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Everything posted by zaneroks94

  1. the quality is just horrible. i mean i guess there's a slight resemblance to chester but that is not chester's style at all. and i can almost say that even the singing in that version was bad....at best it'd be a demo. plus didn't mike say the new album was keyboard and drum beat driven? where was that in the song...nowhere. EDIT: Just listened to the song again....it's only 2:53 min. long. Mike said the songs had a 4 min. average. and the second voice doesn't even sound like mike
  2. wow! really interesting. sounds like he was uploading music somewhere. and is he saying the rumor of Sept. release is fake? and album is supposedly gonna be released not that much later!!! and what entertainment mike, torture and laughing at us?
  3. These things tend to lead to nothing...especially the first day. There is no way to analyze and hack the image since codes like this can easily be manipulated. They can add on to the code any time and/or add additional images to it as well. The code only shows the image, nothing more for now. The best two guesses are that the image will either get clearer....or it is only the tip of the iceberg and that it will zoom out to show a bigger image. it may only be just the corner of the album artwork. EDIT: This is most probably the album artwork....no point releasing only a title to the first single or artwork of a single. Plus, we'll get the album title as well.
  4. hahaha....i agree with that. you should hear all i think in my head. it's actually more of me sounding like border insanity
  5. right on! by posting random stuff. i hope mike see's this and laughs
  6. by now, people are just posting random stuff waiting for LP. that's exactly what i'm doing in this post
  7. hahaha....not really funny though
  8. i'd laugh......like an insane man. he's probably been stalking our conversation this whole time ...gosh i love you mike. i can just see the smerk on his face as he's reading our endless conversations and ideas Let's Do It. Get Everyone to do it for the next 5-10 min. can't hurt that much with all we've already been through
  9. i've been thinking....maybe if we got everyone reading this post to logoff and go offline...then mike will post the update! hahaha
  10. wow, i've been gone for 3 hours and still nothing... looks like it really isn't happening today. anyhow, i'll help you guys out with reaching 1000; here's 983
  11. hey adam, do you know why the announcement's been delayed for so long or if i even need to keep waiting for the announcement today?

  12. i still have hope that LP will be releasing the announcement today. They all know how obsessed we are right now on this site....so they'd tell us that they're not releasing anything if they weren't. but they haven't all this time, which makes me think they might still release something
  13. it probably is. even mike wouldn't make us wait this long especially with no other news of anything for the last 24 hours. just daydreaming here, but perhaps they're trying to finish editting the video and release the video and single now!!! of course no, but hey! i'm just trying to cheer myself up right now.
  14. i would just laugh out loud if mike ment by his post on his blog that it be delayed for more than a few days and ends up not revealing anything today or tomorrow.
  15. love how phoenix found the time to post this on LP.com but nothing on the Big Announcement.....i've waited all night and morning
  16. well it's almost 12 over at LA. it could be a couple hours still before any notices.
  17. LP is coming alive again. I think we're start having a lot more excitement and news now. For starters LP Twit has just released that there will be a show in France on Oct 25. http://ning.it/c7fssB
  18. i have no idea why i'm still coming on here every 10 sec. to check....... the anticipation is now getting to me 24 hours after the "Big Announcement"
  19. i wonder what mikes doing right now......probably sleeping. and we're all sitting here waiting for probably no reason at all
  20. along with all he's said about it being "more cutting edge". i mean what other type of sound can you include with that type of a generalization? but hey, i love stuff like that.....anything like LOATR Remix is good with me. p.s. i'd call it futuristic sounding....not electronic (sounds cooler)
  21. i saw that tweet too....that's really interesting. makes you wonder just how exactly the music sounds like
  22. just saw this post by kerrang. http://www.kerrang.com/blog/2010/06/linkin...first_uk_t.html interesting stuff.....now i'm definitely excited for the tour and album
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