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  1. You can listen to it on itunes as I am in the UK and listening to it.
  2. You also get a code depending on how you answered the recent survey as well, so I have 2 codes Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in a recent survey on LinkinPark.com. We noticed that you had indicated that Linkin Park was your favorite band but that you were not a current member of the Linkin Park Underground. As a token of our appreciation for your time and efforts, we are providing you with a FREE one-month trial to experience the LPU. Please use your unique code below to redeem your trial online-only membership. Again its emailed too you
  3. Thank you
  4. This whole thread is just one big LOL to be honest made me laugh reading everyones post, its like theres anew competiton seeing who can insult paramore the most...
  5. Crawling is what got me hooked on the band when i heard it way back! I think my favourite song has to be papercut its tuuune!
  6. this just came up on facebook if thats the one you ment? Linkin Park will be playing in Macao, China on Sunday, August 16 at Cotai Arena @ The Venetian. Tickets go on sale to the public on May 18th at 10am (local). Visit http://www.linkinpark.com for more info. Tickets are on sale for LP Underground members from now until May 17th.
  7. At the end of the day they have tried to do something fun and different afer the responce from lpu v7 and you either like it or not lol, i personally needed a laugh and thats what i got! but geez was that huge rant really necessary? afterall its just a little bonus, the band dont have to give you anything extra at the end of the day, like alot of other bands i listen to dont give extra music to members of there fanclubs so just let it pass lol
  8. cause tha would do anything...
  9. It is a PR08 show Not really. So chester lied? IMO i thought it was an awesome show not just because of the setlist or anything but because of the atmosphere, and at the end of the day if you didnt like the DSP then dont buy the dvd. Im personally looking foreward to it as it shows how there performance has changed from lit. im probably gunna get cained for writing my opinion but i dont reli care
  10. o.0
  11. what was so special about the MK date? was it JayZ? He was at MSG too... Just that i like all the bands that went part from one and then linkin park top of an already awesome day of giging. What more can you ask for?
  12. Miton keynes show was epic! Best day of my life to date {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif
  13. Id help cause i use the site all the time {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif I can edit all the pages with errors as i have far too much free time, and i can do some coding if needs be not too advanced tho and whatever else is needed cause i always check the site regulaly for news anyway
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