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Everything posted by Lakybird12

  1. NO ! i cant sleep after hearing chester say: "Lift Me up!!" omg i am cuming from my fuc**ng ears right now!@ holiy sh*t 12#@!#! who is with me!@#???????
  2. it's allready agoust one in israle! i want the song!
  3. well i never there when he go to lp.com... anyway tow more days to hear " The Catalyst" !
  4. Wait!@ that's mean that we gonna hear the Catalyst today?
  5. Damm I love this time..when there is a lot of news about lp and new snogs sneak peek.. i sad this before when we all hear the album and this is all over i'll miss the time in the LPL forum and Getting f**king excited about every little news! Cant w8 for the Catalyst*!@#
  6. Well i dont mine. there is a reason for Linkin Park to pick this one for the Lead and First single. so i think and sure that when i hear the song , I will understand Why.
  7. you right but you have too understand it's brand new linkin park single! if we here i LPL wont be worried about if we hear it or not , who will be ?
  8. i dont request for link but come on..put htis one on youtube or somthing =/ i cant hear the station.. can som1 give me direct link?
  9. can som1 say plese the time it will be air for all the ppl in israle? i cant wait to hear this one!
  10. where did you get the first one?! when chester sings till the bridge..how?
  11. well you right i wish Muse And Linkin Park do a song together. i Will Love That!@#$
  12. yea. but LP way better then muse on live show's!
  13. i mean it's sounds like lol mike raping and chester screaming on the chours. but you right i think the album goin to be diffrent but yet it will still be LP
  14. Blackout sounds like bleed it out number 2! who thinl the same?
  15. i know it was a mistake and i dont know how to fix it =/ sorry
  16. not exactly i dont know why i get good feeling about those titels cause alot of them so deep and correct about the world current situation.
  17. I want to hear the chours of the catalyst!
  18. Yea and just to remind you guys chester / mike i dont remember who exactly said that muse is the best live band they know
  19. Welll i think chester got desperet and start playing muse songs insted of lisent to mike and brad teeling him how to sing lol
  20. i have to ask somthing..in the new lptv episode Did Anyone else noticed that chester play at the start "Hysterya" by "Muse"? or it's just me?!
  21. Did Anyone else noticed that chester play at the start "Hysterya" by "Muse"? or it's just me?!
  22. OMFGFGFGFG Wisdom, Justice, And Love sounds like chester solo =] i think in Robot Boy it's mike raping and Blackout too. good such a wired cool names such an epic album it's giong to be! i want 30secondes sampler!@3
  23. Wait guys.. is'nt suppose to be world wide on radio premire of the catalyst? what i've done single premired before the actual single realesed. so why is'nt the same with the catalyst?
  24. THERE will be guitar on it.. there is no way for 5:43 minutes brad will look at mike and chester on stage and say: "my guitar is broken i dont know =/ " when his guitar no really broken..
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