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Everything posted by FaiNt

  1. haha. I keep her happy anywho..... go mike!
  2. Lol, that isn't a novel by any means. I read what he posted while i was pissed off about something else. But nothing i said was wrong or an invalid opinion that i'm tired of having to explain. and me and my gf have a good love life, thank you very much and getting laid does own.
  3. led zeppelin released 6 epic records in a span of 7 years. There are countless of other bands that have the ability to make great/good a/many record(s) in a shorter period of time than it takes LP to make ONE. I really don't care about fanclub stuff. Iphone games, stuff that doesn't actually matter. Coldblooded was an exaggeration and should be taken as such. What is my unholy demand that I make of LP? That they perhaps... idk release music faster than it takes the earth to move around the sun? Or perhaps if that is impossible because they are the only "perfectionist" and can't do that. give little tid bits of whats going on with production of this "genre busting" album? Instead of spending time in minuscule activities. I have no prob. with lp doing activities other than stay in the studio for countless of hours. The prob i have is when it starts to seem like it unnecessarily effect the progress of the cd. The fans are not interested in cool iphone apps or what kind of painters mike enjoys. They are interested in the music. Let me restate. The Music. (Yes i know that fans are interested in these things.) I do keep up with other musicians, the only time i think about LP is when i come to this site. And really? "wanting so much out of LP". I'll gladly be called the worst complainer if you gather that from what i state because that is truly laughable. Because what i ask for would take sooooooooooooo much energy for the band to do. or time. LP please forgive me for being a consistent listener of your band, and wanting to hear about something thats going on with this new artistic push you have been angling for. As your first CD was your most "original" one to date. As your sophomore debt, while good, still lacked originality and showed little progress. Then 4 years later you give us a "compilation" of good songs that showed sign of promise in parts, but still lacked the depth and originality to be considered a great album. Now we are in the same predicament as we were with post met days, while waiting for MTM. You promise us, and repeatedly state that you yourselves want to release music faster, but never state how you would do that, or state what "faster" means to you guys. And you push back the date of the cd release and continue to give us no info that is worth glancing over concerning this new album. These fanclub "advantages" such as LPU Q&A with the band are the biggest waste of time, when the type of answers you give can be given by your management or your janitor from WMG. Thats cool that Chester toured with DBS. Thats cool you had an art show. Thats cool that you personally designed characters for your iphone game. Thats cool you have a 8 sec video from the studio of a laptop and Brad talking in his dry sarcastic monotonous voice about nothing at all. But instead of you know, keeping us in the dark for months at a time and so substance to really gather from this album, wth are you doing? I am just a fan asking for something worthwhile while we all wait for 4-5 years for a new cd that was promised to be fresh and come to us faster. Sorry for being a fan.
  4. Then they should really hold back from making comments like " we wanna release music faster" " blah blah blah"
  5. Actually, i listen to more bands than you can count, and prob. more bands than you do. LP is not even my Number one fav band. Actually they should listen to complaints as they take multiple years to make a CD that is generic as fuck. But sorry if all us fans should just bow our heads and dare not question how fast or get impatient on how long it takes to make a god damn record. They are pretty selfish by taking so long. If they want to go by their schedule and do things their way, then they should have making music as a hobby and not a profession.
  6. I didn't say it was completed either. I said NEARING completion. I stated the exact same thing you did. It would be utterly ridiculous for them to pause completing the cd just for a movie or collab. This sht should be already done or very close to be done. its a joke.
  7. Well, i was getting from what the poster said is that they are checking out mixers, which you can presume that the album is ready to mix, they just need a mixer.
  8. I was just going off of what that poster said. If i wanted to put words into mikes mouth i would be more accurate and state that next march at the lastest. Its really getting outta hand on how long they are taking.
  9. There really is no excuse for it not to be since its in the mixing phase. September the latest
  10. Yeah we are. Comments like this. I'm sick of people saying just cause they are lp, and we are fans, that we have to be like sheeps and just bow our head and wait and see if we are privileged enough to get any sort of info. It's about freaking time, and they take eons
  11. Thats when LP put on a good energized show and all of the band were into it.
  12. i don't like what they did with guitar of POA and Bridget Kelly sounds way better than Alicia Keys!
  13. i'd be royally pissed if they don't. but i wouldn't be surprised knowing them and their stupid "i'm scared of sharing things for fans that would be cool and keep them interested"
  14. Well in this industry you have to keep your name out there even if you're working on your album or you have people lose interest. Fact. I'm not asking LP to be circa. i'm not asking for demos. Hell demo names. I wanna see clips of them discussing production or showcasing some equipment. I'm not asking for clips of songs. Its not to much to ask for an album update. Since you know, we are the ones going to buy it. We are the ones they are doing this for, looking to inspire or to enjoy. Right now, they are giving us the finger, and being a little cold blooded.
  15. Thats wtf i've been preaching this entire time. Go look up Circa Survive and their Sequences videos. and tell me that isn't an awesome update from a band from the the studio.
  16. Yep. Which is kinda annoying. because i would like to see a traditional rock song for once from them.
  17. FaiNt

    3000 Members

    Can't wait for lp 4.0. I hope when LP releases their new album that this site gets a huge boost in traffic.
  18. Actually Lil Wayne sells a whole hell lot of records. The stuff you hear on the Radio is not Lil Wayne. lmao. Its just mainstream songs that will make him money. His other stuff is what makes him such a great rapper in this generation. Radio is mainstream music aka, music that listeners don't have to take time to get the full meaning of the song, they can hear it and it sounds "good and catchy". The same radio that LP plays on... i'm not saying LP sold out, but they certainly became more Mainstream.
  19. You are taking what i said out of context. I'm not saying that they should only play empty "carbon copy hard rock songs" i'm saying they should use some of their energy and put it to a song that is hard but yet holds meaning to them. Its not really that much to ask for some variety. That isn't selling out.
  20. I'm not asking for LP to sell out, i'm asking them to pick up their nuts and do what makes them sound best. Chester has a perfect voice for some hard rock and they are wasting it with bunch of ballads. I don't think we are asking for them to go back to nu-metal, we just want some freakin songs we can bang our head too.
  21. thats what i've been preaching for like the past two months!! They are really taking a long time, and not even remotely updating us on the thing we actually care about.... the music... aka... album
  22. haha i love that pic. i'm not mad, i'm just frustrated. my fav band, circa survive, did a complete series of vids of them in the studio, with clips of rough songs. i'm not even really asking for them to do that... just anything will be suffice..like talking about new instruments etc. true they don't have too, but its common courtesy to loyal fans and to keep ppl interested. being in a band myself, i knw not to think they operate lik anyone else, but im not asking for anything outrageous.
  23. why they hell should anyone have to fight tooth and nail just to get a freaking update? You GOT to be kidding me. I suggest you look at how other bands do things and how they treat their fans. and they do owe us, because essentially we are their employers. We give them our money, and we keep them going.
  24. the reason i speak out is cuz i do love other bands and they give their fans some actual updates. having to spend money for updates or ne thing is sad.[ as u tend to imply]. lp needs to work on that.
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