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About gast

  • Birthday 11/05/1989

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  1. Still available: https://linkinpark.warnerrecords.com/en/linkin-park/music/from-zero-limited-edition-zoetrope-vinyl/093624839859.html https://store.warnermusic.ca/products/from-zero-limited-edition-zoetrope-vinyl
  2. Hybrid Theory's 20th Anniversary LP Underground 20 (larger size) Meteora20 MS Store
  3. Cover 2000x2000
  4. The last text in Ukrainian - "normal delivery, normal price". Yes, most likely these are random text and have no meaning..
  5. from MS instastories
  6. https://www.mediafire.com/file/2eh5tyhhppvunlt/2001.01.26_Seattle_Endsession.zip/file
  7. Can someone upload Freestyle from I'm Serious Mixtape (length 1:21, not 1:06) and Freestyle (Demo) from DJ Vice's MySpace ?
  8. Hi guys! Looked the list of LPTV-LPUTV-Other videos, compared to the my list, I saw that some are not present in the list, namely: Chester's Broken Wrist (shots are in video NZ - AUS Tour) Mike guitar paint US Tour 2008 (2:22, maybe this video - LP Widget, Mike shows the LP.com - lptv, news, etc.) Projekt Revolution 2008 TV Spot (maybe this video has another name and there is in the list Others) LPTV - Making of 'The Catalyst' Music Video Transformers Trailer (00:51 scenes about creation of a new divide + scenes from the movie) Behind the Scenes of Iridescent Music Video (1:02) Secret Show in LA Announced to Benefit Japan DeLuna Festival Announcement Linkin Park is coming to Jakarta Sep. 21, 2011 Linkin Park to Perform at Transformers Dark of the Moon Premiere in Moscow LPU Summit - Chicago LPU Summit - Sydney, Australia Mark Fiore LPU Chat MFR Home Build (lpu 9 exclusive) LPU Members Clean Up Auckland for Music For Relief GLXS_DIES_FINAL_small (11:21 video about Glorious Excess - Dies) Glorious Excess Born (12:42 video shot by Mike with various shots of ceremonies, flight, the airport, etc.) Also there is short video where Brad talks in studio to a dog (~ 2007)
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