the era of that photo? Do you know what specific show or tour it is?


Definitely PR 2002. I have tons and tons of photos from that tour and Chester looks the same as in all of the photos. But that's a really cool photo and nice find Lestat, I have never seen that photo before.

  • 7 months later...
  • Chester possibly joining hed (pe) to perform "Bartender" on multiple unknown occasions

    Linkin Park and (hed) pe did three tours together and we have a show with Chester joining them to sing the song during each one of them and every show is in the middle of a tour, so there were likely much more.

Recently found two more :


1) A person named Juan Mercado Montes posted this on his Facebook: "I still remember when Linkin Park first came out. This was during the golden age of TRL when Korn fought with boy bands and pop princesses for countdown position. I remember first seeing the video for "One Step Closer" and thinking, "OK, the pretty boys are infiltrating Nu Metal." (which at the time I thought worthy of respect). Zeroing in specifically on lead singer Chester Bennington, I grumbled and decided I didn't like him or the band. Cut to a show in early 2001 at the world famous Whiskey a Go Go in my hometown of Los Angeles, headlined by my newly discovered faves (hed)P.E. Near the end of the punk show, the not quite ready for mainstream lead singer, M.C.U.D. announced that they wanted to invite a friend of theirs onstage...Chester from Linkin Park! I never again questioned his punk rock cred and I came to enjoy Linkin Park's music. A happy discovery that, because of songs like this. Rest well Chester."


I checked Hed PE's official website using Web Archive and snooped through LATimes newspaper archives and the only Hed PE's shows at Whisky from 2000 to 2002 I could find are their September 27th and September 28th, 2001 gigs.


September 27th one fits perfectly, because Linkin Park played a show in Cali on 28th. I contacted that person, but I'm yet to receive a reply.


2) First ever photo of Chester performing with Hed PE to surface online was posted by Hed PE's bassist Mark Young after Chester's death:



That's April 27, 2001 Zeta's Bonzai show. Confirmed by a person who took the photo in the comments.


Great find. Added the hedpe dates to the CB page... we'll get the page reorganized to include the 5 known hedpe dates in a new hedpe section. I have a feeling we will be adding 5+ more in the future. Lots of unknown stuff going on at that time.


The PR2002 pic above that I commented on ages ago is most likely guesting during OSC.

  • 4 weeks later...

The highlight moment in Alien Ant Farm's set was when lead singer, Dryden Mitchell, dedicated "Attitude" to his mom, as well as to the late Chester Bennington. Mitchell shared that this was his mother's personal favorite song of theirs, and he wasn't saying that solely because he was related to her; moreover, he noted that he had the good fortune of singing the tune with Chester, and praised the late Linkin Park front-man for sounding great on "Attitude." Towards the song's finale, they closed with a haunting version of the opening instrumentation of Linkin Park's "In The End," which resonated well with The Paramount audience.




The intro is actually the outro the did for Attitude. Like an idiot, I decided not to start recording, since I already had a recording from the first time I saw them. What I didn't expect was they they'd dedicated the song to Chester Bennington. Top it all off, it was a pretty epic intro too, giving me ample time to start filming, but nope. Had to catch this part at least. Also, Dryden says that Chester actually sang Attitude once. Really hope there's a recording of that floating around somewhere.


Also, check this video's description: "Here's Chester in our DVD #BUSted. He would come out to sing with us on "Attitude" when we were on tour."


The live footage on that video is members of AAF and Staind joining LP on stage in 2003.

Which show is this?






It says Mark, Aaron and Dryden joined Linkin Park for One Step Closer.

  • 2 months later...

Not exactly guest appearances in a usual sense, but anyway...

  • Chester performing with an Indonesian cover band and a Linkin Park roadie in a nightclub around June 13th, 2004 in Jakarta.
    Rob Lowe (former LP roadie): "So all us roadies we were at the night club inside of our hotel having some drinks. Chester came out with us as well (he was the only member of the band that I ever saw drink) and we were hanging out chatting and watching an Indonesian band perform. All of a sudden they started covering Linkin Park songs (ballsy move!). They walked right up to Chester and he took the mic and started rapping Mike Shinoda's lines while the lead singer of the cover band sang Chester's lines. It was badass. Later on the band broke out into some more American songs and they broke out Ice Ice Baby. I mean, it was 2004. Ice Ice Baby was still hot! (some bands still cover Ice Ice Baby. And they are, obviously, awesome for doing it). Anyway, I got up and joined the band on stage and laid down a verse or two. At the end of the night Chester toasted me and gave me props for knowing my Vanilla Ice".
    Source: https://www.facebook.com/LobRowe/posts/10101708175624198
  • Chester joining a backstage acoustic jam with members of Hed Pe and Apex Theory sometime during the Countdown To Revolution Tour in 2001
    Some person posted the following on Facebook: "So sad to hear about the death of Chester from linkin park, met those guys several times over the years one of my best times was singing acoustic sublime songs with him and the guys in hed pe".
    Source: https://www.facebook.com/hana.jourdanboccella/posts/1377434285627026

    Posted by Zac Polk: "I got to be around Chester a couple times. Several years back, my boys from hed pe were touring with Linkin Park. Before the show we were all sitting backstage and one of the guys from one of the other bands (possibly Apex Theory?) Picked up an acoustic and starting playing a bunch of random covers, blues songs, etc. Chester was in the room and sat down and started singing and everyone just stopped what they were doing to listen. The dude was a true talent. I haven't kept up or listened to them in a while, but Hybrid Theory had a big influence on me".
    Source: https://www.facebook.com/zacpolk/posts/10212030685355372

    That first person is from Iowa, so it's possible it happened on the day of their November 30, 2001 show in Cedar Rapids, IA.


  • Another appearance with Disturbed during Ozzfest 2001
    From the comments to Disturbed's July 21st, 2017 Facebook post with a link to the recording of Disturbed performing "Walk" with Chester in Wantagh, 2001:

    The exact show was not specified in the band's post, so these persons think it's actually a recording of Chester joining Disturbed from the show they saw:
    2001.07.21 Camden, NJ, Tweeter Center at the Waterfront

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