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Posts posted by letdownagain

  1. feeling like the only girl now. and i'm 20 so no worries


    are you guys gonna wait til the concert or listen first?

    I've already pre-ordered, so I'll probably listen first (my copy isn't supposed to show up until after the 14th anyway - lame). I did the same with MTM before Bamboozle when it leaked.

  2. I feel like I have to ask mckellynna's age now. Just in case Papelbon's gone all...

    Posted Image


    (...No thread should ever need that pic twice.)


    Sorry to the guys who can't go. I'm glad more people from the LPU got a chance at this. Anyone wanna guess how The Catalyst is gonna be pulled off live?

  3. I've been up all morning and just happened to get lucky and see the code on the event page. I've been in the LPU since year 1 and this is what I get for it. I was lucky enough to spend money.


    It's really hard to be excited about the new album when the other aspects of the band are becoming so flawed.

  4. The LPUer guessed it. I can safely say that she will probably more popular on LPU than Mark and Sal as of today!

    Yeah! I tried LPUX and LinkinPark2010, generic stuff like that. Presale codes seem way to easy now, but at least someone was able to get us the code, since the LPU really dropped the ball on this one.


    done! got em! woohoo!


    question: where are our seats? lol i dont even care at this point.

    It's GA.

  5. That kind of means nothing if Ticketmaster has 10 am to the public if they sell them, they will sell them. It shouldn't be this last minute to know what is going on.

    I know. I have no idea what the hell is up. I hoping that maybe if the Ticketmaster sale starts at 10am, maybe it can only be reached through a link from the LPU. I know that makes about 1% of sense (I've been to tons of shows and nothing like that has ever happened). I just can't understand why there's no info. If this goes wrong, between it and the LPUX bull, I'm going to be quite upset.

  6. The front page of the LPU has been redesigned to match the ATS artwork and it says that LPUX online memberships can be pre-ordered. LPU9 memberships are no longer available. Also it mentions that the LPU website will be moving from lpunderground.com to linkinpark.com/lpu and the"new" LPU will launch in October.




    Thoughts? It seems the LPU is getting totally revamped. Hopefully this means the CD still stays awesome!

    EDIT: There is a new 2008 unreleased demo available for download when you preorder, entitled "Pretend To Be"! Go check it out!

  7. Haha. They knew all these fans would be listening to the song, so those sneaky fucks (referring to LP) sent all the downloads out while we were all in awe of this song.

    Guess it makes sense before all the radio rips spread. NOW i'm wishing i pre-ordered it, lol.

  8. not really allowed to do that though. everybody at work knows how huge of an lp fan i am so they pretend not to notice. if you try to scan it, the register will say something like: NO SALE ALLOWED before 9/14/10. so i have someone manually key in the price and BOOM there you have it.


    employee discount too. having a shitty job sometimes has its perks.

    I have a feeling I might know where you work, but I'd be careful. Certain items are so hyped, if they're sold early, the company faces a large penalty for that. My former job once faced $10,000 if ONE copy of the a certain DVD was sold, but the box somehow made its way out onto the floor. Think of an Easter Egg hunt with a crazy amount of pressure.


    Sorry if that seems like a lecture, but I've seen long time employees get in a lot of trouble for this stuff.

  9. Awesome! Then they will probably release a large pic album cover (already seen the small one in the LP Email Header) and we will get to see the presale bundles!!!

    Currently, the presale is nowhere to be found (did he announce it too early?), but I'm hoping presale on lp.com = tracklist.

  10. Thanks for that. I extracted the audio from it to play it for someone. I thought some other people might want it, so here: (if you really need high quality 10 seconds, lol)



    It's a bit better than that mp3.


    I hope a clip goes up soon on Amazon MP3. They tend to post clips and the purchase page (with a not available tag) about a week before a song is released.

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