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Everything posted by nikusha

  1. also, I think Crawling is from Aerodrome festival in Prague, I've got a video and those vocals seems to be exactly the same
  2. I can't wait for Sharp Edges, they didn't play it in Prague this version of Crawling will always have a special place in my heart, it's hauntingly beautiful <3 also, it feels kinda wrong to type this, but we Europeans were lucky we got to see them perform songs from OML. I'm glad they'll release this .)
  3. beautifully written, Dylan! it still is so surreal..
  4. i won't be able to listen to this or watch it without tears in my eyes ever again.
  5. i feel wrong saying this, but at first, i wanted them to disband. what else could you do? there's no replacing Chester with someone else, it just would not work and I honestly can't imagine Mike singing No More Sorrow or One Step Closer.. but now I'm not that sure that's what I'd want them to do. I will respect every decision they'll make. to be honest, I'm kinda scared of the future :/
  6. twelve hours later and I still can't believe it. it just hurts. feels like a nightmare!
  7. damn it, I wish I could hear SE live! probably my second favorite song off OML
  8. well, this is what happens when they keep us waiting that long lol! the crowd yesterday was absolutely amazing. it was like we all were singing our lungs out (I certainly was ) hopefully they'll come back soon.
  9. Ó můj bože ano! I've got no idea how long I've been waiting for this ^.^
  10. we were pretty loud!
  11. yeah, but imagine how long it would take for those shows to sell out..
  12. yeah, the medley gets me every time.
  13. oh jeez, it was such a great show! i felt somewhat betrayed last year after their gig in Wroclaw but this was just flawless. i should probably also thank the crowd for creating a beautiful atmosphere )
  14. i can't wait any longer, i'm just so excited!
  15. i'm going but i am not attending meet & greet. maybe next time!
  16. yeah, I'm aware of that so obviously I gotta go!
  17. ugh, god knows how much we want them back in the Czech Republic.
  18. Austria is so close and yet so far away i would love to go to the frequency festival, anyone going and offering a ride from the Czech Republic?
  19. i'd love to go but it's too bloody far! i hope they'll come closer.
  20. me too! it's not even a week since i've seen them and i'm ready to see them again
  21. sounds really awesome. it's so good to hear 'real' instruments again
  23. i might take you up on that! i'll let you know, at the moment i'm not 100% sure i'll go.
  24. does anyone have an idea how much the tickets might be? i think about going since this is the closest they'll probably come to Czech republic. (fingers crossed still, tho)
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