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Everything posted by SpikeMinoda

  1. I had so far 1 guy for the first London show, so there was no need to post it so far But I will add you for the 2nd one and Berlin damn, might take some more days
  2. In this post you can find a list of LPL users who told me during the last week at what shows they will be and this are now the members listed for the shows. I think most of the users listed will be at the LPL Meet&Greet as well. Berlin Birmingham Dortmund Frankfurt Hamburg Herning Köln London 1 London 2 Manchester Paris Stuttgart Zürich The LPL M&Gs will be held after the shows at the box office
  3. Now we know, why Adam will be in Europe and why we have 2 London shows
  4. but only for South America Tour For Europe: Shows are typically available 3-5 days following the concert. xDDDD
  5. I still don't get why they are doing 2 shows in this area. They could announce a show in south eastern part of germany or in the center like Hannover, Kassel or something like this. But I like that they are playing in Dortmund as well So I have 4 shows and not 3 Ok, I was think about to go to Switzerland once again, but the Dortmund announcement made the decission very easy^^
  6. what did you expect? they have 5 sold out shows and the 6th one was announced later and the tickets are expensive^^ but it's fie so 1 show with not so many ppl
  7. check this post: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?s=&s...ost&p=97422
  8. They will support LP at all UK shows was already confirmed a few weeks ago at LPA, but we didn't post anything here
  9. the order on Joes laptop is always the same and has nothing to do with the order of the songs in the set, cause they don't change the spot of the samples for every tour I guess and since 2008 WID was played a few spots before SIB, I think it will explain why the order is like this I guess they will add some more songs for europe and for sure change the sets again, since they have 3 or 4 more tours after the europe one.
  10. Would be awesome to have LPL M&G's at almost every show of LP
  11. Happy Birthday Pooch, all the best for you See you later this month at 4 shows
  12. we have more admins not only Mark^^ Very nice thing really love it
  13. sometimes it's better to think about what you post before you do so! next time I give you a warning. So come down
  14. the worst performance was in 2005 Oo don't remember Live 8???
  15. I thought Santiago was on October 9, 2010 but maybe they correct it later on the site same with Herning October, 30 xDDD
  16. this post got 2 votes and this one as well. But rav0k got a 3rd vote later on.
  17. I think it's easier to list Empty Spaces to the song notes of WTCFM than list all Foreword as extra song but it's up to you
  18. The guy who told this is called: Mike Shinoda And yes he's a genius
  19. congrats nice to see that the guy won I voted for
  20. LOL at both topics this one and best ATS song I voted the one which the most ppl like or don't like xDDD The worst song in my eyes is Robot Boy, the lyrics are great but there is something wrong with the sound^^
  21. Iridescent I love the gang vocals so much, can't wait to hear it live later this year
  22. Yes, we did this already with JK but I love the T-Shirt idea as well very much
  23. I'm proud to announce today that we are going to do LPL Meet&Greets once again after the shows and if possible we could meet up also before the shows during the upcoming European Tour of Linkin Park. So far we can do the Meet&Greets in Germany and Switzerland for sure, cause we have staff members present at all 7 shows there and Mark might go to both London shows, so we would have it there as well. For the other shows it's up to you, if there are enough LPL members going we would appreciate having Meet&Greets there as well! It would be nice to get also some pictures of the members who attended the Meet&Greets. This will be only a Meet&Greet with other LPL members and not with Linkin Park We also came up with some nice ideas for this tour. Again we will have a poster for the tour which can be seen here. The poster was created by Overkill with some help by Toolkit04. We would like to give a huge thank you to you guys, this poster is awesome! We hope you guys like it as much as we do. But the poster isn't the only special thing that we have for this tour. As you guys already read in this topic we also have t-shirts. We printed some for the staff already. They look like this and will we worn by the staff members during the shows, so you can find them more easily. We'll also try to pin a poster for the Meet&Greet spot at the venue, so you'll know where the meeting point will be after the show. We also had the idea to print out the LPL poster in a huge format and get it signed by every LPL member who will be attending a German or Swiss show and will give it to Linkin Park during a Meet&Greet, if someone has won it, as well as an LPL shirt to Mike that we'll try to get him to wear on stage during the show! This would be a huge promotion for LPL and as we know Mike, I think he might even wear it. If you go to a LPL Meet&Greet please send me a PM and let me know at which city, so I create a list and post it shorty before the shows.
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