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Everything posted by RogueSoul

  1. HAHA, MOTHERFUCKERS! Papercut. When your marked words were wrong
  2. You could technically include Don't Stay's DSPs under Foreword
  3. All 6 live versions of BTH will make it to the Top 6. Truth.
  4. SOMEONE VOTE FOR BY MYSELF OF LFY PLEASE. If you want to live, that us highly suggested.
  5. Can someone please hire us to work for LP management. Jesus.
  6. No need to question his list abilities; the community pitches in to help expand the list.
  7. Yesterday was brutal. When they cut COG I knew shit was going down lol
  8. Lorenzo commented on the situation: https://twitter.com/lorenzoerr/status/364150713015746560
  9. If FTI doesnt get AT LEAST into the top 5 I'll kill you all.
  10. Has anyone noticed that OSC on the setlist is written regularly and the rest are in caps?
  11. We wanted the old DSPs to be released so much, they gave up on the new ones lol
  12. Hell yeah. Skipees, make a list of best APFMH performances. These are fucking killer. Excited to see if they jam this hard to it on the Asia Tour.
  13. Oh my FUCKING god APFMH was AMAZING. Jesus. Mike went off!
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