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Everything posted by franticfreak

  1. Im pretty sure, jonas made his way in with his cam
  2. http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/8238/33...61059739376.jpg thats the best image jonas did
  3. It would badass if they would realy play the full HT Metallica did that too 2006 i think with Master of Puppets^^ The people who go to the Meet and Greet should ask them about it
  4. Is it just me, or is the Intro damm boring? I think W&K is the wrong song to open a show....
  5. Dude, you dont getting my point! I know its a world tour for ATS, and its okay that they do play songs of that album, every band does! BUT the thing i dont getting in my head is, why they waste so much times with their interludes? why do they JUST play their singles again and again and again? You said They care not to give me the same thing over and over again because they know how boring it is to listen to the same kind of thing repeatedly and even worse for them, to make the same kind of thing repeatedly They give you the same songs since years, always OSC, always Crawiling, always In the end etc... Why not Runnaway? why not with you? why not something diffrent from Meteora? Sure, its cool the bring back papercut, but should i be happy about that now at all? My thoughts, kick out these stupid interludes and 2-3 ATS songs, and bring back some stuff they havent played since years! [/i]Alot other bands listen to their fans, LP dont! They dont must be happy with their shows, they MUST make their fans happy, cause WE are the people who pay ALOT cash for them!
  6. Ture, you cant make everyone happy, but you could at least try it...and LP is one of the only bands I know, wich dosent even try it... Im pretty sure, that if they would at least play With You, or some other older classics live, ALOT fans would be happier But no, we get the same singles since 2001!!!
  7. When its allowed to be happy with the new LP, then its also alowed to not be happy and complaining right? Its a open world where i can say my thoughts! Maybe mike or someome read this topics here (they are visit LPL i think) and he see that not EVERYONE is happy with their new shit! The fact that they dont give a shit about their old fans who made them to the LP you see today makes me sick, there are bands like Korn, Metallica etc who are still amazing but on their live shows they do alot old songs and the people enjoy it way more then the new stuff! But whatever...LP dont have the nuts to do it caus they probably think they will lose their new emo kiddi fans, dunno...
  8. Time might go on, but they should listen to the ppl who helped LP to be what they are today and not just to the "new" fans since MTM
  9. Well, to be serious, i have expect 4-5 songs from the new album, but not almost the full one! Its sad to see, that they kicked out alot older songs, its always a question of your own taste sure, but i thought/wished that they would play more older songs or/and atleast some songs they havent played for years now! AND i was hoping that they will do The Blackout, its the only song i like from the new album, and they dont play it....
  10. 11 new songs...are you kidding me linkin park? this sucks so bad..i think i will sell my ticket, wont pay 70 euro for shit like that!!
  11. I think as a fan i can say what i think, noone tell you to shut the fuck up, so noone has to tell me to STFU get me? good!
  12. This isnt Linkin Park anymore, all you guys can like it sure, its your decision, but you also have to see the point that alot people might not like the new style LP do! alot people bitched about MTM (me too) but now i realy would like hear it insteed of ATS... And yes, we can judge by 30 seconds if a song is great or not for our own taste, and my taste say "NO FUCKIN WAY" The blackout is great sure, i love it when chester screams, but the rest of the album? common is just ballads most of the time...where is the heavy linkin park most of us older fans felt in love with?
  13. from what i heard...i just like blackout...the other songs...well, i dont like them at all....i dont get it why LP did smtg like that
  14. I miss Brad and Phoenix in this video...they arent onscreen alot
  15. Havent saw it on mtv.de but it was on MTV tv now, video is pretty kick ass, but the song still sucks a little bit, its okay, but nothing more for me. But video is realy great, good job from Hahn again
  16. MTV.com or MTV.de ? and where exactly can we see the clip in 38 mins?
  17. compared to other bands a 90 mins set isnt that bad at all guys, korn for example (doing music since 93, 8 albums) doing just 70 mins sets!!!! So 90+ mins are pretty good! But like i said befor, it will be almost the same setlist like 2007/2008 My thoughts for the setlist are: Breaking the habbit One step closer In the end POA Crawling Somewhere i belong Fait Bleed it out etc etc typical single playlist incl. 3-4 new songs maybe! But i still HOPE to get With you and/or Runaway, thats all i care for^^ when they play at least one of those both songs i dont care what they play else Why not?^^ Show will be taped so or so
  18. 25 mins HT 25 mins Meteora 25 mins MTM 25 mis ATS but i doubt that we will hear something diffrent now! All the years they just played their singles..it wont change now at all!
  19. Why high? just because i dont like the CD? For me LP changed to much, i dont like their change, am iam a bad fan now? i doubt! I dont like all the stuff like DBS, Julien-K, Fort Minor etc etc its not my music taste! and LP sounds like it now... So sure, i wish they will play some classics thats the only reason i go to their live shows, to listen songs from HT and Meteora, dont realy care if they play stuff from MTM or ATS
  20. I hope so much for older songs....i would kill to hear "With You", "Runaway" "By Myself" etv live...but i doubt will ever play them again....no its all MTM shit
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