Before I post I listened all of these
1.New Divide cause this is the only song of the five which has the energy and the power what I expect from LP.The bridge is awesome,Chester has perfect voice on this.
2.Blackbirds cause it has some rap but a expect more,plus its still to soft for me,theres no guitar riff,the melody is right and its good cause its anew song
3.Not Alone cause the bridge,the electric sound what Mr.Hahn did is awesome,it remembered me the intro of Lying From You(which is one of my favorite)
but the singing style is not the best and I think this beat style need some rap part.
4.Across The Line cause the best part of the song is the "Its your time"scream
but the hole song is soft for me.but its totally a MTM song
5.Lockjaw cause it has the right melody but its an instrumental song and I prefer full songs
I like all of these but if I listened their old stuffs I feel its bare for me
I want to hear cadent verses and crazy choruses like (Figure.09,Lying From You,With You,In The End,Qwerty,