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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Yes, any comment about the new album deserves to be here.
  2. Let's merge every comment the band or people that are close to the band has said about the new album, help would be appreciated. Warren Willis (Joe Hahn tech) ''Mike Shinoda is taking rock music to another level'' (LPU Chat) ''The band is experimenting with 8 string guitars, so some songs could be heavy'' (LPU Chat) _________________ Mike Shinoda ''The band is trying all kinds of things we haven’t before. First of all, we’re not in the same studio. All our previous albums (except MTM) were recorded at the same studio; this album is not being done there. All our previous albums were done with a producer at the helm; this album has largely been self-produced. We normally write in a organized and regimented style, recorded into the computer; this album has been the product of a mix of focused experimentation and free form jamming. We’re even tracking parts to tape instead of going exclusively digital.'' (Mike's blog) Full info. _________________ Chester -''I think we are really excited about this record just because i know that the music that we are making is fun for us to make'' (Fuse interview) -''Wholly FUCK Bradcis killing it in the studio right now!!'' (Twitter) -''Geki: How is the new LP album going? I cant wait. Chester: It's going great man. The new stuff is fucking heavy as shit dude. It is honestly the heaviest stuff that we have ever done by far. You guys are gonna love it, I can't wait for everyone to hear it. Geki: When is it going to be out? Chester: It's going to be coming out soon, we are working really hard on it.'' (Porsche Design M&G
  3. I wish i could stalk them and get some autographs.. would someone ask for an autograph dedicated to me? that would be so awesome.
  4. I remember that it appeared in the HTEP booklet. No problem dude, glad to help It was kinda hard lol.
  5. Who is the last vocalist in the song Until It Breaks? ''The last vocalist in that song is actually Brad, our guitar player and it's funny because i think if you know that it gives a little bit of eclipse in the process of how we write, we didn't get into a point when i know what we should do here we should bring Brad to sing this part, instead it was a melody idea that brad was working on 4 months earlier, the song got into all these changes but at the end it was Brad's vocal that suited the best so that's what stayed on the record. our process is not limited to someone on guitar, someone on drums and someone on vocals , it's a lot more free moving than that and there's a lot of flying variables around to the extent that Brad singing can make it into the record'' It isn't perfect but you will understand everyhting that Phi said.. i thought that you were american, where are u from?
  6. Tip to get the cellphone recording grab the great source, convert it to mp3 16kbps (or less) then convert it to midi.
  7. He knows some words, but he is not that great, he is not capable of doing an interview 100% in spanish.
  8. Could you PLEASE LPL rip the audio of the original file? 320 kbps mp3 would be very appreaciated! thanks.
  9. let's keep getting websites, ill organize them later. www.mikeshinodaclan.com this is a really good one.
  10. Probably a n00b thay watched the stream recording.
  11. 4 minutes is a joke for an event like the CFTP.. a 2 part video would be great.
  12. What is wrong with Fiore? he has hours of material and he releases a 4 minute Video? I assume that there is not going to be a part 2. I really wanted to ser more of the rehearsal, more about the interaction with the guests.
  13. Who can recommend me another great LP sites? I only visit LPA sometimes... and i'm full time here
  14. lol you are a teen who just met LP so everything should be fresh for u haha I wonder if you will stick with LP forever or it's just a season thing. Why u like LP?
  15. LFY has been around since the first Meteora tour, it's a great song but it would rather listen to something else. about ND it was released in 2009 so I still wanna listen to it, i love the epic intro.
  17. The site slongan, phrase or whatever you call it For the fans.. by the fans is not original, it's a cliche It would be fun if you run a competition to have a new slogan.
  18. I don't think that he's overrated nobody thinks that he's the best rapper alive, or the best singer, or the best guitarrist... he's just like Mario (the videogame character) his skills are balanced in a lot of aspects lol So according to my two polls... nobody gives a fuck about Brad? lol
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