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Everything posted by Numbrocker

  1. http://www.twitpic.com/2b19kx I can't believe it! We're trending worldwide!! This shows the LP fans are EVERYWHERE!!!
  2. We're trending WORLDWIDE!!!! HELL YEAH LP FANS!!!
  3. It's awesome!!! I love Linkin Park!!!
  4. So excited!! Chester interview and then Catalyst!!
  5. Erg. Where is it??? But bonus Chester interview!
  6. Holy crap I'm excited. I caved too and I'm listeing on the radio. Last song before!
  7. I'd delete one of your posts. You're not allowed to double post.
  8. If we're going by the rumor, then we have 14hrs to go.
  9. I don't think the text is LP or Mike. It sounds like LP Australia got the information and typed that themselves. Now whether this is true or not is to remain unseen. However, you've convinced me enough that I'm staying up till midnight PST.
  10. That's good. But do you know if this 12pm PST thing is real or not?
  11. How is the single going to be out at midnight on iTunes? People who pre-ordered are supposed to get their's FIRST. So that means that this thing about 2pm (Central time) being the release time is a lie, or iTunes is going to release the single later. However if the single is released on iTunes first, I'm going to be a bit peeved.
  12. 3PM for those in the EST time zone. This sucks. I knew deep inside that it would be something like this, but I was really hoping to get it today. I'm trying not to hear any leaks, but it'll be all over the internet by then.
  13. +1 This mix is really growing on me. I think there was a bit of a shock factor when you first listen to it, since it's not what people were expecting, but you need to listen to it a few times. And once again congrats Chex!! You seem like a really nice guy!
  14. Yours was one of the 3 I mentioned!! I really hope they use your mix for something!
  15. Aww. Even though I didn't really like the mix, I felt so happy for him. He seems very nice. I also felt pretty happy for everyone that Mike mentioned. That must've been quite the thrill to hear Mike mention your name and to see the band actually listen to your mix. Also happy to see that 3 of my favorites were in the top. I hope they get the chance to be B-sides or on LPTV. I think its great that they might have more winners. Congrats!
  16. Me too! *high fives* I feel bad because there's like 5 mixes I can think of off the top of my head that I liked better. But this is LP's contest. Still congrat to Chex for winning.
  17. Dunno how I feel about this. Too "electronic" for my tastes. In the middle of the song I thought my computer had froze or something. lol. Really didn't like the intro, but the rest is ok. It's cool that's he's an English teacher from Poland. I got the weirdest mental image of one of my English teachers trying to do a mix. Congrats Chex.
  18. I'm hoping the PA isn't for cussing (though I didn't know they put it on for anything besides that). I don't really like cussing in music. Given is a good example of why. Seems very unecessary most of the time.
  19. I want this song SO BAD!!! I'm so happy with the way LP is going. Chester singing "lift me up"
  20. I think the world would implode if LP fans were all happy with something. 6 More days and then we can really judge this song. It's quite hard to do with a 30sec clip from a 5+ min song. Personally I love that LP is taking a new direction. Adam's posts have me even more excited! 6 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!
  21. I can't remember, but he said it was from an LP site. But I hadn't seen it so I told him it wasn't true. As to the song. Brad might be hear, but I think it sounds fine without him. And you KNOW he'll be in every other song. (except maybe Joe's instrumental)
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