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THIS x1000000. 2008 was the last time they release a PROPER live album (CD/DVD + Blu-Ray). 2015 is the perfect time to release one and the Berlin show was very good, maybe the best show of 2014 besides Download Festival so I say go for it. I don't count ATS+, LT+ or THP Deluxe Edition to be proper live albums.

I am definitely in favor of having another live CD/DVD/Blu-Ray release, but personally I think Chester was pretty bad at the Berlin show. Way better off picking the Download Fest show or my personal favorite being the comic con performance, bu its too small of a set, same goes for the Red Bull show.


Rob in the LPU chat March 23rd, 2015

Chat Summary:


- A new song from The Hunting Party might be added to the live set.

- Re: Fort Minor: "Yes I've heard the rumors, keep an eye out."

- Not all of the European shows have been announced yet for August and September. More shows will be announced soon.

- An LPU Summit is going to happen in Europe

- Linkin Park will return to the studio in September to record a new album.

- LP is working on scaling down their live gear/touring rigs so that they will be able to play some smaller shows, or surprise shows, or even something acoustic.

- Hybrid Theory being played in full again is possible, the 15th anniversary is in October and the band plans on "celebrating" it in some fashion.

- Rebellion is the hardest song for him to play live if it is sandwiched in the setlist between other songs. Rob would have to "run marathons" if LP makes the live set any longer. He had to do a lot of training for the current live show.


I feel like I'm the only warrior fighting against the digital age... I like to buy CD's, DVD's, Blu-Ray's, Vinyl's, etc.



Digital stuff sucks! It's always better to have a thing you can look at, feel it and enjoy it as much as we all collectors do. With digital you can only play it. Also it may be cheaper but in the end you'd rather give few more $ for something you might sell one day.


Well, that's good news for Europe since they'll add a few more shows and do a Summit there. It looks like they could only do one in Minsk or Moscow right now anyway. Maybe they'll add a Switzerland, France, or UK show.


I doubt they'll add another THP song...they've mentioned that a million times before.


And it would be great to have a Hybrid Theory USA show in October....wow.


I doubt they'll add another THP song...they've mentioned that a million times before.


And it would be great to have a Hybrid Theory USA show in October....wow.


Yeah, I doubt they will add another song from THP at this point, but it would be cool if they did. I know that Phoenix and Mike both specifically mentioned ALITS as a song that they would like to play live last year and they never did it. Anyone remember in 2012 when Mike said he would love to play UIB live? That never happened, either. Chester also said they were rehearsing IBG in 2012 and then they never played it...


But yeah, a USA show for HT would be epic. It would probably be in LA but it'd still be cool, even if I couldn't make it there. The closest I'll ever see to that is probably when I went to SSMF since it was on the same street as all the venues they played starting out as a band.


Probably not a highlight but it's worth noting that Rob also said it's very unlikely that they'll ever play Carousel, but that High Voltage may have a chance of being played if enough people want it.

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