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About letdownagain

  • Birthday 10/10/1988

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  • LP Shows Attended
    8.2.04 Jones Beach, 2.6.06 Nokia Theatre (FM), 5.5.07 Bamboozle, 8.15.07 Jones Beach, 2.21.08 MSG, 7.22.08 Jones Beach, 9.14.10 Best Buy Theater, 10.14.18 The Fillmore (MS), 09.16.24 Barclays Center

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    New York

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  1. Knee-jerk, initial impressions are that a lot of the tracks have a very particular reverb sound with long tails and space echo-type delays, a lot of layering, and using vocal parts for texture. Two-Faced stands out and sounds like a Meteora-era throwback not just because of the structure and the guitar work, but because of the vocal processing that drops a lot of what the rest of the tracks have in common. Mike's vocal doubling and parts where that's bit-crunched and much drier comparatively to the rest of the album. It's a novelty listen, but it's fun to hear what's going on under the hood, so to speak. Also appreciate that manipulated vocals, like the scratching on Overflow, were left in. Intro on that track sounds a bit like a Crystallizer, maybe? That's why we need some kind of Mix With the Masters-type deep dive.
  2. TheGinge's post above is pretty comprehensive, but I'm adding the early bits that got missed that I was able to get by screen recording, plus Mike's last message after saying bye. I think with that, it's everything. Mike Shinoda: LP fans have countdown PTSD Mike Shinoda: hahahahaha Mike Shinoda: Welcome to FROM ZERO. This choir sound was in the last chours of Emptiness Machine Mike Shinoda: The voice in the intro is a kid. He is not pleased you keep thinking he is Emily Mike Shinoda: The audio is pausing for me as well. I assume the team is working on it. But it gives us more time to chat Mike Shinoda: Let's see how it goes from here. Also, the choir at the end of the album reverses into the choir at the beginning of the album (a loop) Mike Shinoda: Thank you all for being here. We love and appreciate you. See you on tour! B Y E Mike Shinoda: You can stay and chat with each other and play the album again if you like hahaha
  3. Vibe I got is that it’s the debut performance of each song. Does that track? I was anticipating them having a big week chart wise, but this with a new single/video, ahead of a tour announcement, makes me think it’s gonna be an extra strong outing. Curious to see what that looks like.
  4. Good lol. It was such a minor, but super audible thing in an otherwise sick performance that I was hoping this might happen.
  5. I got the second to last one after the show in NYC. They only had them at the main merch booth near the main front entrance. Based on what I'd read, the outside, pre-doors merch booth had 33, then inside had 100. I'm not sure about the accuracy of that, but given my getting one, I'm inclined to believe it. Pic of the cover I took a few minutes after buying it says 11:13 pm.
  6. How about the large majority of the Meteora material played on the LPU tour? Mike's memory this kind of stuff is notoriously bad. Song wise, I dig it. I appreciate the use of samples and Emily sounds solid. I get why people are saying it's "Meteora 2." I think it fits well in the camp of songs that got included on Lost Demos and the tempo and keyboard sounds give me a "More the Victim" vibe. Given that was my favorite of that bunch, I'm not mad about that.
  7. For what it's worth, I don't think the video is crummy at all. I saw some low-quality stuff online, some really bad automatic stabilization, etc. This looks solid to me. A little shaky? Sure. So's actually being there, though. It's Friday and I'm still feeling the pit! I'm the same way where bootlegs are such a large part of it for me, too, which is why a site like this is such a resource. Growing up with dodgy VHS tapes of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Docklands broadcasts was as much a part of becoming a Linkin Park fan as the albums were. I'm very much looking forward to what you've got coming up. Not to completely derail the thread, but I do wonder what percentage of LP fans went down the rabbit hole of getting into audiovisual media. That part with the Pro Tools rig on the back of the bus in Frat Party changed the trajectory of my life. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's not. Anyway, very cool to see someone similarly minded sharing here and behind the helm these recordings.
  8. The clip you shared sounds great. Thank you for making the effort to record this show and going into detail on the technical specs. Also another Logic user!
  9. I can be more articulate when I’m not getting up to go to work post-pit, but Keys to the Kingdom fucking ripped. Emily has it, 100%.
  10. Any idea if there’s Emptiness Machine CD singles tonight? Sadly, I can’t imagine I’ll be able to get there in time grab one if they do, but I haven’t seen anyone mention it.
  11. I’m in a similar situation. I ended up with an extra floor ticket which was for a friend and that plan just fell through; they can’t get out of work. I was hoping there might be a ticket megathread on here or Reddit, but haven’t seen anything. Looking on StubHub and that situation just grosses me out. No one should be paying that much and the fees involved are stupid. EDIT: Ticket gone as of this morning.
  12. Yes. I excluded those in part as those releases now inadvertently deadname him (the remaster of PT does not). You also edited out my bit about saying "in this particular context." Emily is a member of the band on "The Emptiness Machine". She is not on Post Traumatic and One More Light Live, therefore, not relevant in this particular context. Tone is weird over the internet, so I do want to say I don't mean this to sound aggressive or rude in any way, just expressing my initial intent/phrasing (or lack thereof).
  13. This is the first I'm seeing about her being openly gay, but along similar lines, the single (and presumably album) was mastered by Emerson Mancini, who openly identifies as a transman. For whatever that's worth in this particular context.
  14. Glad it updated! Hope you nab what you're looking for.
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