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Everything posted by Craig_McC

  1. I'm sure we had this discussion well over a year ago... But yeh I would buy a shirt, depending on pricing and postage to the UK of course. $1 to Sotrix, I have no issue with that!
  2. That is definatly a good question to ask haha!
  3. I don't want to add to the already huge group of people wanting to ask questions about ATL; (most being "Why wasn't on the album?!?!?! It's so awesome LOLZ). But I would like to know if it was incomplete and they finished it for the LPU9 CD? Because if they finished it for the CD that is mighty cool of them to take time out of the album making period to finished that demo. I don't know if this has already been anwsered or not so if it is unknown it would be great if someone could ask on my behalf because I can't make it
  4. That seems unlikely. The boards were $75 each and thats top of the range prices for a deck. They might just be slow uploading stuff. I can't see a total of 400 boards being sold over the short time the merch was on sale for. Let's just hope they have enough to be able to buy all 4 boards *Side note* Did anyone here actually go to the show?!
  5. Craig_McC

    LPU9 CD

    The day will come and it will be unreleased live tracks...... But any studio demos will be ace!
  6. ahhh my bad.If your worried about fakes you just want to make sure that the hologram that is on the ticket reflects at different angles. and says secure on it.
  7. I sent in a ticket for the Shanghai show... I posted it in the thread that Mark did from the newswire. Ill add it again here for you.
  8. I got some stubs I scanned ages ago but forgot to send them in. I have a Shanghai stub so u can cross tht off ur list Shanghai Ticket: Shanghai Promo Card: Linkin Park Download Ticket:
  9. LFY is played in the opening scene of the movie. Which can be viewed at the berrics. http://theberrics.com/dailyopspost.php?postid=1112 As a skater this looks like the first real representation of skateboarding in a movie. so im hyped for it. Also, Mike is scoring a scene of this movie but it isn't the opening scene. I can't remeber what scene it's meant to be but Rob Drydek did say in an interview that he is scoring an important scene.
  10. Craig_McC


    I shall see if I can crack out anymore designs then
  11. Craig_McC


    What happened to the T-shirt logo design contset you did a few months back?! I entered some sweet designs that you loved and then nothing happened?
  12. Ah ok cool. Now lets wait and see how quick WB takes the links down
  13. Are you talking about the YouTube link? if so go to the sort by(one of the drop down menus near the top) then select "Newest".
  14. It is indeed true that it won't be avaliable to UK iTunes until the 31st. Damn. Ow well, I worked out a way past that
  15. I'm not entirly sure if thats a good decision or not...
  16. So from what I gather... A fairly positive acceptance of the track by the LP community... *Keeps an eye on window to see flying pigs*
  17. *Slight off topic* 255 active users. New record? Edit: Stupid me nvm. *Back On Topic* Song is the shit! I'll be happy with that style as an album. I have faith in the next album.
  18. That was an ace interview! I was dredding it would be a very LP orientated interview with little JK questions. But that was genuinly interesting. Nice work guy!
  19. Sweet. So around Oct/Nov time I can expect LP's soul on eBay. I better start saving up. (But seriously. Come on LP, stop it. )
  20. Just a quick question about what design elements you are looking for? What kind of things are you wanting on the shirt? tour dates that your going to, the full "LPlive.Net" or will "LPlive" suffice?, Do you want the "Made for the fans, by the fans" on it aswell or not?, do you want me to do a logo on its own as well so you can put it on a hat for example. This may seem like a load of questions but I'm totally down to do loads to get this thing going. I want to see these shirts happen so I can rep LPlive in the UK I'm just coming up with concept ideas at the minute and im going with a sci-fi/tech feel. kind of like the reanimation artwork stuff. When I'm done with a little idea I will post it up here. EDIT: This my initial concept for the LPlive logo I was working on a 1500x1500 just so the image can be hi-res EDIT 2: Just created a 2nd logo idea I also change that design a bit so you can even put tour dates on the design if you wished I didn't put a lot of dates on the design but you can see how it would look like if dates were to be put on.
  21. I'll see if I can come up with something. I would love to help get this thing going!
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