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Mike Shinoda 2018

58 shows in this category

  1. 2018.10.14 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 14 Show Date: 10/14/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181013 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181014 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181015 City: Philadelphia State: Pennsylvania State Abbr: PA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: The Fillmore Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.thefillmorephilly.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:

    Don Broco

    Show Number: 4 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)

    Location: Left side of the crowd, near the front

    Taper: RogueSoul

    Time: 87:42 mins

    Format: .MOV / 13.7 GB

    Comments: Missing 'Sorry For Now' and 'Hold It Together.' 'Crossing A Line' and 'Roads Untraveled' filmed from backstage. Small cut during 'Papercut.' Full source posted on YouTube the night of the show. Released on LPLive on October 18, 2018.

    Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: Until It Breaks Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; Shortened (Mike's Verses/Chester Verse Only) Pre-Show Song No 2: xx Pre-Show Song Name 2: World's On Fire Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo Pre-Show Song No 3: xx Pre-Show Song Name 3: Robot Boy Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal; Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) Pre-Show Song No 4: xx Pre-Show Song Name 4: About You Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal; Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Full Band Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Make It Up As I Go Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: In Stereo Song Notes 3: Remix Ending Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: When They Come For Me Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Ghosts Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Sorry For Now Song Notes 6: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Crossing A Line Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Roads Untraveled Song Notes 8: w/ Fan on Guitar Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Hold It Together Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 10: Piano Style Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 11: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Iridescent Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: In The End Song Notes 13: Piano Version Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Heavy Song Notes 14: Piano Version; Shortened (Until Bridge) Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Numb Song Notes 15: Piano Version Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: About You Song Notes 16: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Over Again Song Notes 17: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Papercut Song Notes 18: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 19 First Encore Song Name 1: Robot Boy First Encore Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) First Encore Song No 2: 20 First Encore Song Name 2: World's On Fire First Encore Song Notes 2: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo First Encore Song No 3: 21 First Encore Song Name 3: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 3: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 4: 22 First Encore Song Name 4: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 4: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 5: 23 First Encore Song Name 5: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 5: Ext. Outro; w/ grandson Show Notes:

    - After being absent for a few shows, 'Welcome' returned to the set to open the show.

    - Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.

    - LPLive staff member Dylan (Rogue Soul) was brought on stage to play guitar during Roads Untraveled.

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'

    - 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - Grandson joined Mike on stage for 'Running From My Shadow'.

    Other Notes:

    - Before the show, Mike and the band performed a soundcheck, rehearsing 'Until It Breaks', 'World's On Fire', 'Robot Boy', and 'About You' with a full band arrangement for the first time.

    - After the soundcheck, Mike went to a haunted house with winners of a radio contest.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  2. 2018.10.15 Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 15 Show Date: 10/15/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181014 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181015 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181017 City: Stroudsburg State: Pennsylvania State Abbr: PA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Sherman Theater Venue Type: Theatre Venue Website: https://www.shermantheater.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:

    Don Broco

    Show Number: 5 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithoutsources Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 2: xx Pre-Show Song Name 2: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 3: xx Pre-Show Song Name 3: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: When They Come For Me Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Until It Breaks Song Notes 5: Shortened (Mike's Verses/Chester Verse Only) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Hold It Together Song Notes 6: Sample Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 7: Piano Style Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Ghosts Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Sorry For Now Song Notes 9: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Sharp Edges Song Notes 10: Tour Debut Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Crossing A Line Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Roads Untraveled Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Wisdom, Justice, And Love Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Iridescent Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 15: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + 'Where'd You Go' Piano Outro Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: In The End Song Notes 16: Piano Version Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Numb Song Notes 17: Piano Version Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: About You Song Notes 18: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Over Again Song Notes 19: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: Papercut Song Notes 20: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 21 First Encore Song Name 1: Welcome First Encore Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro First Encore Song No 2: 22 First Encore Song Name 2: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 2: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 3: 23 First Encore Song Name 3: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 3: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 4: 24 First Encore Song Name 4: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 4: Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - 'Until It Breaks' returned to the set after not being played since 2018.09.07 Wien, Austria.

    - Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.

    - After being soundchecked at 2018.10.13 New York City, New York, 'Sharp Edges' was performed in the set for the first time in one of Mike's solo sets. It was last performed at a show at 2017.10.27 Los Angeles, California. This is also the first time Matt has done lead vocals on a song. Mike played piano on the song.

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'

    - 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'


    - 'Sharp Edges' was performed during Mike's solo set for the first time. It was soundchecked a few days earlier.

    Other Notes:

    - Before the show, Mike and the band performed 'It's Goin' Down' three times during a soundcheck.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  3. 2018.10.17 Charlotte, North Carolina

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 17 Show Date: 10/17/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181015 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181017 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181019 City: Charlotte State: North Carolina State Abbr: NC Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: The Fillmore Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.fillmorenc.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:

    Don Broco

    Show Number: 6 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithoutsources Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 2: xx Pre-Show Song Name 2: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 3: xx Pre-Show Song Name 3: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 4: xx Pre-Show Song Name 4: Kenji Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Robot Boy Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: World's On Fire Song Notes 2: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Roads Untraveled Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Watching As I Fall Song Notes 5: Tour Debut Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 6: Piano Style Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Kenji Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Wisdom, Justice, And Love Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Iridescent Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Ghosts Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Sorry For Now Song Notes 11: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Crossing A Line Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 13: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: In The End Song Notes 14: Piano Version Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Burn It Down Song Notes 15: Piano Version; Shortened (No Bridge or Final Chorus) Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Numb Song Notes 16: Piano Version; 'Numb/Encore' Outro Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Petrified Song Notes 17: w/ 'Introduction' Intro Tease Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: When They Come For Me Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 19: Mashup First Encore Song No 1: 20 First Encore Song Name 1: About You First Encore Song Notes 1: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending First Encore Song No 2: 21 First Encore Song Name 2: Over Again First Encore Song Notes 2: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending First Encore Song No 3: 22 First Encore Song Name 3: Papercut First Encore Song Notes 3: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 4: 23 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 24 First Encore Song Name 5: It's Goin' Down First Encore Song Notes 5: Tour Debut First Encore Song No 6: 25 First Encore Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro; w/ Fan on Guitar Show Notes:

    - The 'Robot Boy' and 'World's On Fire' pairing opened the show for the first time. 'Robot Boy' last opened a show at 2017.10.27 Los Angeles, California.

    - After not being played since 2018.09.01 Moscow, Russia, 'Watching As I Fall' returned to the setlist.

    - Mike was going to rap 'Hands Held High' over 'Wisdom, Justice, And Love' but decided not to at the last second. This is the first time that he performed the album version of 'Wisdom, Justice, And Love' during a solo show.

    - Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.

    - Mike has technical difficulties with his guitar during 'Crossing A Line' and 'When They Come For Me'.

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End'. Dan returned halfway through 'Petrified' and Matt returned for 'When They Come For Me'

    - After 'Numb', Mike rapped part of 'Numb/Encore' for the first time on tour. The last time the song appeared in any form was 2017.07.06 Birmingham, England.

    - This is the first time 'Petrified' has been played outside of either opening the show or opening the encore.

    - The 'About You', 'Over Again', 'Papercut' medley was played in the encore for the first time.

    - 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - After being soundchecked at the last few shows, 'It's Goin' Down' was played for the first time since 2018.09.07 Wien, Austria. This was also the first time it was played full band.

    - A fan was brought on stage to play guitar during 'Running From My Shadow'. Mike walked through the crowd back to the merch booth to perform the song.

    Other Notes:

    - Mike put up two setlist polls on Twitter, asking which Post Traumatic song and which Fort Minor song he should add to the set. 'Watching As I Fall', 'World's On Fire', and 'Hold It Together' were the Post Traumatic choices and 'Kenji', 'In Stereo', and 'High Road' were the Fort Minor choices. 'Watching As I Fall' and 'Kenji' won.

    - Before the show, Mike and the band soundchecked 'It's Goin' Down' three times and 'Kenji'.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  4. 2018.10.21 Atlanta, Georgia

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 21 Show Date: 10/21/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181020 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181021 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181023 City: Atlanta State: Georgia State Abbr: GA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Tabernacle Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.tabernacleatl.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:

    Don Broco

    Show Number: 9 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithoutsources Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: In Stereo Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; Remix Ending Pre-Show Song No 2: 02 Pre-Show Song Name 2: Kenji Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 3: 03 Pre-Show Song Name 3: Unknown Song Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 4: 04 Pre-Show Song Name 4: Welcome Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 5: 05 Pre-Show Song Name 5: Make It Up As I Go Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: When They Come For Me Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Cigarettes Song Notes 5: Tour Debut; 2015 Remix Version Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Ghosts Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Sorry For Now Song Notes 7: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Crossing A Line Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Castle of Glass Song Notes 9: Piano Style Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Kenji Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Wisdom, Justice, And Love Song Notes 11: w/ 'Hands Held High' Verse 1 Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Iridescent Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 13: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + 'Where'd You Go' Piano Outro Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: In The End Song Notes 14: Piano Version Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Numb Song Notes 15: Piano Version Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: About You Song Notes 16: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Over Again Song Notes 17: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Papercut Song Notes 18: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 19: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 1: 20 First Encore Song Name 1: Robot Boy First Encore Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) First Encore Song No 2: 21 First Encore Song Name 2: World's On Fire First Encore Song Notes 2: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo First Encore Song No 3: 22 First Encore Song Name 3: Roads Untraveled First Encore Song No 4: 23 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 24 First Encore Song Name 5: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 5: Ext. Outro Show Notes:

    - Mike performed 'Cigarettes' for the first time since 2018.09.07 Wien, Austria, where he took it as a request. Both the 2018.09.03 Stockholm, Sweden soundcheck of the song (first performance since 2015.09.08 London, England) and the Wien performance were just Mike solo; this was the first time that Dan and Matt performed on the song. Before the song, Mike said, "I've been asking people online and at the Meet and Greets and stuff for requests. I decided to not do that today, I have a couple things that I want to play for you that I haven't done in a little bit. This is one, I don't really know the last time we did it. It's a Fort Minor song. I did a remix of it, I did this remix of it specifically for the live show a while ago, but then I only played it a couple times. So this is a special treat."

    - Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.

    - Mike rapped the first verse of 'Hands Held High' over 'Wisdom, Justice, And Love'.

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again'.

    - 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - 'Roads Untraveled' was played in the encore for the first time.

    Other Notes:

    - Before the show, Mike and the band played a soundcheck, rehearsing 'In Stereo', 'Kenji', 'Welcome', 'Make It Up As I Go', and another unknown song (not the same one as 2018.10.13 New York City, New York).

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  5. 2018.12.06 Brooklyn, New York

    Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 12 Day: 06 Show Date: 12/06/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda18/20181117 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181206 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181208 City: Brooklyn State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Barclays Center Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: https://www.barclayscenter.com/ Event Website: https://alt923.radio.com/events/alt-923s-not-so-silent-night-december-6th-barclays-center-ft-muse-florence-and-machine-more Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: ALT 92.3's Not So Silent Night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    Muse, Florence + The Machine, Death Cab For Cutie, Foster the People, Bastille, *, Chvrches, AJR

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 3 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)

    Taper: RogueSoul

    Time: 29:35 mins

    Format: .MOV / 4.81 GB

    Comments: Full source uploaded to YouTube the night of the show. Released on LPLive on December 9, 2018.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Remember The Name Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 2: Mashup Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: About You Song Notes 4: Shortened (No Intro/Bridge/Ending); Hard Start; Transition Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Over Again Song Notes 5: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Papercut Song Notes 6: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In The End Song Notes 7: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 8: Mashup Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:

    - The 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup didn't have its usual singalong outro.

    - 'About You' started right with the first verse, skipping both the usual vocoder intro and the first chorus. It transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'Good Goodbye/Bleed it Out'.

    - Mike messed up parts of 'In The End'.

    - 'Crossing A Line' was on the setlist after 'In The End' but was dropped due to time, likely because the band had a 2+ minute break before 'About You'.

    - 'Running From My Shadow' closed the show for the first time since 2018.11.12 Cincinnati, Ohio. It did not have an outro.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  6. 2018.11.01 Los Angeles, California

    Year: 2018 Month: 11 Day: 01 Show Date: 11/01/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181030 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181101 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181102 City: Los Angeles State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: CBS Television City (Stage 56) Venue Type: Studio Venue Website: http://www.cbstelevisioncity.com/stages Event Website: http://www.cbs.com/shows/late-late-show/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: The Late Late Show with James Corden Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (CTV / CBS)

    Time: 3:40 mins

    Comments: Aired on November 1st. Uploaded to YouTube by The Late Late Show.

    Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: xx. Pre-Show Song Name 1: Make It Up As I Go Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; w/ K.Flay Setlist Icon: , Yes, Notes: , Yes, Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Make It Up As I Go Song Notes 1: w/ K.Flay Other Notes:

    - This was the first television performance of Dan and Matt with Mike.

    - Frank Maddocks, long time art collaborator with Linkin Park and Mike since Hybrid Theory, created exclusive, unique backdrops for this performance.

    - The band ran through the song at least once earlier in the day at soundcheck.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  7. 2018.12.08 San Jose, California

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 12 Day: 08 Show Date: 12/08/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181206 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181208 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181209 City: San Jose State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: SAP Center Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: http://www.sapcenter.com/ Event Website: https://alt1053.radio.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: ALT 105.3's Not So Silent Night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    Florence + The Machine, Death Cab For Cutie, Bastille, Young The Giant, Chvrches, *, The Struts, Elle King.

    Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 3 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Remember The Name Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Make It Up As I Go Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: About You Song Notes 3: Shortened (No Intro/Bridge/Ending); Hard Start; Transition Ending Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Over Again Song Notes 4: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 5: 06 Song Name 5: Papercut Song Notes 5: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In The End Song Notes 6: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Crossing A Line Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 8: Mashup Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 9: Mashup Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:

    - 'About You' started right with the first verse, skipping both the usual vocoder intro and the first chorus. It transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go'.

    - 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go' was not on the setlist and was added after 'Crossing A Line' mid show.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  8. 2018.03.08 West Hollywood, CA

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 03 Day: 08 Show Date: 03/08/2018 URL Link: mikeshinoda18/20180308 City: West Hollywood State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Old Tower Records Parking Lot Venue Type: Other Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Show Notes:

    - Mike played 'Crossing A Line' on a Bluetooth speaker for fans and then played it a second time, this time singing/performing the track for them.

    Other Notes:

    - On March 8th, Mike posted a photo on his social media of the old Tower Records location saying, "Who wants to meet up and be in a music video? I’m shooting something for my solo album at 8:30 in Hollywood tonight. In 45 minutes. Roll thru." This was the first mention and confirmation by Mike that he was releasing a solo album.

    - After meeting with fans, Mike walked through Hollywood and filmed the rest of the 'Crossing A Line' music video.
    - The morning after the event, he posted a photo of the crowd that showed up and said, "Had an unforgettable time hanging with you all last night. Thank you for sharing your time and your stories. Very excited what’s yet to come."

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