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Everything posted by Revolution1985

  1. I wont be missing this. NYC is a short ride form Philly!
  2. My name is InTheEnd. I beat it in like 2 hours. Decent game for 5 bucks.
  3. So has anyone found anything extra after they beat it? I found some girl, Anna, who says she won't talk to me in the clothes I am wearing. Anyone know what I need to have on?
  4. Awesome! I love this song. I just hope Cypress Hill is smarter than Young Buck and we get this as a single.
  5. Go watch the new lptv episode!! I would put the link but I am doin this from my phone. sorry
  6. Not sure if this has been said yet (sorry i dont have time to read through all the pages).... Anyone notice that the outro LP has been playing for Faint live is in the demo?
  7. Across the Line is the obvious highlight of the cd but overall 9.0 did not disappoint. Thank You LP!
  8. I hope the tracklisting is true. I am most looking forward to Across the Line.
  9. Brad Lidge, the closer for the Philadelphia Phillies, has changed his entrance music from Drowning Pool "Soldiers" to Linkin Park "No More Sorrow". So now when he gets called in from the bullpen, NMS will be blaring out in the stadium. Let's Go Phillies!!.....PHUCK the Yankees!!
  10. I saw the OSC video before school one morning and once I got home I dl'ed it. I loved it and went out and bought it the next day. Ever since then LP is my favorite band. My favorite song on the cd is ITE and PMA
  11. Thanks Mark, was missing a few of these.
  12. 47 minutes is much longer than I expected, I was assuming like 35 minutes.
  13. very sneaky lol, thank you!
  14. I am for Mike because I really don't get the whole Twitter thing. It kinda annoys me.
  15. I will donate as soon as there is a link for me to do so.
  16. Song sounds really good, I am excited for the whole album....Actually I cant wait till Tuesday so I can put it on my ipod.
  17. Well I like 15 seconds of Crawl Back In lol, I hope I enjoy the rest of it.
  18. I hope they have 3 setlists for this tour because they left out way too many good songs, this is about as uncreative a set that LP could play. They basically played all their singles.
  19. LP is late alot, people need to be patient
  20. I like the idea of releasing a few songs every few months. That is why LP is still successful, they are willing to adapt to the changing times.
  21. Sounds like it has alot of potential, i am excited!
  22. Well said, just another reason why i say "fuck warner" lol
  23. No matter what his personal preferences were, he is a rock icon and legend and will be missed. RIP
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