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Posts posted by HybridThe0ry97

  1. lol! i rather see a Eminem collab!

    I'm not disliking Michael Bublé but his music isn't my thing, but i respect what he does!

    That's a good idea but it just wouldn't work. Radio hit collabs are generally a man and woman or a man and a man with an accented voice. Two solid rappers just won't sell the amount that it'd cost to make it.

  2. Wow...read this article. This is how bad Chester used to be with drugs and drinking...it's crazy.




    ''I took everything, he says. I got really, really bad. I was doing a ton of LSD and a lot of drinking. I got really bad, really quickly. On a normal day, my friends and I would go through an eight-ball of speed. We were smoking it in bongs - I was doing bong-hits of meth. It was ridiculous. Then we'd smoke opium to come down, or we'd take pills, or I'd drink so much that I'd shit my pants. It was not pretty''.


    The whole article tells a lot more about his childhood too...wow. I never knew how bad his life really was...

    I've never read this before. This is a really good article!

  3. You guys are the epitome of immature. I've listened to more music than basically any of you combined and have written music more talented than anything that's appeared on any Linkin Park record. I can cite numerous examples of bands that are writing with depth, heart, meaning with thoughtful melodies, deep lyrics, and a message they're trying to say. Linkin Park has none of this and while I discovered them at a time when I had basic virgin ears and have held on to that love since then, I have grown up but it seems like they won't evolve with me. As I discovered new music with heart and soul(we'll be burning inside the fire of a thousand suns is NOT deep) I hoped that as they got more records under their belt they'd move forward with me, not digress as they have so much. It's become more and more obvious as the records go on that this band is a one trick pony who have to consistently add bells and whistles to make it SEEM like they're being artistic. If I picked up an acoustic guitar and covered "The Catalyst" nothing would reach out to you because there's nothing there. Buried underneath these walls of sound and noise there's nothing, there's no heart, no soul, nothing being poured into the music, it's just sound. It's like a robot and I had hoped that they would evolve past that. Minutes to Midnight, while a poor album, showed that they WANTED to move past that but maybe it's time I accepted that they simply can't. Regardless, yuo guays makeang fun o f me becuase fo the way i splel shwos a distinact lckac off argumeant on ur part.

    1) You sound bitter and it appears as if you joined yesterday just to vent it out? Go to some other site and do that.

    2) A lot of these kids are younger and haven't had a chance to mature. It doesn't make anyone immature because they are at a stage of intellectual development where they seek out instances of depth to reflect on the layers they see within the world.


    Take your drama elsewhere, kthx.

  4. People can genuinely like songs that you don't like. I like this song, especially the ending. It's not the best thing that Linkin Park's ever done, but it is really cool. It's an epic song in structure and has some really cool moments.

    You are misunderstanding what I'm saying. It's not that the song is just McDonald's dumpster writer's bloc scraps, it's that the song sucks when weighted as a first single. This is a horrible first single choice. If this had been some misc song on the album it would have been a lot better to me.

  5. It really doesn't matter what intellectual level the song/album adds up to. If the song blows then it blows.


    At first I liked the song and it was growing on me. But now I'm really sick of it. It is repetitive and a total let down. Those who deny it are just trying really hard to be dedicated to the band. And that's cool, but the song is honestly junk.


    EDIT: This song will tank as far as sales go in comparison to their other hit/lead singles.

  6. So if I added it correctly, those 6 tracks equal about 26-27 minutes. That means there are 9 tracks that take up only 19 minutes? According to that article, I forget which one, the album is set to be 45 minutes.


    How many actual songs will there be?

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