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Well, he probably doesn't like Trump. Judging by his tweet in December. But he might still be a part of the Republican party, he just doesn't support Trump. That's like saying every single Democrat supports Hillary Clinton.

Yeah For example, I was a Bernie supporter. you really can't make generalizations. Even if he is a Trump supporter, What does it matter? It doesn't make a person, And it's none of our business what they do with their personal lives. they are humans too!

Yeah For example, I was a Bernie supporter. you really can't make generalizations. Even if he is a Trump supporter, What does it matter? It doesn't make a person, And it's none of our business what they do with their personal lives. they are humans too!

Even though it would kinda upset me a little because I thought he was different.


Can a man not play a show with friends/idols without being criticized about his personal views?


If you're going to let someone's political or religious views (barring extremist views - I feel that's a reasonable justification) dictate whether or not you listen to music, I don't think music is the right thing for you. I get Trump is crazy, but given this election Hillary's not a shining star either.


Don't make assumptions. Chester said he didn't support Trump awhile ago, and as we have no evidence or sources saying his mind has changed in 8 months, let's give the man that much.


Interested to see what songs he performed!

Posted (edited)

Why can't a person do whatever she/he wants to do without being judged with ludicrous assumptions? It's one of the many things that annoy me about the world we live in.

Edited by crazygolfer

From Royal Machines' Facebook:

Time to clear the air:

Yes- we are playing in Cleveland, Ohio on July 21 at a charity event for Boulder Crest Retreat for Military & Veteran Wellness. I believe this is the 3rd of 4th time that we have had the opportunity to be a part of raising funds for such a great facility.
This is not a political event and it is not a part of the RNC. In fact, we'll probably be onstage when the nominee is speaking.
Don't believe the hype.


See, everyone jumping to conclusions and it was a charity event for the military. He did go to some RNC after parties, but that means nothing.


Nothing at all yet. I emailed Royal Machine's management to see if they could help me get some information. When I did that with The Hellcat Saints, I got a response ASAP. It shouldn't be a problem, I'm sure they'll reply.

Posted (edited)

That's the Cleveland Public Auditorium at the main convention center. The construction of the archways in the roof and the circular brooch patterns on the pillars in between the tiered seating sections are a dead giveaway, you can see them in the Periscope video. Compare to pictures here: https://www.google.com/search?q=cleveland+convention+center+public+auditorium&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtg8HYs4rOAhUM2SYKHQjbCtUQ_AUICigD&biw=1366&bih=631


(Also, I grew up in the Cleveland area and have been in that building numerous times, I knew it as soon as I saw the video)

Edited by Astat
Posted (edited)

Weird that i still can't find a single audience recording of Chesters performance.


EDIT: Best english Narnia

Edited by Jani

Not that it really matters. But since it's being discussed, here's my assumption of Chester's political views.


I suspect that Chester was probably a Republican back in the day, when the party hadn't gone so far right yet.


But it just wouldn't make sense now. It wouldn't make sense for a guy who's so involved with environmental issues and charities, a guy who's so open minded with people and cultures to be part of what the Republican Party is now.


I mean, they won't even acknowledge global warming. That seems like a pretty important issue to him and the rest of LP.


Me, Hahninator and AndOne are still working on obtaining the setlist of this show. We've just added two songs to the setlist and a bunch of photos to the show page. Chester performed "Whole Lotta Love" and "Paradise City" and most likely a few more.


Thanks a lot. Added "Mountain Song" to the setlist.

Not totally sure if that's "I'm A Man" though, but yes, that's Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top.

A clip of "Paradise City": https://websta.me/p/1300231569201530644_14601849
Chester performed it with Franky Perez. You can't see Chester on the video, but you can hear him and you also can see them both performing together on a few photos that were added to the showpage.


That sounds awesome. Chester's voice had some nice intensity going on. We seriously need pro footage for one of these shows. Hopefully eventually than Never


That sounds awesome. Chester's voice had some nice intensity going on. We seriously need pro footage for one of these shows. Hopefully eventually than Never


The only SBD recording we have is I'm 18, it's a cool one.


That sounds awesome. Chester's voice had some nice intensity going on. We seriously need pro footage for one of these shows. Hopefully eventually than Never


Yes, I like how he almost effortlessly sounds so strong on that video. It's also nice to have it because the audio is very clear since there's no crowd and all.


The only SBD recording we have is I'm 18, it's a cool one.


Speaking of that show, the whole 3-song set was recorded and produced by Mike Clink who is known for producing all of the Guns N' Roses' albums minus "Chinese Democracy". The known "I'm Eighteen" recording is one of those songs. I know Mike Clink doesn't have it anymore and since it was so long ago and Camp Freddy are no more, it's unlikely we'll ever hear it. But, it's probably a good thing Matt Sorum didn't play during that show, otherwise there would be no chance at all, since it seems like he owned the band name. It looks like the whole point of disbanding Camp Freddy and forming Royal Machines that primarily consists of the same people was ditching Matt. I almost find that press release humorous:


CAMP FREDDY, the Los Angeles-based "jam" group featuring Dave Navarro, Billy Morrison, Matt Sorum, Donovan Leitch and Chris Chaney, has officially called it quits. Navarro, Morrison, Leitch and Chaney will continue playing together in a brand new "all-star covers fun-times band" called ROYAL MACHINES....


Anyway, it would be awesome to have "Whole Lotta Love" from that show, at least.

  • 2 weeks later...

Setlist incoming, talked with the guy today. Super nice. I'll post it when I get it with a nice recap.

Any info yet? Sounds great

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