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Song For Wedding

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i am looking for a Linkin Park song that is suitable for my wedding, all songs i can think of are not exactly happy ones! i have had a quick scan through all the albums and LPU albums but nothing seems to work.


the reason this is so important to me is that me and my Fiancée meet because of Linkin Park, in the underground chat years ago, she moved over to New Zealand from Germany for me and have been together 5 years :)


thanks for any help you guys can provide!

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The Messenger could work. Quite positive lyrics, though you may want to find a version where Chester doesn't sound like he's singing through a throat of nettles.

yea i was thinking along those lines, a possibility


If you willing to go into side project territory Give Me Your Name would work best, Chester actually wrote that song for is wedding with Talinda.

ermm honestly both me and my fiancee cant stand that song haha

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we forgot about Not Alone..

not alone is not a bad idea, after discussing it with the mrs i think we are going to go for faint! lyrics are not exactly happy, but its our favourite song, has the energy that HT and Meteora has and everyone know we came together because of LP!

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not alone is not a bad idea, after discussing it with the mrs i think we are going to go for faint! lyrics are not exactly happy, but its our favourite song, has the energy that HT and Meteora has and everyone know we came together because of LP!

you asked for "suitable" song... anyway, i like the idea of Faint in wedding.

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