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Posts posted by YRQRM0

  1. Kinda weird to realize there's none on THP, but I guess not. 


    Don't forget of course his DJ sets during THP tour where he did some scratching over a mix/mash of a lot of LP beats, if you're also interested in prominent live scratches that is:


    Also, my gut tells me there's some buried in Skin to Bone, but I can't make it out clearly enough to be confident lol. There are so many harsh sounds/synths there, I could definitely imagine it fitting in. Especially because I had no idea how much grit Chester was putting into some of the BG vocals until we got the acapella. 

  2. On 2/25/2021 at 1:41 AM, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

    Wow I hate every single second of the Recharges LGM remix, you’re the first I hear being positive on that remix 


    I think it goes so hard in all the right ways lol. Easily my go-to track for testing a "party" bass-heavy system. 

  3. On 2/23/2021 at 9:47 PM, LPLStaff said:


    Plot twist - what if the serious, purpose-driven work is with LP right now? No matter when they release an album - 2021, 2022, 2023, etc... it's going to be something they've all 5 heavily invested in and put an incredible amount of work into because it's the first album without Chester. If they do decide to release their music they've been making, it's likely going to be something really great... like it could be ATS-level great. Albums like LT, THP, and OML haven't had a full-band investment like MTM and ATS had. We might really see something tremendous come from LP on the next album. Maybe his solo stuff is what's more laid back, care free, etc. LP has been writing for a while so maybe this is the result of what happens when LP is hunkered down on something and Mike is also at the same time doing a million things - Twitch streaming daily, ShinodaProduceMe, all these collabs with other artists, solo songs, Dropped Frames, etc.


    Oh yeah, I really hope this is the case as well. When I say that he might not make something super serious and purpose-driven again, I'm kinda including the possibility of LP not releasing anything again. 


    But if they do, it will 100% be a huge decision, looked at super meticulously through the lens of "is this what we want to go out with for the first time since Chester? What do we say in his absence? How do we address it?" etc. I have no sense of how much the others are writing, but yeah if they've been writing for years and are gonna be debating ideas back and forth, I'm super excited for what that will bring. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Coizu said:

    Because those contests always high quality results, lol. Does someone remember a single remix that was the result of one of those contests?


    No, but if LP had put it on recharged or something, I probably would remember it. I love the LGM, LITE, UIB (Money Mark), IBG and BID (Tom Swoon) remixes on that album. 


    Just because there's a lot of fan remixes that are trash doesn't mean great ones can't come from it. As long as someone is curating and puts it in front of fans in an accessible way (Spotify release) I think it's a fun idea. After all, it's not like there aren't fans that can produce the quality of the recharged tracks, or others like Aoki track remixes or that Heavy remix from 2017. 

  5. Like I said in the other thread, I don't expect serious purpose-driven work from Mike for a while. I feel like he's just kinda explored a lot of ground and now is just having fun. I'll still enjoy the music for what it is, and hopefully a project full of passion and experimentation is still in the future. 

  6. I think it's tons of fun, and I'm glad Mike's continuing to branch out and create new sounds. His desire to constantly try new things is one of the big reasons I admire him.


    I also look forward to the more cinematic, dramatic music in the vein of ATS, some of LT, etc. but for now I'll thoroughly enjoy this for what it is. Imo this track is stronger than Fine and Open door, and I hope he continues to work with other artists that let him push his sound a bit further than what he can do with his own voice. And honestly, a vocalist like UPSAHL or Lights (like on Last One To Know) singing on every other song's chorus is totally what I would expect on a new LP album as well. I think they're great compliments to his production, same with Kiiara and K. Flay


    52 minutes ago, Coizu said:

    In general the release as a whole felt super unexciting to me though and I think a lot of that comes from Mike's stream. In a certain way I feel super oversaturated from his content and more importantly hearing new music from him kinda lost its magic. I really like his stream and I still have it running in the background every day while cooking or gaming or doing something else, but I wouldn't mind him streaming only one or two days a week or maybe take extended breaks for like 2-3 weeks. I think having the mysterious silence for months and then slowly getting hints about something new, without having any idea what direction we can expect builds up so much more interest and hype while being able to see Mike just grinding it out every day seems too... normal.

    I also disliked the direction he took yesterday in the stream when he said that he has a bunch of songs and if people want an album, he could maybe make one. That's now how it should work in my opinion. In my head Mike should have a vision for what type of release he wants to go for, and then do it. What he said yesterday felt to me like "oh I have random songs, I guess I could just release them, like whatever". We had 3 "whatever" releases with Dropped Frames already last year.

    Nevertheless I am very curious to see what direction he takes in the future and what other things we will see from him. I am totally fine with him going a really poppy route, but I would be even more happy if it was a little bit more experimental.


    I feel the same way overall, and I think he definitely has at least one more concept album in him where he's gonna do what you say and really hone in on a feeling or sound to make an album out of it. But I doubt it will be totally solo work, unless some tragedy or war or something sets that off (hopefully not).


    But with regards to his attitude there, I just don't think we'll ever see that type of project come from him continuously. He had an amazing run of doing that with LP, has done 2 solo albums, and I think he's just more interested in having fun and keeping up with the changing paces and trends of music today, which is a lot more about singles than big cohesive album drops imo. He also has more and more lines like "what the f is left to author anyway when I've basically been writing since the raiders ran LA" which show something we already know about him - he wants to do new things and gets frustrated repeating himself. I don't see him doing a super serious, purpose-driven solo album like what you're describing again tbh. 


    I think the most realistic thing we would see in this vein is something like Taylor Swift's folklore album with Bon Iver/Jack Antinoff. Mike could be a producer for an entire album and really help an artist hone in on a sound or mood and be a producer for multiple songs the way the guys were for T Swift (at least as I understand it). Like, I think he's basically gonna take on more and more of a producer role to help artists achieve things because artists' innovative sounds (like those of 100 gecs) are his gateway to be able to make new things, which as I said, is super important to him. 

  7. I'm not necessarily into Grandson's style on OSC, but I definitely think he made it his own. I can appreciate that and the instrumental is dope. 

    I'm having a harder time appreciating In The End. The instrumental pretty much just sounds like a straight remake, and the rap delivery is a different style. But it's not unique enough a spin on the song for me. And the heavier vocals make it sound like every "pop goes punk" or whatever cover, which frankly I'm not into. 

  8. So, multiple LP covers? I'm kinda surprised honestly, it doesn't seem like something Mike would be that into, especially because he wasn't even super into HT20 at the beginning (which is what I'd expect). I'm thinking it has to be remix-ish, maybe with some new verses or something like that, leaning towards what reanimation did to the songs. That I could see Mike appreciating creatively. 

  9. On 10/11/2020 at 8:44 AM, Robrobbsen said:

    The one for Toolegit has some stuff that sounds kinda strange, the WAYW one sounds like its real but i´m not convinced about the other 3.


    Toolegit sounds super...legit to me. Seriously. But that's the only one that sounds good to me. Though the others do have quality disclaimers in the description. WWDK sounds the most fake because there are sections of that song where those drums and vocals are basically all there are in the mix anyways, there's no real detail there that you couldn't very quickly fake. 

  10. 1 minute ago, JZLP-AmendsUltimateFan said:


    It's the one that has more cgi it didn't age well its probably the best quality that you can get. 


    I definitely think the CG has to do with it. They probably only rendered it in something like 480 because of the CG. But to be honest I wish we just had whatever the true resolution was, because the upscaling made it super messy looking.


    But whatever, its got its billion views and the others look fantastic haha. I hope we get HD versions of other ones one day, especially the minutes to midnight stuff 

  11. Listening to it on YT now, love it. Some of the songs are really shining with the new mastering. Do My December and High Voltage have new masters?  


    Not that I'm really complaining that anything is missing, but I would love to see a comprehensive list of songs that are in this set next to songs that we know exist/have but aren't in there. Off the top of my head, I can only name a few, but I don't have that much from this era memorized. The most glaring ones to me are PB with Mark, Part of Me other versions, and Slip with Mark. I wish we had Reading My Eyes with Chester confirmed (seems likely since they played it live with him), but we don't. That would be a great grail to seek now though lol


    Edit: Is that bass at the end of Could have been actually being played by someone? Pheonix??

  12. 5 hours ago, davg1992 said:


    I don't think you're understanding Coizu. Or maybe you were talking about upscaling different kinds of media. 


    Your comparison is ok if you're talking about upscaling a 480p DV recording from 1999 to 4K, because yeah, you're not actually uncovering any new information, just "stretching" it so to speak. And sometimes it can look worse than the original if you don't know what your're doing. 


    Coizu however is referring to the fact that a lot of actual big budget films were shot on 35mm film, and there is a lot of detail in that. You can actually rescan the film and it will look great, as if shot today. Check out the 4K remaster of The Matrix from 1999 - it looks like it was shot yesterday. And actually, it will probably always look better than Star Wars Episode III from 2006, which was shot on 1080p digital cameras (the 4K remaster is comparatively unimpressive imo). 

    So with music, you could create a surround experience with the multitracks. Or you could stretch it and just fake it from the stereo mix. Assuming they're doing the latter and/or the band isn't involved, it's gonna be more like the 480p DV upscale. If they actually did it right, it would have potential like scanning original film reels does. 

  13. Dolby does such impressive stuff in their theaters, I don't get how they also stoop to such lows for things like this (I mean I get that it's money, but still). 


    Not only is it not how the artist intended, but it makes no sense to advertise technologies like that on a single speaker. I mean, all-channel stereo in high-end receivers from 5-10 years ago is gonna give you a more immersive sound, while still preserving some of the balance that the artist intended. This is just gimmicky, a corporate version of a "bass boosted" YouTube videos. People who enjoy this are the same people who play 5.1 tests on YouTube to try out their new systems and think it's amazing. 

  14. Love hearing him talk about ATS. Also, Naked and Famous are great and I'm glad to hear him acknowledge them! Their album In Rolling Waves has always reminded me of ATS. 


    I hope we get more ATS-era demos some day, there's no era where I'm more interested in their demos than that lol. 

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