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Everything posted by easier2run077

  1. Thats what i meant..was up early this morning so my brain is scrambled.
  2. its time we kidnap adam...
  3. sitting on facebook having nothing to do all night contributed to my speed of posting lol
  4. if you look up 2 posts...i just posted this haha
  5. you thought correctly lol edit: from marks facebook status Decipher that message and it says 13 tracks on the cd and LP release on September 14. Oh dear. Photoshop. 13 layers. Definitely significant. Turn it sideways on layers like 8 or 10 and it says Linkin Park something September 14.
  6. he was pointing out another reason tylenol was invented
  7. i believe it will get clearer every so often
  8. LP management/adam from lpu could be doing one of 2 things right now 1. laughing at us. 2. crackin open the liqour because we're raising hell(probably not adam's case)
  9. i think the twitter crash effected it more. We'll hear soon, especially since that german report leaked
  10. youre going to school...and im going to bed. im sure this thread will have 34242 posts in 10 hours when i wake up...praying i wake up to good news..
  11. strange, says over capacity for me
  12. twitter is back up..nothing on there though(from lp)
  13. mikejoac is my username for the game
  14. i really like that song. that would be real cool.
  15. no need to call someone stupid just because they aren't familiar with that.
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