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Check out this new interview from Yahoo with Dean from Stone Temple Pilots, discussing Chester's role in the band and the impact he has had on the rest of their band. Here are a few excerpts:


The band -- which also includes DeLeo's bass playing brother Robert and drummer Eric Kretz -- is in the middle of a tour of small venues and DeLeo says it's going incredibly well, largely due to the presence of Bennington.


"It's like there's a fire there between Robert and I and Eric and it's definitely put us in a different realm," he enthuses. "Especially in the last two weeks. I think we're becoming a better band. [Chester] sets a high bar and I can feel it. Robert even said it the other night -- we're becoming a better band."
It isn't too far out to suggest that it's highly unlikely that STP would be a functioning band at this point without Bennington. "He pretty much saved the band," DeLeo says. "It couldn't have gone on. It was either going to stop or...We all just hoped Chester would say yes when we asked him to be the singer of this band. He really did save it."
"We called Chester to be the singer of Stone Temple Pilots," DeLeo says. "There was no question in that whatsoever. We were hoping he was going to say yes and he'd front this band," he adds. "This is his band. This is our band."
Yet, even with a frontman recovering from an injury, who has to split his time between STP and his other band, Bennington is still a huge improvement over the band's previous situation, DeLeo insists. "There's no comparison. It's like talking about the strength of a 2-year-old baby compared to a professional body builder. I'll tell you this man, Robert, Eric and I are really fortunate. We're having the time of our lives right now. We really feel like this has been a rebirth."
As for a possible reunion with Weiland down the road, apparently that ship has sailed. "Why that f*ck would we want that?," DeLeo asks. "That f*cking mess? I just told you earlier we're on a rebirth now. We're with a guy that pushes us. We're with a guy that is 1000% present," he adds, before pausing. "I've waited almost my entire career for this."


It seems like the band is in the best shape they've been in for quite some time.


I haven't really wanted to watch anything pre-Chester but for whatever reason I did last night. Shocked me to see Dean and the guys just going through the motions, so different from the shows I've been too where they smile and dance.


I can't imagine how hard it must have been working with someone like Scott. I'm glad Chester has given them new life. Dean didn't tell us what we didn't know, that Chester gives 100% all the time!


Can't wait to hear their studio album!!


I agree with everything you said. They seem genuinely happy and more importantly, Chester seems to love this so much...you can visibly see how much he enjoys doing this.


That sucks he has to ice his foot ASAP after the shows. They are playing close to 2 hours, but the LP sets (while shorter) are more energetic. I bet he's on the micstand a lot more.


I agree with everything you said. They seem genuinely happy and more importantly, Chester seems to love this so much...you can visibly see how much he enjoys doing this.


That sucks he has to ice his foot ASAP after the shows. They are playing close to 2 hours, but the LP sets (while shorter) are more energetic. I bet he's on the micstand a lot more.

It's honestly a blessing that he's able to get back on stage and rock it with two bands for this long every other night after an injury like that. Having just gone through partial knee reconstruction surgery I can tell you that just having to use ice is probably nothing for him by now, 2nd nature.


That sucks he has to ice his foot ASAP after the shows. They are playing close to 2 hours, but the LP sets (while shorter) are more energetic. I bet he's on the micstand a lot more.


I still believe that LP can play for 2 hours, Mike and Chester have a lot of time to rest their voice, with STP Chester has zero breaks man.


Still i'm happy for Chester he loves to play with STP, it's like if Alex Mcmillan joined LP what a dream for him it would be.


Hope I could catch these guys someday.


Also I think that if the next cd that they are going to release fails, this will be the end of STP.


I don't think so. Money is in concerts now, not CD sales. They're selling out left and right with only an EP out.


And STP songs are way easier on Chester's voice then LP. And like Mark said, he's way more all over the place with STP. At the show I went to Chester got the chance to sit or just chill on the mic stand. And when he moved it wasn't quick, just walking to one side and staying there a bit and walking to another.


We'll see in Vegas how his ankle is.


As for Mike. You'd think no problem. But I think he or someone said before that he can't see NRL live because of all the vocal work he does during a show, and he'd be too tired. I can't remember where I read that so I could be wrong.


Mike, sure.


Chester? He doesn't need rest with that pitch correction pedal he has..

I wasn't aware pitch correction made the act of singing no longer necessary.


I think Mike could pull off NRL now. I think since MTM/ATS he's definitely improved his singing in a live atmosphere (Rebellion, Blackout, In My Remains, Castle Of Glass, etc.)


He's great with low tones

Yeah. No Roads Left is really the only song Mike sings lead in a high register like that. I think he could do the verses no problem, but the higher notes in the chorus would be more of an issue.


Chester seems to be the right person for STP! Just watch the video of Scott & the Wildabouts below!!! Scott being totally on drugs and doesn't hit a single note! This guy needs some serious help! Must've been a really difficult person for STP.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1wUBZBVsZk (There are even more videos of that concert on this chanel)


Chester seems to be the right person for STP! Just watch the video of Scott & the Wildabouts below!!! Scott being totally on drugs and doesn't hit a single note! This guy needs some serious help! Must've been a really difficult person for STP.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1wUBZBVsZk (There are even more videos of that concert on this chanel)

Damn he really dose need help. I seen him with velvet revolver and he must have been sober as his voice was spot on he was a great front man really loved the show. This is sad to see


I can't believe that you're really going to sit here and defend the use of these atrocities, being the "musician" that you are.

Atrocities? Are you fucking kidding me? I agree that Chester shouldn't be using pitch correction live, but to call them atrocities is a tad over dramatic, don't you think? Not to mention the fact that Chester really only uses it on two songs or so.



No, I don't think it's "over dramatic."


If I feel that such technologies are killing the definition of "performing," then I should be allowed to consider it exactly what I named it as.


What's next? Feeding your guitars and drums through a quantizing mechanism so that you are perfectly on time for your audience that is PAYING HARD EARNED MONEY to see a performance? There has to come a point when you're either willingly tossing your money at robots playing music, or wishing to capture traditional energy that is delivered from an organic atmosphere.


I prefer the latter.


A "quantizing mechanism" doesn't make sense. If the musician was dragging behind the beat, how would it time correct their performance?

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