He literally said "I don't like it" in another interview, but he didn't single out that band specifically. He was talking about watching any LP cover bands that include a vocalist who tries their best to sound and look just like Chester, of which there are more than one, and how they quickly shot down any thoughts of getting a Chester soundalike to bring back LP. He ended up saying "That's good for their band and what they do, but I don't want that in our band".
I get the feeling that he personally doesn't like the concept of cover bands at all, since there was also an interview where he implied that if a band is good they should tour on their own music instead of someone else's, while at the same time I'm sure he appreciates the fact that he's able to say that LP even have tribute/cover bands. So he's never going to be so blunt as to say "I don't like cover bands that play our music", but he has made it pretty clear over the last few years that he isn't a fan.