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    2013 Sunset Strip Festival, 2014 THP Dallas, 2017 Hollywood Bowl

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  1. Well-said! I don’t get how anyone can imagine this being something like a cash grab or sacrificing the integrity of the short album experience. I mean GTG literally has the bookend outro and the album has been out for 5+ months. Anyone who would listen to the whole thing has likely done so and this is probably just the band and label taking the opportunity to stoke the fires of the comeback. Not to mention Mike's probably pretty excited about at least 10+ other tracks and sounds that he’s made over the last 7 years, and those who have listened to UFTB know this is not a track like Lost that feels redundant to anything on FZ. I expect all 3 tracks will be pretty fresh
  2. yeah exactly, Casualty, Overflow and Two Faced alone are all so different, I don’t see how UFTB couldn’t fit in at all. Like yeah it’s fresh and not redundant with any tracks on the accompanying album, but almost every LP song on every album since ATS fits that description imo (incoming “all OML songs sound the same” rebuttal)
  3. I personally can’t wait for the weird stuff lol, I kinda hope they do an official remix album or FZ bc that would give them some license to go for some interesting stuff short of an actual weird album Knowing how much Mike writes and some patterns from their discography, you know there’s gotta be at least one or two weird tracks, a Mike-led song, a 6/8 or swing track, acoustic track and things like that in the vault from the FZ era
  4. Why is this post written like we don’t know that it’s the name of the song and haven’t listened to the leak all morning?
  5. I agree with this, I'd just say though that just because it has potential and gets big marketing doesn't mean it's not a "B-side" in the sense that it was a discarded song from the final FZ tracklist. I feel like this could've still been written during FZ and not made the album the same way Lost was with Meteora. But we'll find out later I guess
  6. Mike's bridge is awesome. Overall the song is great, I feel like I personally enjoy it more than CTB, but too early to compare to anything else on FZ. I can see that it doesn't really add anything to FZ that's not already there, which makes me think this will just a b-side on a deluxe album rather than a double album. If there's another 9ish tracks coming on a second album, I hope at least some get weirder and are on the longer side
  8. Over Each Other is such a tight track, very cool to hear the bones of it. It’s such a vocally driven song, and yet the instrumental is so fun to listen to and that big side chained synth in HITC is something I never really noticed or appreciated, very cool
  9. I haven't caught it in the shows yet but I really enjoyed that little lick at 1:31 in Stained, idk if it's even him but that kind of bass is so rare in LP's discography it immediately jumped out at me:
  10. Yeah I can't believe I didn't hear this before, very cool also didn't hear the layers in cut the bridge, there's really a ton there also I have to admit that Mike is going way harder in Casualty than I thought, the effects are helping but there's some real grit coming from his performance too, pretty awesome stuff
  11. Im surprised I haven’t seen anyone make “The Emptiness Machine if Rob wrote on drums”. To my ear it’s the only one that really feels different
  12. Honestly any song they've never played live will be neat to have, and I'd personally love to hear SFN at the concerts I attend But more than anything I want more unique live arrangements. I love LOATR right now, but crave some interesting stuff like the Blackout/Papercut mashup or Wastelands/Runaway. I don't think we've really heard any major unique arrangements involving anything from OML or FZ yet for example, bring on an extended outro to Two Faced or IGYEIH that has me wanting to listen to live versions more than the studio ones Maybe play a melody from OML over an extended outro, do a verse from MTV somewhere, etc. These bits have always been my favorite and I loved the crazy arrangements 2014-17 and want more of that, less of unaltered studio songs
  13. And now we know that Pointillism is So Far Away
  14. Just uploaded it to YT, it's cool to hear so much crowd noise I feel like those drone shots are gonna get really old in the theater for the whole concert lol, hopefully they're not overused
  15. FINALLY! I hope this makes it on streaming at some point next year, if not right now to coincide with December Really looking forward to that and the current arrangements of WFTE and LOATR
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